Do we recognize the one on the left?

SpiceItUp's Avatar
Thanks again Spice for attempting to apply some semblance to reasoning.
Take this hypothetical situation as an opposite of what happened.
High society hobbyist takes high end provider out to the Spring Gala, the two wind up on the society page as John X and his mystery date. Fellow hobbyist recognizes the provider and crops out John, posts pics saying "Betty Big Bucks spotted at the Spring Gala." As long as John is left out of the scenario, there's no Real World info out there, except that Betty was at the gala.
Same goes for the opposite, this time Betty was spotted in the back of the police cruiser. Betty still has her identity hidden until the police release it...
Even if the thieving BP whore has a handle/account here, where does she get protection from the guidelines? How is her protection more important that the guys she sees and then robs?
Tough question, but you're a brought young lad, I'm sure you've got a ready made answer all ready for us. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
Its not a tough question at all it's very simple. Refer to the portions of the guideline I bolded a few posts up. See :"Images".

Essentially any image of a member not used for advertising purposes or taken in a session and posted with permission is considered protected. If someone posted your example images of Betty it would fall under those protections.
It's a conversation, not a dick slinging contest. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
You tend to try and over simplify this. You took this thread away from a simple conversation back with your first post.

Let me put it in another context. In an earlier post, you implied that Zed was attempting to out somebody, which can and should lead to banning. Look at both of your first two posts.

You are aware that this is considered outting, right? Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Connecting a provider who may be a member/ has reviews here with anything, including a link and "pointing in the right direction", that contains their real name is outting. Plain and simple. Nobody60 just put himself in the crossfire by completing the circle.

You guys really should acquaint yourself with the rules before you keep posting shit like this.

Everyone is entitled to their privacy, a principle that seems to be slacking a lot around here. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
All Zed was trying to do is hint that this whore had been busted.

Perhaps the next time you imply someone had broken whatever rules are enforced you know what you're talking about.

So, no, this is not a simple conversation.
Like I said, you're a bright young lad, had it all figured out. Either case, Betty at the gala, or Betty busted would both violate guidelines. Good to know. Thanks.
HV, I don't remember any name calling, but if I did, apologies offered.
I just couldn't see where you went from OP's initial warning directly to outing. If that's what you got out of the first post I think your priorities are messed up. Luckily the thieves weren't members and there's no harm done. But even if they did happen to be members I think that's the purpose of the site, to make others aware of possible dangers. If the post had been a guy raping providers maybe you'd have different feelings about it.
Personally I think by the time the arrest was made, any protection should be forfeited, and warnings should be order of the day. But that's just my take on it.
My priorites are just fine; I'm just as content watching the dominos fall.
Forget I even mentioned it, fellas. Topic: There's a whore in jail.

My delivery was a bit coarse, as usual, but I was pointing to another issue.

Sorry for the derailment.
tyboy1's Avatar
I didn't try and find it but there was an alert or something on the blonde here that she robbed a member here. Sounds like Karma got her.
ognob's Avatar
  • ognob
  • 04-23-2015, 09:51 PM
i remember a previous alert on the fat blonde that reveled her linkedin account.....smh.
i remember a previous alert on the fat blonde that reveled her linkedin account.....smh. Originally Posted by ognob
How many connections did she have?
junglemonkey's Avatar
Hahahahahaha.....stupid whores!
KaitlynDior's Avatar
I didn't try and find it but there was an alert or something on the blonde here that she robbed a member here. Sounds like Karma got her. Originally Posted by tyboy1