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  • Old-T
  • 09-16-2014, 01:22 PM
Does the zoo visitor who annoys the chimpanzee "argue" with the chimp?

Neither do I "argue" with IB.
I B Hankering's Avatar

IB, you are really taking this personally, aren't you? And I have never even me tinned you in this thread.

I know it must disappoint you terribly, but no, I don't lose sleep over this--or anything g else on here. I know you probably do, but if you haven't noticed, I am not you. I actually have a life other than this board.

Anyway, I was just starting a humorous little thread as a break from the typical Wacko Bashing Wacko party on here. I thought people might enjoy a post that didn't debate whether slavery was good, or who will run for president in 2016. Only you decided to bring hostility into a thread where there had been none.

But while the thread has not progressed as I thought it would, it has had a few unintended numerous moments when you have self-isolated for no good reason.
Originally Posted by Old-T
The post at #27 was a response to your post at #25 where you admitted you were stupid, Old-THUMPER. Hence both posts were all about YOU and YOUR innate stupidity, Old-THUMPER. How could you be so stupid as to misconstrue that both posts were about something other than your stupidity, Old-THUMPER?

BTW, will you whine or pout when you have your petty little feelings hurt when you find out that there is someone out there who will ruin your stupid, pathetic little game, Old-THUMPER?
It comes as no surprise to others that you are so bewildered by your own stupidity, Old-THUMPER. And won't you have your petty little feelings hurt when you find out that there is another Dorian Gray or another Assup (which there is) out there to ruin (and he will) your pathetic little game, Old-THUMPER.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Where's the link to the original DOTY poll Corpy?

It's in plain sight but you still haven't had the guts to post it. Instead, you have dodged and ducked posting it for well over a year.

It's the longest lasting LIE on ECCIE, and it's yours and yours alone.

Congratulations Dipshit. You are ECCIE's biggest LIAR.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

IB, you are really taking this personally, aren't you? And I have never even me tinned you in this thread.

I know it must disappoint you terribly, but no, I don't lose sleep over this--or anything g else on here. I know you probably do, but if you haven't noticed, I am not you. I actually have a life other than this board.

Anyway, I was just starting a humorous little thread as a break from the typical Wacko Bashing Wacko party on here. I thought people might enjoy a post that didn't debate whether slavery was good, or who will run for president in 2016. Only you decided to bring hostility into a thread where there had been none.

But while the thread has not progressed as I thought it would, it has had a few unintended numerous moments when you have self-isolated for no good reason. Originally Posted by Old-T
You know you are arguing with a idiot don't you? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Does the zoo visitor who annoys the chimpanzee "argue" with the chimp?

Neither do I "argue" with IB. Originally Posted by Old-T
The post at #27 was a response to your post at #25 where you admitted you were stupid, Old-THUMPER. Hence both posts were all about YOU and YOUR innate stupidity, Old-THUMPER. How could you be so stupid as to misconstrue that both posts were about something other than your stupidity, Old-THUMPER?

BTW, will you whine or pout when you have your petty little feelings hurt when you find out that there is someone out there who will ruin your stupid, pathetic little game, Old-THUMPER?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Old-Turd is like his president... A amateur
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  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2014, 03:30 PM
While IB is fixating on posts 25 and 27--and unable to keep them straight it seems--I will update the number that is more relevant to the original intent of this thread.

It now stands at 996. A significantly large number most would agree, but down slightly from the previous mark.

More in a week or so.
I B Hankering's Avatar
While IB is fixating on posts 25 and 27--and unable to keep them straight it seems--I will update the number that is more relevant to the original intent of this thread.

It now stands at 996. A significantly large number most would agree, but down slightly from the previous mark.

More in a week or so.
Originally Posted by Old-T
No one is more deliriously fixated than you, Old-THUMPER, and this thread and your fixated promise to perpetuate it proves it, Old-THUMPER.

And just as a reminder, Old-THUMPER, the post at #27 was still a response to your post at #25 where you admitted you were stupid, Old-THUMPER. Hence both posts were all about YOU and YOUR innate stupidity, Old-THUMPER. Only you could be so stupid as to misconstrue that both posts were about something other than your stupidity, Old-THUMPER.

And why don't you answer the question, Old-THUMPER? Will you whine or pout when you have your petty little feelings hurt when you find out that there is someone out there who will ruin your stupid, pathetic little game, Old-THUMPER? Because the real number you should be watching for is actually closer to "300", Old-THUMPER.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2014, 07:07 PM
Poor little IB.

In post #25 I admitted I could not predict future quasi-random events. That is far from calling myself stupid--but I know that for someone with your limited brain capacity you might get confused.

As to you 300 number: I am not foolish enough to think there are not intermediate numbers. Show me where I said there were none. But they just had minimal impact on the game.

As to your "question", I will neither rejoice nor cry no matter what happens with the number. In that sense I do not care. I am having too much fun watching you go ballistic about such a trivial thing as this number. Your reactions are humorous in the typical pathos laden IB way. Only you would take a fluff post like this and get so bent out of shape by it--and you don't even see the sad humor in that.

I am sure you will deny it, but I did notice that your behavior did change after I posted. At least for a little while. Pavlovian?

OK, I am off to do real work, so you can rant and fell self actualized for a little while now.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor little IB.

In post #25 I admitted I could not predict future quasi-random events. That is far from calling myself stupid--but I know that for someone with your limited brain capacity you might get confused.

As to you 300 number: I am not foolish enough to think there are not intermediate numbers. Show me where I said there were none. But they just had minimal impact on the game.

