People, lets be real with the reviews!

No love....I didn't choose to ignore them, I chose to give the benefit of the doubt because I am aware that people, for whatever reason, may embellish, post a review out of anger that doesn't reflect the provider, or submit a bad or negative review because they have an ax to grind.

As I said, I choose not to post a review for every provider I have seen but do see the need to post a review if it is something that needs to be brought to the attention of the hobbyist.

The signs were there but u chose to ignore them.. Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-18-2018, 02:19 PM
Sounds like you aren't stable enough for this to be your hobby. Ya might want to go pick up something like toothpick sculptures or an ant farm instead.
LMAO, what you just did was the perfect example of "G's up, ho's down"!

I guess that's why you're the Oracle!

Nah, it was definitely a popular phrase in the 90's with the Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Death Row records era. Originally Posted by TheOracle

Accepted? I'm not going to even entertain that claim.

This guy reeks anger.....LMAO @ I want to be accepted.

Next! Originally Posted by SmurfyGirth

I think he was referring to me...
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 01-18-2018, 03:20 PM
Sounds like you aren't stable enough for this to be your hobby. Ya might want to go pick up something like toothpick sculptures or an ant farm instead. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
IKR! Clearly he is sensitive and not that bright.
SmurfyGirth, a word of advice. Next time you want to post something like this thread, post it in the mens lounge. That will eliminate the cacking hens that can't read ROS but still want to throw their 2 cents in. Pimps and white knights will never change, they been juicing up those reviews for YEARS. There are many more ways to find the TRUTH on a girl. Reviews are just a small percentage.

Yeah, I saw that after the fact but I find it truly disturbing that he would call you out like that from the comfort and security of his couch.

Online communication creates some of the worlds toughest people especially when buffered with thousands of miles in distance.

Again, "G's up, Ho's down"!

I think he was referring to me... Originally Posted by txboi817
Roger that!

Thought this would produce rational discussion but what I see instead are a large number of capes swooping in to save the damsels in distress.

Advice taken!

SmurfyGirth, a word of advice. Next time you want to post something like this thread, post it in the mens lounge. That will eliminate the cacking hens that can't read ROS but still want to throw their 2 cents in. Pimps and white knights will never change, they been juicing up those reviews for YEARS. There are many more ways to find the TRUTH on a girl. Reviews are just a small percentage.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-18-2018, 03:54 PM
I think you are a coward and a disgusting person. Why?

You write about the poor gal with nasty statements that can really hurt someone. Not just her business but her feelings. You basically called her a transexual troll.

Then you don't even do what you are calling out the mass population of this board for... you won't pony up and write the review of the girl you saw. I wouldn't either if I had written such nasty things about a lady. SMDH

All this because it is your OPINION. You "found nothing about this person appealing or attractive"... Ya know, there are some people that don't find Victoria's Secret Models attractive.

If you had just come on here and written this up without all the flame and vinegar, objectively, kindly and factually, no one would have dismissed you. It WOULD Have started a conversation about factual and objective reviews that weren't written to boost a fella's internet fame points.

My question is - you bitch about the reviews being false-ish.. but what about her advertising? Does she advertise herself honestly? If so, what the fuck is there to complain about? You should have done your research and made your decision on that along with the reviews. If she didn't advertise herself honestly, then that is the REAL conversation.
pmdelites's Avatar
I agree that you don't have to write a review about the provider.

but if you are gonna claim that's she is not all that she's cracked up to be based on some of her reviews, then you should back up your claim/opinion w/ some facts.

NOT providing info when you clearly have it is a form of lying (lying by omission) and therefore is somewhat dishonest and not real.

so, either be real and publicly share who the provider is -or- end this thread.
CopierGuy, I see your point....

Ze? Who did I call a transsexual troll?

Let me know, I'll wait?

As I said, if anyone is interested in knowing who the provider is, i'd be happy to disclose it to them in PM but I'm not going to get into a pissing match with someone who shows obvious signs of emotional sensitivity to make unsubstantiated claims based on mere emotion.

