Encounter: My first provider, Shea Veile

_sir_'s Avatar
  • _sir_
  • 01-03-2021, 10:14 PM
With such warm, friendly, and supportive comments, I no longer wonder as to why she has a no review policy. I already regret ever having posted it.

I think I will follow suit and refrain from posting any more reviews. There are plenty of others willing to do that, so there is no point in subjecting myself to the warm embrace that follows.

Eccie was here before me and eccie will be here long after me, so I wish you all well.
adav8s28's Avatar
All those links and not a single photo. Lame. Originally Posted by Dersieger
There are a couple of pictures in Eros.com. The way Eros works when the green light is lit the lady is available. Guys who travel for business use Eros.com.

nbs4143's Avatar
Wow! she looks awesome in those pictures on Eros, how old these pictures?

There are a couple of pictures in Eros.com. The way Eros works when the green light is lit the lady is available. Guys who travel for business use Eros.com.

https://www.eros.com/texas/dallas/fi...9.htm?cat=6209 Originally Posted by adav8s28
billmr74's Avatar
Normally I just sit back in the shadows and laugh at the ignorance that seems to run rampede on eccie, but this seems to have a lot of traffic and comments for such a simple review. I read it originally and moved on, but for some reason it keeps popping back up, I figured I would give it another read to see why this is so. I had a friend send me the rest of the story. It seems the stupidity is particularly strong in this thread, and try as I might, I just cant keep my mouth shut. Sorry guys, but you asked for it, in fact you almost begged for it. It's one thing to talk crap to each other, but its something else when you pick on someone new to the hobby, and for absolutely on apparent reason. It shows just how childish and dumb you guys really are.

I stopped posting regular reviews to eccie back in 2012 for the same reason this new guy says he is going to stop. Occasionally I will post one just to get member status, but then I fall back to the shadows. I average a hooker a week, sometime two, sometime two at the same time, which is either a major accomplishment or a sad testimonial about my life choices, either way, I have for more experience in this lifestyle than any single person in this site. If you've had your dick in her, chances are, I was there first.

Lets take the ignorance in order.

My advice to you. Quit this hobby. Originally Posted by Cbvxtrex
Why on earth would you tell someone you don't even know to quit a hobby that you yourself are actively engage in? Do everyone a favor and keep your hypocrisy to yourself. Please.

It’s a money pit that will suck your money dry, giving you a false sense of love and admiration. It’s extremely addicting and will dehumanize you and your feelings and views toward women. It will take years of undoing to see women differently the more you indulge in this. It’s an unnatural thing which is why all these providers hide it from their parents kids and society.

They also won’t truly respect or date a man who pays for their bodies. Maybe 1-2% of them end up liking a client but there’s exceptions for everything. Go find a normal women who you don’t have to wait in line for and pay for an hour of her opening her legs that have been screwed by thousands of other men. Originally Posted by Cbvxtrex
You don't know this guys, or my, financial situation that would preclude you to make a statement about it being a money pit. I personally spend about $1500 on hookers a month, and that in NO WAY is ever going to “suck my money dry”. If its a financial burden for you, then take your own advice and quit the hobby, but please don't tell others to do the same just because you feel bad about it. I really do not think anyone here is looking for a hooker as a girlfriend, so the rest of your comment is completely ignorant.

Just my advice. Feel free to make your own decisions. Once I quit I found inner peace, mental ease, appreciation for women on more than a physical way, and goals in life other than who I’m going to blow my next $$$$$$ on. Originally Posted by Cbvxtrex
Although, in America you are free to give advice, the real question is: Should you? (rhetorical)
As for you quitting, I'm happy for you, except that this life changing revolution must have just happened because you wrote a review: 9-04-2020 Encounter: Morning with Priscilla2.0. I can only assume you mean this was a recent epiphany that gave you such profound insight.


What he said Originally Posted by AveryDallas
Way to go. Totally unneeded and pointless, but I am sure you felt like you were giving support to a fellow dipshit. Even though you yourself are also active in the hobby. Its kind of like going to an AA meeting, then hitting a bar after. I'm sure you get the point.