As to your "question", I will neither rejoice nor cry no matter what happens with the number. In that sense I do not care. I am having too much fun watching you go ballistic about such a trivial thing as this number. Your reactions are humorous in the typical pathos laden IB way. Only you would take a fluff post like this and get so bent out of shape by it--and you don't even see the sad humor in that.

I am sure you will deny it, but I did notice that your behavior did change after I posted. At least for a little while. Pavlovian?

OK, I am off to do real work, so you can rant and fell self actualized for a little while now.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You can try to hide and deflect all you want, Old-THUMPER, but you admitted your stupidity when you admitted that you completely failed to consider how the behavior of others might fuck-up your pissant prediction. A truly smart person would have considered such external factors, Old-THUMPER, but you're stupid, Old-THUMPER. Now you're going to find your petty little prediction shoved up your pathetically stupid ass and twisted, Old-THUMPER.

BTW, Old-THUMPER, you lie when you claim "you do not care". If that claim were in fact true, Old-THUMPER, you wouldn't be so pathetically fixated on posting and perpetuating this your petty little thread, Old-THUMPER. Your pathetic little actions prove you care and prove you are indeed lying when you claim you don't care, Old-THUMPER.
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  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2014, 09:09 PM
You can try to hide and deflect all you want, Old-THUMPER, but you admitted your stupidity when you admitted that you completely failed to consider how the behavior of others might fuck-up your pissant prediction.
Well now, why don't you point out what "prediction" I supposedly made? I seem to remember I asked a simple question. The only "prediction" I made was that the number would go up sometimes and down at other times--which is exactly what it has done. I guess my "prediction" was pretty good from that point of view--though only a simpleton (like you) would think that was a "prediction". Poor IB.

A truly smart person would have considered such external factors, Old-THUMPER, but you're stupid, Old-THUMPER. Now you're going to find your petty little prediction shoved up your pathetically stupid ass and twisted, Old-THUMPER.

Hey IBAsshole, WHAT prediction?

BTW, Old-THUMPER, you lie when you claim "you do not care". If that claim were in fact true, Old-THUMPER, you wouldn't be so pathetically fixated on posting and perpetuating this your petty little thread, Old-THUMPER. Your pathetic little actions prove you care and prove you are indeed lying when you claim you don't care, Old-THUMPER.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I explained that last post (sorry your attention span is so short you forgot already): I am not fixated on the number, but I am amused at seeing what stupid non-sequitor lie you will post next. Watching you melt down is probably the most fun there is on the Politics board.

Rant on!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I explained that last post (sorry your attention span is so short you forgot already): I am not fixated on the number, but I am amused at seeing what stupid non-sequitor lie you will post next. Watching you melt down is probably the most fun there is on the Politics board.

Rant on!

WHAT prediction?
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a ranting fucking liar, Old-THUMPER. You've been fixated on post count for many years now, you lying dumb-fuck, and you're so easily discredited, Old-THUMPER ... this was your lame-ass prognostication from August 26:

... he is less than 600 posts from getting his handle in the "Top 15" on the home page. Originally Posted by Old-T
I explained that last post (sorry your attention span is so short you forgot already): I am not fixated on the number, but I am amused at seeing what stupid non-sequitor lie you will post next. Watching you melt down is probably the most fun there is on the Politics board.

Rant on!
Originally Posted by Old-T
A war on the #601 and

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  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2014, 10:34 PM
You're a ranting fucking liar, Old-THUMPER. You've been fixated for many weeks now, you lying dumb-fuck, and you're so easily discredited, Old-THUMPER ... from August 26: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You were indeed less than 600 posts away at the time. A simple statement of fact. Not a prediction. Intelligent people (unlike you and IIFFy) can tell the difference.

Sorry, wrong again IB. As usual.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You were indeed less than 600 posts away at the time. A simple statement of fact. Not a prediction. Intelligent people (unlike you and IIFFy) can tell the difference.

Sorry, wrong again IB. As usual.

Originally Posted by Old-T
No, Old-THUMPER. You stupidly prognosticated that it would only take "another 600 posts", Old-THUMPER. Meanwhile, almost 150 posts latter, your stupid and pathetic little prognostication is even further from realization, Old-THUMPER, as your stupid-ass readily admitted at post #35.

Whine and pout, Old-THUMPER, people you stupidly did not factor into your stupid, pathetic little game are fucking-up your stupid, pathetic little game.

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  • Old-T
  • 09-22-2014, 11:01 PM
Learn how to read you illiterate product of southern education at its finest. Stating where you post count stood, and how far it was from the top 15, is not a prediction that you would or would not break through to the nonotoriety you desperately desire.

I know some good adult litteracy classes that might not be too hard for you. Let me know.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Learn how to read you illiterate product of southern education at its finest. Stating where you post count stood, and how far it was from the top 15, is not a prediction that you would or would not break through to the nonotoriety you desperately desire.

I know some good adult litteracy classes that might not be too hard for you. Let me know.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You need to take a refresher course in math, Old-THUMPER. There's no misconstruing what you stupidly prognosticated a month ago, Old-THUMPER:

... he is less than 600 posts from getting his handle in the "Top 15" on the home page.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Now, Old-THUMPER, one month later your **new number** is "996":

It now stands at 996. Originally Posted by Old-T
So, Old-THUMPER, your new number "996" is substantially greater than your original, stupid prognostication of "600"; thus, proving your original prognostication was stupid and false. And that stupid and false prognostication serves to further illustrate how truly stupid you really are, Old-THUMPER.

So continue to rant and whine, Old-THUMPER, because people you stupidly did not factor into your stupid, pathetic little game are fucking-up your stupid, pathetic little game.

BTW, Old-THUMPER, it's your "literacy" that is highly suspect.