What If Biden Is Elected?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I think Trump should just ask Joe "Finger Bang" what he had for breakfast that day. Or how many days of the week end with a Y.

OK, OK . . .but what if Trump is NOT elected? Will Biden be a puppet with Pelosi, Schumer and AOC pulling his strings?

I do want to see the first presidential debate: I want to see Trump say, "I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. Upon the silted sheet I sit". Then challenge Biden to say the same thing.

Sally sells sea shells, by the sea shore near sea shell city.

A skunk sat o a stump.
The stump said the skunk stunk.
The skunk said the wstump stunk. Originally Posted by ICU 812
  • oeb11
  • 06-17-2020, 08:39 AM
Response to post #27

9500 may well be torn with "White Guilt" for being born Caucasian - and responsible by Lib definition for slavery, inequality, racism, and athletes's foot.

Characterized Biden well, however to call anderson cooper with mother gloria Vanderbilt as "fag and a hag"????

What is the world coming to ?? I don't care about Anderson cooper's sexuality or his rich Mom - he is the Elitist epitome of white privilege and a darling the LSM media - and to criticize the icon is to stray from the LSM narrative Fold.

the Anti-Fa thought Orthodoxy brigade will be on ur doorstep, 9500- best arm yourself - or the CHAZ terrorists will ahve you in their chambers shortly!!!

hell hath no fury as the LSM narrative Spurned!!
adav8s28's Avatar
And what's your point?

Now, how about that "Federal Debt"? So....you believe the "Federal Debt" is unimportant in the short and long term?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Point is after Obama got the deficit down to 585 billion, Trump has increased the deficit back to a Trillion dollars. Cutting the Corporate tax rate to 20% did not lead to 5, 4, or even 3% GDP growth and it has increased the deficit back to a Trillion. Long term debt is important. You must get in to a budget surplus condition before total US debt can be reduced. Trump has gone in the wrong direction with the deficit.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LL, the Federal Budget deficit and the Total U.S. debt are TWO DIFFERENT things. I was talking about the Federal Budget Deficit. The accounting period starts in September, not January. When Obama left office in 2016 the deficit was 586 billion. He inherited from Bush43 a Trillion dollar deficit. Now your other Hero Trump is back to running Trillion dollar deficits. Trump is outspending Obama.

Slick Willie Clinton was the last president to have a surplus instead of a deficit and that was a small surplus. Unless you end of with a surplus condition you will always add to the total U.S. debt.

https://www.thebalance.com/us-deficit-by-year-3306306 Originally Posted by adav8s28

probably the most ignorant post on the debt/deficit ever in ECC history.

pay attention. we will be having a pop quiz later..

a deficit creates .. debt.

your God-Punk Obama is the King of the debt


prove me wrong.
adav8s28's Avatar

prove me wrong. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The first president to introduce a Trillion Dollar deficit was your other hero Bush43 in 2009. The accounting period for the Federal Government is from Sept - Sept. So, five months of that budget belong to Bush43. Obama reduced the 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit he got from Bush43 into the 400 billion range. The year Obama left office it was 585 billion in 2016. Now Trump is running Trillion dollar deficits due to big Corporate tax cuts he passed.

It's all in the link. Just go through it year by year.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The first president to introduce a Trillion Dollar deficit was your other hero Bush43 in 2009. The accounting period for the Federal Government is from Sept - Sept. So, five months of that budget belong to Bush43. Obama reduced the 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit he got from Bush43 into the 400 billion range. The year Obama left office it was 585 billion in 2016. Now Trump is running Trillion dollar deficits due to big Corporate tax cuts he passed.

It's all in the link. Just go through it year by year.

https://www.thebalance.com/us-deficit-by-year-3306306 Originally Posted by adav8s28

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.

so by the same writer .. she has proclaimed Obama the DEBT WHORE

thank you valued poster!
adav8s28's Avatar
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.

so by the same writer .. she has proclaimed Obama the DEBT WHORE

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The same writer also said this:

US Economy and News National Debt
National Debt Under Obama
Three Methods to Determine How Much Obama Added to the Debt





By Kimberly Amadeo Reviewed by Somer G. Anderson Updated April 20, 2020
Depending on who you ask, President Barack Obama added anywhere from $2.8 trillion to $9 trillion to the national debt. With such a big gap, you might be wondering who's lying. None of them, because there are three ways to look at the debt added by any president.

