So, open carry passed in Texas...

cheatercheater's Avatar
look a white conservative heading to starbucks for a latte

im sorry i am all for 2nd amendment but if you feel your life is in such danger you must carry a gun where ever you go than fear has won over your life. From a disabled Navy veteran.

Attachment 487843 Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
Starbucks has requested I not come in for coffee in full "exercising my rights" open carry.

And I thought the dude in the pic was a straight line Obama liberal out confiscating assault weapons.

All in jest though!

I myself will continue to carry concealed. Not really out of fear though. I also conceal carry condoms.
Chung Tran's Avatar
random thought:

I wonder if the number of gunshots ringing in the New Year in 11 and 1/2 hours will increase because of open carry?
Duthgar1976's Avatar
Starbucks has requested I not come in for coffee in full "exercising my rights" open carry.

And I thought the dude in the pic was a straight line Obama liberal out confiscating assault weapons.

All in jest though!

I myself will continue to carry concealed. Not really out of fear though. I also conceal carry condoms. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
ehhh no worries lol. see i tend to think liek a criminal just while observing people day to day. If i see someone with a nice handgun openly carring it i might decide i want that weapon. Eithre follow for a bit and wait till its a good time to bash said person over the head take weapon or to even pull a gun on said person and thank them for their contrubution to my stock pile =D

I am all for concealed myself. I dont want to walk around with a target on my back. It jsut makes me laugh becasue you have people that want to walk around like we are in a war torn 3rd world country.
pyramider's Avatar
What I meant was, if I am concealed carrying somewhere and I move my body in a way to where my firearm is visible to an onlooker I won't incur any legal repercussions. You're telling me when you carry you have NEVER had your gun showing? Even for a split second? Ever?

Trust me, I am not trying to justify OC. I am merely pointing out a benefit of the ruling. Originally Posted by matthh1987
Not one time has my gun been exposed. My CHL instructor made it clear that those holding a CHL are held to a much higher standard. Thus I am very careful ...
I have never had an issue carrying to an appointment. But I have always been up front so there are no surprises. That being said it was always concealed. Now that open carry has passed it will soon be no big deal. As most everyone will be strapped. On a side note my gun has never killed anyone. Weird how does that happen? I thought all guns kill people.
pyramider's Avatar
I believe the only people that can open carry handguns are the people who have a current CHL. Rifles do not require a license.
dallasfan's Avatar
I've been seeing a few hotels that post on the door that they do not allow open carry inside their hotel. Crown plaza was one of them.
It has to be an official 30.07 sign to prevent open carry. As a licensed carrier I will only obey official signs. All others will be ignored.
mtabsw's Avatar
In the other 44 states that already have open carry - the only increase in crime has been in gun theft - and not the "grab and run" type. Most of the open carry types are collectors, so the robbers scope them out and break in while they're gone and steal everything.
pyramider's Avatar
It has to be an official 30.07 sign to prevent open carry. As a licensed carrier I will only obey official signs. All others will be ignored. Originally Posted by 2long4u
Just remember, the establishment also has the right not to serve you.
It has to be an official 30.07 sign to prevent open carry. As a licensed carrier I will only obey official signs. All others will be ignored. Originally Posted by 2long4u
I stopped in at one fast food place yesterday that had an unofficial sign that I couldn't help but abide by.

It said "as a courtesy to our patrons, we ask that licensed handgun owners conceal their firearm while in our restaurant"

My sidearm stayed concealed in their place. It would have been rude to do otherwise.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 01-03-2016, 11:12 AM
A restaurant owner I know put up a sign on his window disallowing anyone with open carry guns to enter his restaurant.
My only hope is that business owners that opt to post these 30.06 and 30.07 signs is to get robbed. May they be robbed at gun point by thugs who either couldn't read or chose to ignore their signs. These signs only keep out the good guys with guns. Hell your mass shootings are usually done in gun free zones. But somehow we easily forget this.
Batman's Avatar
You all do realize Texas is a follower here as 44 states already have open carry, each without increasing shootings whatsoever. We are not cutting edge, we're playing catch-up.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 01-03-2016, 01:19 PM
My only hope is that business owners that opt to post these 30.06 and 30.07 signs is to get robbed. May they be robbed at gun point by thugs who either couldn't read or chose to ignore their signs. These signs only keep out the good guys with guns. Hell your mass shootings are usually done in gun free zones. But somehow we easily forget this. Originally Posted by 2long4u
Fear monger.