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This Venus chic just did a phony self review ����....Baaaaat Shiiiiiiit���� Originally Posted by Johnnyblaze2015
Das some desperate shit
nascobar21's Avatar
This is a dream lol. Weirdest experience in the hobby. I contact her, she verifies me with a dick pic. Off to the I must admit nice hotel I go. Literally she makes me stand in a certain spot so she can see me at the entrance and she is on the like 11 th floor. Go up and she is behind the door in a white robe. She is twice the size of that picture and just think that picture plus a pack of smokes a day plus some other stuff that comes in a bottle and I ain't talking liquor for let's say the past 10 years. Then commences the Weirdest session I've ever had in my life. She checked all of the boxes except dfk and the taboo item that I of course didn't ask for. If you can withstand how weird she acts she is a really nice person. So that's that. Then she comes here and calls me a n with the a at the end and nothing is done about it. She's still here with old ass pictures. Made me literally question why I hobby. No I didn't pay a deposit. With the staff edit she's still allowed to be here after she called me that word. I'm okay because in all honesty I don't care what trailer park trash call me , even though they make enough money to stay in a nice place. So please this is my ad for her. Run to her. Pay the deposit. Once you leave you'll go home to your wife or SO with a deeper appreciation for her.... Originally Posted by Pitroom
Michael8219's Avatar
She has two reviews of the same visit! The OP of the review must have had a great time. I think I will stay with my regular and occasional AMP visits rather than risk my health and sanity. This is better than reruns on my Betamax!

Or return to the nursing home and be relieved by the staff and lady residents (Fifi - I’m kidding. Even though it’s only 10 bux and one pill the bony rear ends get old after a while. However every one is nice and respectful - no crazies at the old folks home!)
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ok, enough of everyone baiting each other and so forth.
Staying on topic is fine, leave the innuendos and specific word usage elsewhere. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Do I really like quoting myself?

Staying on topic is fine, So if you can't....