The first and most common method is to subtract the debt level when Obama took office from the debt level when he left. The second and more accurate method is to add together Obama’s projected budget deficits. The third method is the fairest but also the most complicated. It adds just the deficits created by the president's specific initiatives.

Let's take a look at each method and see what they tell us about the deficits President Obama added to the nation's debt.

Method 1: Debt Added Since Obama Took Office
The largest number comes from calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. When Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10.626 trillion. When he left office on Jan. 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion.1 It explains why some would say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt—more than any other president.

Method 2: Obama's Budget Deficits
The second method is to add up all of the budget deficits incurred while Obama was in office. You shouldn’t hold any president accountable for the deficit incurred during the first year. Most of that deficit belongs to the previous president since he created the federal budget for that year.

President George W. Bush's last budget—for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009—created a deficit of $1.4 trillion.2 That fiscal year began on Oct. 1, 2008, and continued until Sept. 30, 2009. Although most of that deficit occurred after Obama took office, it was a result of Bush's budget. Similarly, the first deficit that occurred after President Donald Trump took office was due to Obama's last budget.

Here are Obama’s deficits by year. They total $6.79 trillion.2

FY 2009: Congress added $253 billion from Obama's Economic Stimulus Act to Bush’s last budget after Obama took office. This emergency funding was to stop the Great Recession. That $253 billion accrues to Obama, not Bush.3 Once the $253 billion is subtracted from the FY 2009 deficit, it means Bush’s true budget deficit was $1.16 trillion.

FY 2010: Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
FY 2011: This budget deficit was $1.300 trillion. Defense spending hit $854.5 billion.
FY 2012: The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
FY 2013: This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Sequestration forced a 10% cut in spending.
FY 2014: The deficit was $485 billion. Tax revenue rose to $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015: The deficit fell further to $438 billion.
FY 2016: The deficit rose to $585 billion. Congress had added $58.6 billion to pay for the war in Afghanistan.
FY 2017: The deficit was $665 billion.4 It was $162 billion more than the $503 billion deficit estimated in Obama's budget request.5

Like most presidents, Obama's contribution to the debt was higher. There's a difference between the deficit and the debt. All presidents can reduce the appearance of the deficit by borrowing from federal retirement funds.

For example, the Social Security Trust Fund has run a surplus since 1987.6 There have been more working people contributing to the fund via payroll taxes than retired people withdrawing benefits from it. This fund invests its surplus in U.S. Treasury notes. The president can reduce the deficit by spending these funds instead of issuing new Treasurys. As a result, Obama added a total of $8.588 trillion to the debt.

Method 3: How Obama's Policies Increased the Debt

The Balance
The fairest method is to measure the debt incurred by Obama's specific policies. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has done that for many of them.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) contributed $830 billion between 2009 and 2019.7 More than 90% of its budget impact occurred by the end of 2012. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded job-creating public works projects. Like the tax cuts, the ARRA stimulated the economy after the 2008 financial crisis.

Obama's largest contribution to the debt was the Obama tax cuts, an extension of the Bush tax cuts. They added $858 billion to the debt in 2011 and 2012.8

Obama also increased military spending. The highest level of spending occurred in 2011. The $854.5 billion spent included:

Department of Defense base budget: $528.3 billion
Spending by defense-related agencies: $166.7 billion
Homeland Security: $41.9 billion
Veterans Affairs: $56.4 billion
State: $50.1 billion
FBI and Cybersecurity: $7.8 billion9
National Nuclear Security Administration: $10.5 billion
Overseas Contingency Operations for DoD and defense-related agencies: $159.5 billion10

Using this same methodology, Obama’s total defense spending was $6.3 trillion:

2010: $857.7 billion11
2011: $854.5 billion12
2012: $816.3 billion13 14
2013: $746.1 billion15 16
2014: $753.3 billion17 18
2015: $735.4 billion19 20
2016: $767.2 billion21 22
2017: $773.5 billion23 24

As a result, Obama’s policy of increased defense spending added $1.3 trillion to the debt over the baseline established by Bush.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added to the debt after 2014. That’s when the health insurance exchanges opened, and coverage was extended to more low-income people. Obamacare's tax increases offset these costs by $143 billion between 2010 and 2019.25

When all of this is added up, Obama and his policies increased the national debt by $2.8 trillion.