So true and no point of arguing back. But this site is to discuss and share experience with providers.. Not sure your comment is appropriate here Originally Posted by wowdfw
See? Someone else that thinks you guys are stupid. But instead of listening to the voice of reason, you ignorant fucks just kept going anyway.

is she still BBFS? is she on p411? Originally Posted by almocsu
First off, she never was BBFS, which means that you are a special kind of dumb ass. That special kind means: A lying dumb ass. I went back and read all the reviews I could find (on this site and several others), and not ONE says anything about BBFS. That tells me, and everyone else, that you are full of crap to say “still”. Also seeing the fact that you have not ever reviewed the provider before tells everyone that you have not actually seen the provider before. Best advice would be to keep your lies, and ignorance to yourself.

Well this went south...
What kind of retard goes BBFS with any provider?
What kind of nasty provider would let some of you do BBFS?
That's just begging to catch something a doctor cant fix, then pass it off to the next in line. Originally Posted by _sir_
Unless you want them to talk crap about you, don't talk crap about them. I may personally agree with your statement, but that doesn't mean I have the right to tell anyone else how they should conduct their visit to a hooker. Keep that in mind.

Aren't newbies and their high morals just the cutest things? Originally Posted by Go4it
I agree with the new guy. WTF? I guess you just make a habit of posting random and pointless comments with no indication of what they are in reference to. As long as they make you feel good about yourself that's all that matters. Maybe you think people can read your mind and should just magically know what you are talking about. Who knows... No one cares.

I just love your responses. Please be sure and save this thread and come back and read it in 5 years. Originally Posted by Go4it
Again. POINTLESS. At some point in your life you should probably look back on the things you say (maybe in 5 years) and hopefully you will realize just how dumb you look and sound. I often wonder if stupid people realize they are stupid, and in your case, the answer is “no”, you will never understand that sometimes, saying nothing is the best course of action. STFU

From the sounds of it he should be old enough to drink then. Originally Posted by pittlicker
This must be Go4it's side kick. Like Batman and Robin, the gay version from the 60s. What part of anything the new guy said would lead you to believe that he was 16 years old? Really? I'm sure when you wrote it, it made since to you, even if it was only you that it made since to. Good job.

I think the answer to one of your questions is right there in your review. Originally Posted by Golden Man
Which question? What answer? WTF are you reading that no one else is? Never mind. This is like monkey see monkey do. One person say something pointless and dumb, and the next person tries to out do the first person. It just gets worse as it goes along.

All those links and not a single photo. Lame. Originally Posted by Dersieger
You seem to be the only person that does not know how to use Google, and the only person that can't seem to find a picture. Lame.

With such warm, friendly, and supportive comments, I no longer wonder as to why she has a no review policy. I already regret ever having posted it.

I think I will follow suit and refrain from posting any more reviews. There are plenty of others willing to do that, so there is no point in subjecting myself to the warm embrace that follows.

Eccie was here before me and eccie will be here long after me, so I wish you all well. Originally Posted by _sir_
Welcome to the dark side. You just figured out in your short time here, what so many of us have figured out. You do your thing and fuck the rest of these assholes. Not one person on here is worth the time and effort it takes to even write a review anymore. They can be fun to read, they can give you an idea who to stay away from and who might be fun to visit, but other than that, in almost all cases, YMMV.

There are a couple of pictures in Eros.com. The way Eros works when the green light is lit the lady is available. Guys who travel for business use Eros.com.

https://www.eros.com/texas/dallas/fi...9.htm?cat=6209 Originally Posted by adav8s28
Dersieger. Take notes. GOOGLE is your friend.

You people need to do your thing and let others do their thing. On the internet, no one cares about you, and a hooker only cares about your money. You are nothing special to them, or anyone else. You are certainly nothing special on a site where everyone else on the site is doing the exact same thing you are doing. The type of experience you have is only hampered by the hooker you choose and the money you bring to the table. We all play the same game for the same reasons, so keep your opinions about it to yourself because you are nothing more than anyone else here.

I'm pretty sure this will cause some back lash and some of you keyboard commandos will get your panties in a twist, but no one cares. I am also pretty sure this will get me in trouble with the admin, but again, no one cares. I will do my thing, and since my happiness is all that matters to me, I just don't care. I was picking up hookers long before eccie, and I will be picking up hookers long after eccie is gone. LMAO. Peace out fuckers.