What is the Democrat's position on the securing our borders?

He's not doing anything illegal. He's using the laws that are currently in place. The problem is how to combat illegal immigration not who Trump hires or his daughter hires. No wonder dems can't win on this issue - it's back to bashing Trump. That's it - just bash Trump and now let's add in his family too. SMFH

Trump hires non Americans to work at his properties.

What the problem is, is that only the rich and powerful are able to legally import cheap labor... well there is another really big problem, most only know about this immigration problem via slogans. They really do not have a clue as to the facts.

Had they, they would not be lying about liberals wanting open borders that is Libertarians...and not all Libertarians want open borders.

Most folks do not understand that Trumps daughter undercuts American labor by manufacturing her clothes overseas with cheap labor. that is fundamentally no different then importing cheap labor here and making sure they do not get any benefits in fact it would be better to import people here and have them paying taxes and sales tax

You republicans are hypocrites on this subject. Originally Posted by WTF
The GOP, specifically Trump, could barely get a temporary travel ban to 7 Muslim countries without being called a racist and it being thwarted by some activist courts. So, I'd address your post more but I reject your "total control" premise. Originally Posted by gnadfly

The left for DECADES, has demonized anyone against illegal immigration, as being racist. AS IF only one 'race' comes through...

There are two things that would go a great distance in stopping illegal immigration. First, make the penalty for hiring illegals severe. Go after the the people on top. If a large Construction Company, ( just an example), is found with illegals on a work site, go straight to the Board of Directors and hall their asses out in handcuffs. That would get people's attention. Originally Posted by Jackie S

For years, i've been saying we need to bring the Hammer down, on anyone who hires illegals. AND that's not just the actual companies. BUT look at how many folk themselves, hire them as 'day laborers'..

Also, do away with any benefits to anyone in the Country illegally. No education, no Medicaid, nothing but a free plane ticket home.

Untill the Country gets serious, nothing will change. Originally Posted by Jackie S

So true Jackie. IF we remove part of their main reason for coming here (all the bennnies), they will not bother coming.

Yep! I see it as a sort of numbers game. If, over the course of a decade or two, even a small percentage of these people actually become registered and vote, it could be enough to virtually ensure Dem victories from here to eternity. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO

And being we already see illegals voting (as evidenced by those 2 articles recently posted), and in some 'sanctuary areas', they are LEGALIZING their ability to vote "locally", it won't be long till someone uses the BS argument "WELL they already vote locally, its inhumane to say they can;t vote federally"..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Also, do away with any benefits to anyone in the Country illegally. No education, no Medicaid, nothing but a free plane ticket home.

Untill the Country gets serious, nothing will change. Originally Posted by Jackie S

a few things have to happen.

the supreme court have ruled on that issue. they have prevented states from barring illegals from free education and free medicine. They couldn't interfere on what's essentially federal govt. responsibility in those areas. I think that was the reason, I may be wrong.

regardless, their ruling has to be overturned.
It is a very complex issue, undercut by stupid statements trying to blame one party or the other.

The fact of the matter us that we all want cheap goods. That want has led to a huge imbalance in wealth and if you do not understand that, you really do not understand the immigration debate. Originally Posted by WTF
I do not want cheap goods. I want luxury goods.

What is the Democrats position on that?
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  • WTF
  • 11-03-2018, 07:12 PM
He's not doing anything illegal. He's using the laws that are currently in place. SMFH Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yes....rich people have rulrs in place to benefit themselves.

You my dear are making an excuse for a rich person who can influence law to their advantage while ordinary Mon n Pop hotel owners cannot , legally.

So just make it legal for Mom n Pop to do exactly as Trump is doing. Hire cheap labor.

As far as his daughter....do you not see how she is taking away jobs that used to be done in this country?

She does it for cheap labor, which undermines factory jobs.

No different than when some of you cry about Chevy have a truck plant in Mexico.

Now a counter argument would be that cheaper goods are great for this country....or that used to be the GOP reply.

I'm beginning to think very few of you understand your own position on any one subject.

You ( not you personally ) cry about immigrants taking jobs , yet defend Trump and family when given a choice who to hire Americans ....they hire foreigners
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  • WTF
  • 11-03-2018, 07:13 PM
I do not want cheap goods. I want luxury goods.

What is the Democrats position on that? Originally Posted by friendly fred
It is not wtf you want, it is what you can afford!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Borders? we don't need no stinkin' borders!!

The DNC.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Borders? we don't need no stinkin' borders!!

The DNC.

bahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Where is that in the DNC platform?

Enough of the lies and fakery, please.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Where is that in the DNC platform?