I didn't hurt anyone's business because I didn't disclose who the provider was and my intent was not to call the provider out, if that was my intent, I would have posted who the provider was, hence forth, I didn't hurt anyone's "BUSINESS" so with that being said, it was to start a discussion about how reviews are written but to perfect and true form, someone gets bent out of shape over nothing and starts on some off topic rant that has nothing to do with the initial topic.

I made it perfectly clear people are entitled to their opinions but don't try to lecture me about my post when I was clear about what the intent was. I'd suggest that rather than jump to conclusions and comment on a topic that obviously went over your head, that you direct your frustrations and desire to take a stand for the womens lib movement and comprehend what you read before you comment.

So with that being said, you are now dismissed.

I think you are a coward and a disgusting person. Why?

You write about the poor gal with nasty statements that can really hurt someone. Not just her business but her feelings. You basically called her a transexual troll.

Then you don't even do what you are calling out the mass population of this board for... you won't pony up and write the review of the girl you saw. I wouldn't either if I had written such nasty things about a lady. SMDH

All this because it is your OPINION. You "found nothing about this person appealing or attractive"... Ya know, there are some people that don't find Victoria's Secret Models attractive.

If you had just come on here and written this up without all the flame and vinegar, objectively, kindly and factually, no one would have dismissed you. It WOULD Have started a conversation about factual and objective reviews that weren't written to boost a fella's internet fame points.

My question is - you bitch about the reviews being false-ish.. but what about her advertising? Does she advertise herself honestly? If so, what the fuck is there to complain about? You should have done your research and made your decision on that along with the reviews. If she didn't advertise herself honestly, then that is the REAL conversation. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-18-2018, 04:26 PM
The signs were there but u chose to ignore them.. Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper
OP you may disagree with this statement but it's the truth.
L.A., it seems that people want to comprehend and see what they want to see.....

Let me slow this down for those with a minimal ability to comprehend.....

Reviews are subjective....what one reviewer may find as sexy, another reviewer may not therefore I give "THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT" regarding the review and I'll take a plunge to find out for myself.

I am aware that some hobbyist will write a bad review about a provider because he has an ax to grind with her and I'm aware that providers will do the same (ex. the video going around putting clients on blast) BUT I don't make my decisions solely on reviews by hobbyist, I'll give "THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT" to the provider and find out on my own.

The problem that so many seem to have difficulties grasping is, embellishing the encounter, appearance, or experience. If the provider is BBW with bad teeth, just say that.....don't describe her as slim with a perfect smile. If they disclose the imperfections, I then decide to go and have no disappointments in expecting something that is a misrepresentation.

The point of the thread is not to call the provider out because if you recall, the entire first post was referencing the hobbyist who isn't fully forthcoming with the encounter. So me posting who the provider is, is not the point because the provider didn't post the review, it is the hobbyist who aren't forth coming.....that's what you seem to fail to grasp just like others who take meaning out of the post that has clearly nothing to do with the point.

You follow me?

What I have seen thus far from the discussion is a pack mentality...the "For's and the Against" and rather than take the point for what its worth, it is taken totally out of context and made into something that it wasn't intended.

Like someone claiming it is bashing the provider when the provider isn't called out by name.

Oh boy!

OP you may disagree with this statement but it's the truth. Originally Posted by L.A.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-18-2018, 04:48 PM
What a fucking hypocrite.

You don't want others to embellish but yet your own writing does.

Shaq hands..schlong.. you don't have to use the exact words for us to see what you are hinting at.

The emotional one here is you. Your petty preferences weren't satisfied.

You fucked up and want to put the betrayal on others when the only one to blame is yourself.

Take your woman hating ass to the locker room where you can hide.

Sit down, this whore will never.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-18-2018, 04:50 PM

Now granted, there were reviews that issued "No" recommendations, a couple that were luke warm, and a few that gave "Yes" suggestions but I decided to take the plunge and have a personal encounter for myself.
Originally Posted by SmurfyGirth
So multiple reviews with "No" and at least two that were "Yes" but had lukewarm comments in the ROS. but you decided to see her anyway. It seems to me that at least a few people took the time to write a review of their experience with this provider and gave their recommendation but for some reason you saw her anyway and then come on here bitching about dishonest reviews. And you refuse to write a review of this provider or name her. So I'll slow it down so you can comprehend this....You are fucking stupid.