Nice try Waco at cherry picking the information. You left out the fact that the author wrote there were 3 ways to determine the debt added by the president. You chose method one and left out the other two methods. The author wrote that method three was the fairest way to calculate it using the presidents policies he implemented. Method three yields an increase to the national debt by $2.8 Trillion.

Thank you valued poster.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The same writer also said this:

US Economy and News National Debt
National Debt Under Obama
Three Methods to Determine How Much Obama Added to the Debt





By Kimberly Amadeo Reviewed by Somer G. Anderson Updated April 20, 2020
Depending on who you ask, President Barack Obama added anywhere from $2.8 trillion to $9 trillion to the national debt. With such a big gap, you might be wondering who's lying. None of them, because there are three ways to look at the debt added by any president.

The first and most common method is to subtract the debt level when Obama took office from the debt level when he left. The second and more accurate method is to add together Obama’s projected budget deficits. The third method is the fairest but also the most complicated. It adds just the deficits created by the president's specific initiatives.

Let's take a look at each method and see what they tell us about the deficits President Obama added to the nation's debt.

Method 1: Debt Added Since Obama Took Office
The largest number comes from calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. When Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10.626 trillion. When he left office on Jan. 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion.1 It explains why some would say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt—more than any other president.

Method 2: Obama's Budget Deficits
The second method is to add up all of the budget deficits incurred while Obama was in office. You shouldn’t hold any president accountable for the deficit incurred during the first year. Most of that deficit belongs to the previous president since he created the federal budget for that year.

President George W. Bush's last budget—for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009—created a deficit of $1.4 trillion.2 That fiscal year began on Oct. 1, 2008, and continued until Sept. 30, 2009. Although most of that deficit occurred after Obama took office, it was a result of Bush's budget. Similarly, the first deficit that occurred after President Donald Trump took office was due to Obama's last budget.

Here are Obama’s deficits by year. They total $6.79 trillion.2

FY 2009: Congress added $253 billion from Obama's Economic Stimulus Act to Bush’s last budget after Obama took office. This emergency funding was to stop the Great Recession. That $253 billion accrues to Obama, not Bush.3 Once the $253 billion is subtracted from the FY 2009 deficit, it means Bush’s true budget deficit was $1.16 trillion.

FY 2010: Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
FY 2011: This budget deficit was $1.300 trillion. Defense spending hit $854.5 billion.
FY 2012: The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
FY 2013: This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Sequestration forced a 10% cut in spending.
FY 2014: The deficit was $485 billion. Tax revenue rose to $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015: The deficit fell further to $438 billion.
FY 2016: The deficit rose to $585 billion. Congress had added $58.6 billion to pay for the war in Afghanistan.
FY 2017: The deficit was $665 billion.4 It was $162 billion more than the $503 billion deficit estimated in Obama's budget request.5

Like most presidents, Obama's contribution to the debt was higher. There's a difference between the deficit and the debt. All presidents can reduce the appearance of the deficit by borrowing from federal retirement funds.

For example, the Social Security Trust Fund has run a surplus since 1987.6 There have been more working people contributing to the fund via payroll taxes than retired people withdrawing benefits from it. This fund invests its surplus in U.S. Treasury notes. The president can reduce the deficit by spending these funds instead of issuing new Treasurys. As a result, Obama added a total of $8.588 trillion to the debt.

Method 3: How Obama's Policies Increased the Debt

The Balance
The fairest method is to measure the debt incurred by Obama's specific policies. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has done that for many of them.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) contributed $830 billion between 2009 and 2019.7 More than 90% of its budget impact occurred by the end of 2012. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded job-creating public works projects. Like the tax cuts, the ARRA stimulated the economy after the 2008 financial crisis.