Enough of the lies and fakery, please. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


Yes, Democrats Are Now The Party Of Open Borders

Illegal Immigration: We've been seeing a lot of articles these days defending Democrats against charges that they are for open borders. But recent events show that the party has, in fact, morphed into one that reflexively opposes virtually any attempt to secure the southern border.

For years, Democrats tried to portray themselves as tough on border security, even as they argued for amnesty for all illegal immigrants currently in the country. Sometimes they slipped, as Hillary Clinton did when, in a paid speech in 2013, she talked about her dream of open borders. (She quickly tried to explain away her comment, once it surfaced, as having to do with energy.)

But several events over the past few days have blown the party's cover on illegal immigration.

On Wednesday, the House voted on a bill that simply expressed Congress' "continued support for all United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and personnel who carry out the important mission of ICE" and "the efforts of all Federal agencies, State law enforcement, and military personnel who bring law and order to our Nation's borders."

Such nonbinding resolutions don't have the force of law. They're just a statement.

Just 18 Democrats voted for this resolution. Thirty-five voted no. And the other 133 dodged the issue altogether by voting "present." Democrats complained that the vote was just a political stunt.

But it came as the "abolish ICE" movement took off among Democrats in the wake of open-borders socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's surprise victory in the New York primaries. She's since called for protesters to occupy ICE offices around the country. The head of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, labeled her the future of the Democratic Party.

The vote also came after eight Democrats co-sponsored an actual abolish-ICE bill. (When House GOP members said they'd bring that bill up for a vote, Democrats called it a stunt, too.)

As far as we are aware, no prominent Democrat has raised their voice in protest of this dangerously naive idea. Instead, they are either overtly supporting the "abolish ICE" campaign, or mumbling about how ICE needs to be replaced with, as Sen. Elizabeth Warren put it, "something that reflects our morality and that works."

Meanwhile, Senate Democrats are now pushing a bill that would effectively establish "catch and release" as federal policy.

In the past, immigrant families caught crossing the border illegally who claimed asylum would be detained briefly, then asked to return at a later date for their asylum hearing. President Trump's "zero tolerance policy" was an attempt to end this "catch and release" policy, which only encourages illegal border crossings.

Democrats know that only a tiny fraction of supposed asylum-seekers ever show up for those hearings. The rest become part of the ever-growing pool of illegal immigrants living in the country.

So, making catch and release the policy of the land amounts to an open invitation to anyone who wants to cross the border illegally. Just come with children, claim asylum, and you're in.

Registering Illegal Immigrants

To top it off, San Francisco started registering illegal immigrants this week, so they can vote in the November city school board election.

"We want to give (illegal) immigrants the right to vote," Norman Yee, a county supervisor, said.

So, let's add all this up.

Democrats want to neuter the one agency responsible for enforcing border security. They want to make it easy for illegals who cross to stay in the country. And they want to give them the right to vote.

Leading Democrats also adamantly oppose building a secure border wall. They support "sanctuary cities" that actively protect illegals from deportation. And they want to grant every illegal in the country amnesty.

And we're supposed to believe that Democrats aren't for open borders simply because they say so?

As we noted in this space a few days ago, the Democratic Party has been driving to the far left on a wide range of issues for many years. The only difference now is that its veneer of moderation has eroded to the point where Democrats can't hide their extremism any longer.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
be careful. Wakeup might point you for insulting Democrats. and bricks.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-03-2018, 10:03 PM
- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ellen , what I am trying to explain to you is the hypocrisy in legal and illegal immigration.

Large corporations are able to write legislation that lets them do things others can not. Why can Yrump import non Americas to work at his properties and Mom n Pop hotels can not?

Do you understand the hypocrisy?

And Trump is one of the ones doing so!

Yet his followers do nothing but make excuses...
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2018, 10:03 PM
From the Democratic Party Platform:https://democrats.org/about/party-platform/

Lots of platitudes about freedom, security, and hard working families. There are some interesting points - I agree with a constructive plan for legal status for DACA individuals, and for a path to citizenship for legal immigrants who serve honorably in our Armed Forces. There are other points I would agree on, and some that are not reasonable in my opinion.

Democrats have had lots of time under Obama and the last two years to introduce constructive legislation on the issues - but refuse. Democratic leadership sees the immigration issues as political asset to them, and have no interest in real reform which would quell the criticism of Donald Trump - which is their real issue.

See the last paragraph - It is about Donald Trump and - parenthetically - Hillary's loss. The bottom line in their own platform.
I wonder if the liberals posting here have taken time to read this Democratic Party Platform in total?

