Texas version of Zimmerman?

You are a stupid fuck, Ekim the Inbred. Like the jackass you are, you start a pissing contest and then pretend you are the innocent victim. Go home and play with your Dimocrat-buddy Phelps and his Westboro crew. They are only slightly more than your intellectual equals. And do keep working on your autobiography. After all, there are scores of proofreaders who need work. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Take time out of your silly ass pompous self inflated childish snide remarks,and go fuck yourself.I looked the word dimwit up,and found your picture there,along with your hero's,Zimmerman,and Phelps.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Take time out of your silly-ass, pompous, self-inflated childish, snide remarks,and go fuck yourself.I looked the word dimwit up,and found your picture there,along with your hero's,Zimmerman,and Phelps. Originally Posted by ekim008
Keep writing you illiterate hayseed, Ekim the Inbred, especially about your social events with Phelps and the Westboro clan. It appears you might keep even more proofreaders employed than was first imagined.
Keep writing you illiterate hayseed, Ekim the Inbred, especially about your social events with Phelps and the Westboro clan. It appears you might keep even more proofreaders employed than was first imagined.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are so fucking stupid you are putting red marks where there is punctuation. showing your low I Q in red. go back to your parents basement,and dream about joining Phelps church.You are a dim bulb.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are so fucking stupid. you are putting red marks where there is punctuation. showing your low I Q in red. go back to your parent's basement,and dream about joining Phelps' church.You are a dim bulb. Originally Posted by ekim008
.Ekim the Inbred, you and the Westboro gang belong together. Enjoy your 4th of July BBQ with Phelps!
.Ekim the Inbred, you and the Westboro gang belong together. Enjoy your 4th of July BBQ with Phelps!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I understand you are bailing the Zman and his wife out so you can have a threesome then attend the Phelps church on Sunday.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I understand you are bailing the Zman and his wife out so you can have a threesome and then attend the Phelps' church on Sunday. Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the Inbred, you have never understood anything in your entire life. However, you do need to be concerned about Phelps' reaction to your being a cross-dressing, wig-wearing, sign-bearing Westboro freak. It would hurt his image to find out that you are a man wearing a skirt for his cause. BTW, have you started that second chapter of your memoir? You sure made some revealing admissions in the first chapter. Keep it up. Your Westboro bunch likes the publicity.
[QUOTE=ekim008;2853283]another of I B'S heros[/QUOTE

Post #2. You need to take this IB ass whipping...LOL
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;2866208]Ekim the Inbred, you have never understood anything in your entire life. However, you do need to be concerned about Phelps' reaction to your being a cross-dressing, wig-wearing, sign-bearing Westboro freak. It would hurt his image to find out that you are a man wearing a skirt for his cause. BTW, have you started that second chapter of your memoir? You sure made some revealing admissions in the first chapter. Keep it up. Your Westboro bunch likes the publicity.[/QUOT

You talking to me about understanding Funny as you can't comprehend jack.Bet you can't color and stay inside the lines.
Ekim the Inbred, you have never understood anything in your entire life. However, you do need to be concerned about Phelps' reaction to your being a cross-dressing, wig-wearing, sign-bearing Westboro freak. It would hurt his image to find out that you are a man wearing a skirt for his cause. BTW, have you started that second chapter of your memoir? You sure made some revealing admissions in the first chapter. Keep it up. Your Westboro bunch likes the publicity.[/QUOT

You talking to me about understanding Funny as you can't comprehend jack.Bet you can't color and stay inside the lines. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Dude, don't get distracted with me. IB is going to jump out and Get ya....I quit coloring when i was about 6...LOOK OUT...
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are talking to me about understanding. Funny as you can't comprehend jack.Bet you can't color and stay inside the lines. Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the Inbred, you need to hire those proofreaders soon. You've already started your second chapter of your memoir about your experiences with the Westboro crowd, and it's full of spelling and grammatical errors. BTW, you didn't answer the question, Ekim the Inbred: does Phelps realize you are a cross-dresser wearing a wig?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
All right, guys. Knock it off. JD NorthEndOfASouthBoundCamel is very upset at the incivility in here. Be polite, assholes!
Bob Geldof's Avatar
The insults need to be deleted. George Zimmerman, Raul Rodriguez and Randy Blyrthe should be freed.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-30-2012, 10:24 PM
The insults need to be deleted. George Zimmerman, Raul Rodriguez and Randy Blyrthe should be freed. Originally Posted by Bob Geldof
Blythe I'd say you might be right rom the little I've read.

Zimmerman I think you're wrong but is worth going to trial to decide.

Rodriguez--you got to be kiding: you think a guy who murdered someone because their music was too loud, and was convicted in a proper trial, should be freed? What possible "creative" logic can you have on that one? That is a far bigger insult to murder victimes everywhere than anything IB ever spewed--and I have been pleanty harsh enough on IB.
Bob Geldof's Avatar
About Blythe- videos of the show in question dont necessarily show him doing the act. Even if he did, going to a metal show is akin to a game of football. Chances are, youll be fine; but you could get paralyzed or killed, though chances of that are slim, they are still possible.

About Zimmerman- Should he have allowed Martin to beat his head into the ground?

About Rodriguez- I dont suppose you heard the taunting cackle before the attacker rushed at him. I suppose Rodriguez should have allowed his own death to happen.
Ekim the Inbred, you need to hire those proofreaders soon. You've already started your second chapter of your memoir about your experiences with the Westboro crowd, and it's full of spelling and grammatical errors. BTW, you didn't answer the question, Ekim the Inbred: does Phelps realize you are a cross-dresser wearing a wig? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Tell me I B the lame.why do you keep bringing Phelps up? Is it because you are his butt boy? Or just the contempt you have for the military personnel who have given their lives for their country? You really are a sad sack of shit.I see you put a and in my post.Is that because you can't read and comprehend?