CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bibi is behind in the polls in Israel. He needed something to revive his campaign. That is ALL this was. I'm guessing it failed, but we will see. It wasn't a great speech, and he offered no solutions. It does not make you a patriot to support Israel. Not one dime, nor American life should be spent in defending Israel. Israel was a mistake in 1947, and they have cost us untold lives and dollars. What have we gotten in return? Nothing. Except a demand that we keep it coming, even at the expense of our own security.

Now some nitwit is going to post that I'm anti-Semitic. Bullshit. I don't care. The fact is that after WWII the international community, led by the USA, decided that they needed to take land away from people who had lived there for over 2000 years, and give it to the Jewish people, because we felt so bad for them. Then we expect the people who had lived there to just say, "Oh, OK. Here you go. Just let me grab a few things, and I'll be off my ancestral land in no time. Good luck with your new country!"

If they wanted to give some land to the Jews, why not give them part of Germany? They're the ones who did the persecuting. But no, "God" gave them the Holy Land. Really? If you believe that, keep reading. "God" took it away, too.

But perpetual war is good for business. That's for sure.
  • shanm
  • 03-03-2015, 11:24 PM
Bibi is behind in the polls in Israel. He needed something to revive his campaign. That is ALL this was. I'm guessing it failed, but we will see. It wasn't a great speech, and he offered no solutions. It does not make you a patriot to support Israel. Not one dime, nor American life should be spent in defending Israel. Israel was a mistake in 1947, and they have cost us untold lives and dollars. What have we gotten in return? Nothing. Except a demand that we keep it coming, even at the expense of our own security.

Now some nitwit is going to post that I'm anti-Semitic. Bullshit. I don't care. The fact is that after WWII the international community, led by the USA, decided that they needed to take land away from people who had lived there for over 2000 years, and give it to the Jewish people, because we felt so bad for them. Then we expect the people who had lived there to just say, "Oh, OK. Here you go. Just let me grab a few things, and I'll be off my ancestral land in no time. Good luck with your new country!"

If they wanted to give some land to the Jews, why not give them part of Germany? They're the ones who did the persecuting. But no, "God" gave them the Holy Land. Really? If you believe that, keep reading. "God" took it away, too.

But perpetual war is good for business. That's for sure. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Finally some sense came out of oldTart, hehe.

Sidenote: I also like that you have Ron Paul quoted in your display. Honest to god, If Ron Paul ever got the GOP nomination, I would vote republican for the first time in my life.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Finally some sense came out of oldTart, hehe.

Sidenote: I also like that you have Ron Paul quoted in your display. Honest to god, If Ron Paul ever got the GOP nomination, I would vote republican for the first time in my life.
Originally Posted by shanm
Stick around, sonny. You might learn something.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Haaretz poll: Netanyahu gaining strength with 25 seats, while Herzog falls to 23
New Haaretz-Dialog poll gives Likud three more seats than those predicted in last survey, in January.
By Yossi Verter 19:15 02.02.15

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud would win 25 seats and the Labor Camp would secure only 23 if elections were held today, a new poll conducted by Haaretz-Dialog found on Monday.

Netanyahu is doing better in the U.S. as well:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You just cant rally patriots around a lump of shit no matter what office he hi-jacked. Originally Posted by rioseco
you are an inpgnorant, hate mongering liar,Cornholio. Nothin in your post is true or accurately portrays world affairs.

you are lower than nothing, you ignorsnt fuck.

Remember that when you spend taxpayers money tomorrow.

Dumb scum.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who is inpgnorant?
LexusLover's Avatar
Who is inpgnorant? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That is Nau-esse gor someone who sits on a stool at the soda fountain in Nau's outside of Clarksville and learns nothing from the local pharmacy gossip boys.
  • DSK
  • 03-04-2015, 05:47 AM
you are an inpgnorant, hate mongering liar,Cornholio. Nothin in your post is true or accurately portrays world affairs.

you are lower than nothing, you ignorsnt fuck.

Remember that when you spend taxpayers money tomorrow.

Dumb scum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
After reading this post I went back and read some of your posts. You are exceedingly angry about something and you lash out at several posters quite often and hit them with hard statements. You seem very upset with people who disagree with you, and it seems out of proportion to their responses to you.
While I agree it is not proper to insult the President in the manner of some on this board, I suspect it is more frustration on the part of his detractors than a firmly held belief the President hates America. After all, he works every day to improve it, just not in the way his opposition prefers.
What can I do to not incur your wrath? I come in peace.
You are the sack who sarcastically stated that the USAs foreign policy now originates in Israel. I just followed up with a couple suggestions that you might prefer. Originally Posted by rioseco
Tell me again what was his alternative plan? Right, he didn't have one it was just a pep rally for idiots. Unless the elephant in the room was they were going to use nukes to secure Iran doesn't get nukes.
Tell me again what was his alternative plan? Right, he didn't have one it was just a pep rally for idiots. Unless the elephant in the room was they were going to use nukes to secure Iran doesn't get nukes. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The only alternative plan now is a war, and that is not going to happen. Nobody had the will 15 years ago to take out any Iranian Nuclear Sites when the cost would have been much less, so we darned sure are not going to risk a war now.

The agreement will go through, and in a few years, Iran will have enriched enough fissionable material to make some bombs, and that is when the real drama will begin.

Nothing like a bunch of Religious Fanatics having the means to fulfill their prophesy, ie, kill the infidels.

We in the US don't really have to worry, a 20 Kiloton fission bomb can only take out a small city.

Our Supreme Negotiator (NOT) has boxed himself in...Obama has a problem, not Netanyahu!
It is bizarre for the administration to concede the point that the concessions described are dangerous and in fact being offered. It is even more bizarre to suggest after saying sanctions worked to bring them to the table and then say sanctions would chase Iran away and that we have no option other than war. Bizarre but not unexpected. Either by design or ineptitude, the president has put himself and the world in a tight spot.”
Update -

When you give the Iranians everything they want, they just want more. And, lo and behold, in the midst of the uproar over Netanyahu’s speech, along comes none other than Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif to set matters straight:
MONTREUX, Switzerland (Reuters) – Iran rejected on Tuesday as “unacceptable” U.S. President Barack Obama’s demand that it freeze sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years but said it would continue talks on a deal, Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reported.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met a day after Obama told Reuters that Iran must commit to a verifiable halt of at least 10 years on sensitive nuclear work for a landmark atomic deal to be reached.”Iran will not accept excessive and illogical demands,” Zarif was quoted by Fars as saying.
There you have it — the perfect signal the Iranians aren’t really interested in a deal but wish to continue to play the Obama administration for suckers on into oblivion.

Read more:
LexusLover's Avatar
What's the big deal. Iran can just buy them and the delivery system from North Korea.
What's the big deal. Iran can just buy them and the delivery system from North Korea. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Good point.

And, if Kim Dung Dipshit PROMISED President Obama that he would not sell any Nuclear Weapons or Missles to Iran, President Obama would consider the problem solved.
What's the big deal. Iran can just buy them and the delivery system from North Korea. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If they could, don't you think they would've already? North Korea is crazy but they aren't stupid. They launch a few missiles and rattle their sabers and then we cut them a check to play nice. They have no interest in a real war. Not right now at least. They have exactly what they want at this point in time.