Obama's largest contribution to the debt was the Obama tax cuts, an extension of the Bush tax cuts. They added $858 billion to the debt in 2011 and 2012.8

Obama also increased military spending. The highest level of spending occurred in 2011. The $854.5 billion spent included:

Department of Defense base budget: $528.3 billion
Spending by defense-related agencies: $166.7 billion
Homeland Security: $41.9 billion
Veterans Affairs: $56.4 billion
State: $50.1 billion
FBI and Cybersecurity: $7.8 billion9
National Nuclear Security Administration: $10.5 billion
Overseas Contingency Operations for DoD and defense-related agencies: $159.5 billion10

Using this same methodology, Obama’s total defense spending was $6.3 trillion:

2010: $857.7 billion11
2011: $854.5 billion12
2012: $816.3 billion13 14
2013: $746.1 billion15 16
2014: $753.3 billion17 18
2015: $735.4 billion19 20
2016: $767.2 billion21 22
2017: $773.5 billion23 24

As a result, Obama’s policy of increased defense spending added $1.3 trillion to the debt over the baseline established by Bush.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act added to the debt after 2014. That’s when the health insurance exchanges opened, and coverage was extended to more low-income people. Obamacare's tax increases offset these costs by $143 billion between 2010 and 2019.25

When all of this is added up, Obama and his policies increased the national debt by $2.8 trillion.

Nice try Waco at cherry picking the information. You left out the fact that the author wrote there were 3 ways to determine the debt added by the president. You chose method one and left out the other two methods. The author wrote that method three was the fairest way to calculate it using the presidents policies he implemented. Method three yields an increase to the national debt by $2.8 Trillion.

Thank you valued poster. Originally Posted by adav8s28

i don't have to try in your case. the facts are what they are.

Obama is the all time prez DEBT WHORE.


Obama's adding to the debt is known, Trump's is estimated at this point

till the real numbers are in .. the DEBT WHORE is this guy

adav8s28's Avatar
i don't have to try in your case. the facts are what they are.

Obama is the all time prez DEBT WHORE.


Obama's adding to the debt is known, Trump's is estimated at this point

till the real numbers are in .. the DEBT WHORE is this guy

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Again you went with method# 1 that Amadeo talked about in the link from the balance. Using this scenario Trump is projected to have just as much debt as Obama. When Obama came into office he had to do give 650 billion to TARP to bail out Wall Street. He did the quantative easing to stabilize the stock market. When Trump came into office Wall street and the banks were profitable. Trump is still incurring just as much debt as Obama, the difference is like splitting hairs.

Why is Trump projected to add 8 trillion in debt just like Obama,even though Trump did not have to do any bailouts or fight any wars.

Answer, the corporate tax cuts that Trump put in is causing Trump to run Trillion dollar budget deficits.
LexusLover's Avatar
Point is after Obama got the deficit down to 585 billion, Trump has increased the deficit back to a Trillion dollars. Originally Posted by adav8s28
So, how did Trump do that? Executive Order?

This is just an academic question (almost rhetorical) so don't feel any particular urgency.

And how did Obaminable increase the Federal debt by $10 trillion while he was pretending to be POTUS?

At some point we can have a chat about getting "the deficit down to 585 billion" while increasing the Federal Debt by $10 trillion.

But in the meantime .... the OP is "What If Biden Is Elected?"

Bitten has already criticized Obaminable in an effort to distance himself.

Apparently, you didn't get the Memo.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Again you went with method# 1 that Amadeo talked about in the link from the balance. Using this scenario Trump is projected to have just as much debt as Obama. When Obama came into office he had to do give 650 billion to TARP to bail out Wall Street. He did the quantative easing to stabilize the stock market. When Trump came into office Wall street and the banks were profitable. Trump is still incurring just as much debt as Obama, the difference is like splitting hairs.

Why is Trump projected to add 8 trillion in debt just like Obama,even though Trump did not have to do any bailouts or fight any wars.

Answer, the corporate tax cuts that Trump put in is causing Trump to run Trillion dollar budget deficits. Originally Posted by adav8s28

you do know that Bush left part of the TARP funds to Obama to use yeah? and what did we get out of that?


face it. Obama by any method except DA NILE is the debt whore prez.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
down goes the white chick!

what an idiot Biden is to get cornered into a female VP candidate. he'll fuck this up big time. whoever he picks will be an under-qualified minority for the sake of a minority. it will lose him the election right there .. besides the fact he has the IQ of a dead squirrel.

Klobuchar withdraws from veepstakes, says Biden should pick woman of color


Ali Vitali

,NBC NewsJune 18, 2020

WASHINGTON — Sen. Amy Klobuchar won’t be former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate.

The Minnesota senator took her name off the list of possible running mates Thursday, saying "this is a moment to put a woman of color" on the Democratic ticket.