Question: Is this post below a factual representation of Democratic Party stand on immigration? Or is it a political cover-up for completely Open Borders advocated by Beto and Ocasio, among other Democratic leaders, and the right to Vote for any and all non-citizen legal and illegal immigrants. Do Democrats see these immigrants as party loyalists and voters? The foundation for "Universal Suffrage" is already being set in San Francisco - which is extending the right to vote on local issues to illegal immigrant non-citizens. No link necessary - this is factual and widely reported in multiple different media outlets. Also under consideration in Boston.

In my opinion, when we open our borders to any and all uncontrolled migration, and give the right to Vote to citizens of other countries, we have well and truly doomed our United States of America as a free and independent country.

Fixing our Broken Immigration System

The United States was founded as, and continues to be, a country of immigrants from throughout the world. It is no coincidence that the Statue of Liberty is one of our most profound national symbols. And that is why Democrats believe immigration is not just a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and our shared history.
The Democratic Party supports legal immigration, within reasonable limits, that meets the needs of families, communities, and the economy as well as maintains the United States’ role as a beacon of hope for people seeking safety, freedom, and security. People should come to the United States with visas and not through smugglers. Yet, we recognize that the current immigration system is broken.
More than 11 million people are living in the shadows, without proper documentation. The immigration bureaucracy is full of backlogs that result in U.S. citizens waiting for decades to be reunited with family members, and green card holders waiting for years to be reunited with their spouses and minor children. The current quota system discriminates against certain immigrants, including immigrants of color, and needs to be reformed to the realities of the 21st century. And there are real questions about our detention and deportation policies that must be addressed.
Democrats believe we need to urgently fix our broken immigration system—which tears families apart and keeps workers in the shadows—and create a path to citizenship for law-abiding families who are here, making a better life for their families and contributing to their communities and our country. We should repeal the 3-year, 10-year and permanent bars, which often force persons in mixed status families into the heartbreaking dilemma of either pursuing a green card by leaving the country and their loved ones behind, or remaining in the shadows. We will work with Congress to end the forced and prolonged expulsion from the country that these immigrants endure when trying to adjust their status.
We must fix family backlogs and defend against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants. Those immigrants already living in the United States, who are assets to their communities and contribute so much to our country, should be incorporated completely into our society through legal processes that give meaning to our national motto: E Pluribus Unum.
And while we continue to fight for comprehensive immigration reform, we will defend and implement President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans executive actions to help DREAMers, parents of citizens, and lawful permanent residents avoid deportation. We will build on these actions to provide relief for others, such as parents of DREAMers. We will support efforts by states to make DREAMers eligible for driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition. We will invest in culturally-appropriate immigrant integration services, expand access to English language education, and promote naturalization to help the millions of people who are eligible for citizenship take that last step.
We believe immigration enforcement must be humane and consistent with our values. We should prioritize those who pose a threat to the safety of our communities, not hardworking families who are contributing to their communities. We will end raids and roundups of children and families, which unnecessarily sow fear in immigrant communities. We disfavor deportations of immigrants who served in our armed forces, and we want to create a faster path for such veterans to citizenship.
We should ensure due process for those fleeing violence in Central America and work with our regional partners to address the root causes of violence. We must take particular care with children, which is why we should guarantee government-funded counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration courts. We should consider all available means of protecting these individuals from the threats to their lives and safety—including strengthening in-country and third-country processing, expanding the use of humanitarian parole, and granting Temporary Protected Status.
We will promote best practices among local law enforcement, in terms of how they collaborate with federal authorities, to ensure that they maintain and build trust between local law enforcement and the communities they serve. We will also vigorously oversee any programs put in place, to make sure that there are no abuses and no arbitrary deportation programs. We will establish an affirmative process for workers to report labor violations and to request deferred action. We will work to ensure that all Americans—regardless of immigration status—have access to quality health care. That means expanding community health centers, allowing all families to buy into the Affordable Care Act exchanges, supporting states that open up their public health insurance programs to all persons, and finally enacting comprehensive immigration reform. And we will expand opportunities for DREAMers to serve in the military and to then receive expedited pathways to citizenship.
We will fight to end federal, state, and municipal contracts with for-profit private prisons and private detention centers.In order to end family detention, we will ensure humane alternatives for those who pose no public threat. We recognize that there are vulnerable communities within our immigration system who are often seeking refuge from persecution abroad, such as LGBT families, for whom detention can be unacceptably dangerous.
We reject attempts to impose a religious test to bar immigrants or refugees from entering the United States. It is un-American and runs counter to the founding principles of this country.
Finally, Democrats will not stand for the divisive and derogatory language of Donald Trump. His offensive comments about immigrants and other communities have no place in our society. This kind of rhetoric must be rejected.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where did it say anything about Hillary Clinton, oeb, parenthetically or otherwise?

You just made that up.

Why not? Lotta that going around these days.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen