• oeb11
  • 08-03-2021, 07:47 AM
I believe you gentlemen, except perhaps for Little Monster, are distracted from the real issue. Lockdowns of any significance are a thing of the past. Government spending is what we should be worried about -- 3.5 trillion coming down the pike if Biden and others get their way, in addition to 600 billion fresh spending authority for the infrastructure bill. Originally Posted by Tiny

i disagree - the increase in the new variant - while more infectious - seems to have less morbidity and mortality.
still - it is an excuse for the marxist totalitarians of the DPST party to institute the 'control" - and they are already doing so with mask mandates and closures of small business - particularly on the radical controlled East and West Coasts.

lockdowns serve to control America - so the nomenklatura can go about their business of subverting teh Constitution and American freedoms.

you are correct - the hyperspending is a major concern.

Perhaps teh last line of defense - McConnell has pledge NOT TO Raise the Debt LIMIT!
Pray it stands.
rexdutchman's Avatar
True that the media isn't really saying much because the Variant is more infectious but a lot less dangerous for most people
Side note today AP dallas morning news vaccines in us at 70% so now what
Little Monster's Avatar

molon, labe, pussy, molon labe.

The 2nd Amendment was written specifically with people like you in mind. Times may change, centuries may pass, but assholes such as yourself are always with us. Thank God the Founders were wise enough to realize it. Originally Posted by texassapper

The true founding father's didn't need a gun to hunt or protect themselves. They did it all with bows & arrows

LM is a pussy. he wouldn't know how to kill a wild boar if his life depended on it.

Thank you for your kind words sir

only ones doing the rioting on a daily basis is BLM & antifa.

Wrong again. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Gee, I didn't see all of this childish name calling, hatred, and threats coming. And you people expect others to believe that the Far right are peaceful people who would never incite riots at a protest in which they strongly disagree with the purpose of the protest?

Look how you are acting over one lame ass post, but yeah you people would never let your anger get the best of you when you're in a crowd with tensions running wild. Noooooooooooo not the far right, never!

  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2021, 04:49 PM
stow your patronizing nonsense - Please.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Gee and the counties that the Delta came from India , UK are over the infections ,,,
So NOW delta >2.0 and 3 and 15 to keep the scare and deceive going , We are being played