"America must seize on the moment and I truly believe — as I actually told the VP last night when I called him — that I think this is a moment to put a woman of color on that ticket," she told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell in an exclusive interview Thursday night. "And there are so many incredible, qualified women. But if you wanna heal this nation right now, my party yes, but our nation, this is a helluva way to do it."

The move comes on the heels of weeks of unrest in Klobuchar’s home state of Minnesota after the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, whose death spurred weeks of protests across the U.S. and prompted action on police reform in some major cities.

In the immediate aftermath of Floyd’s killing, Klobuchar’s time as chief prosecutor for Hennepin County came back under scrutiny, specifically the lack of prosecutions she pursued in cases of police brutality. That coupled with existing calls for Biden to choose a woman of color as his running mate diminished Klobuchar’s prospects for the vice presidential slot.

Asked if those questions about her past record on police brutality would have made it harder for her in the role of vice presidential nominee, Klobuchar said Thursday: "I think I could've functioned fine and there's a lot of untruths out there about my record and now is not the time to debate those."

Biden has vowed to select a woman as his running mate for the general election, saying he hopes to announce his choice by August 1. Biden’s campaign is still vetting potential candidates, with former 2020 rivals-turned-endorsers Sens. Kamala Harris, of California, and Elizabeth Warren, of Massachusetts, among those under consideration.
adav8s28's Avatar
1. So, how did Trump do that? Executive Order?

This is just an academic question (almost rhetorical) so don't feel any particular urgency.

2. And how did Obaminable increase the Federal debt by $10 trillion while he was pretending to be POTUS?

3. At some point we can have a chat about getting "the deficit down to 585 billion" while increasing the Federal Debt by $10 trillion.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
1. Trump cut the corporate tax rate by 10 percentage points. Not enough tax revenue is coming in, thus the Trillion dollar deficits. It was not an executive order, only congress can pass tax law.

2. Bailed out Wall street with 650 billion for 1,000 troubled assets through the TARP program. Did QE1,2,3,4 etc to stabilize the stock market. Did the 800 billion dollar stimulus to allow the economy to gain traction until the banks became stable. Twenty five million citizens got jobs. Twenty million citizens got health insurance( 10 million private insurance plan from healthCare.gov and 10 million expanded Medicaid). Here are the numbers from the balance link from two posts ago.

FY 2010: Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
FY 2011: This budget deficit was $1.300 trillion. Defense spending hit $854.5 billion.
FY 2012: The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
FY 2013: This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Sequestration forced a 10% cut in spending.
FY 2014: The deficit was $485 billion. Tax revenue rose to $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015: The deficit fell further to $438 billion.
FY 2016: The deficit rose to $585 billion. Congress had added $58.6 billion to pay for the war in Afghanistan.
FY 2017: The deficit was $665 billion.4 It was $162 billion more than the $503 billion deficit estimated in Obama's budget request.5

3. The Bush tax cuts expired 12-31-2012. The tax percentage of the 7th tax bracket went back up to 39.5% from 36%. The increased tax revenue coming in lowered the Federal Budget deficit to 585 billion in Obama's last year in office.

Any other questions?

adav8s28's Avatar
and what did we get out of that?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The banks and firms like AIG became profitable again instead of going into a bankruptcy court.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The banks and firms like AIG became profitable again instead of going into a bankruptcy court. Originally Posted by adav8s28

most big banks didn't need the bailouts. the Gov forced it as part of the deal. JPMC had to take the money to get Bear Sterns. they didn't need it. BofA didn't need it to take over Merrill Lynch but considering how far up their ass they were with CountryWide they probably did need money there.

forget AIG. they got an estimated 182 billion. guess who the other two largest bailout recipients were?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

you know .. the government owned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. well .. GSE's to be fair. (Gov Sponsored Enterprise).

the Gov caused the mortgage meltdown by pushing for more diversity lending via
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (who made up these stupid names??)

and guess who caused it all?

Slick Willie Blythe (Clinton)

In 1999, Fannie Mae came under pressure from the Clinton administration to expand mortgage loans to low and moderate income borrowers by increasing the ratios of their loan portfolios in distressed inner city areas designated in the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977.[20] In 1999, The New York Times reported that with the corporation's move towards the subprime market "Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980s."[21]


Slick Willie lit the fuse of the financial crisis.

So the Government was bailing out itself