Hotels requiring vax passport

Why is that??? Originally Posted by eyecu2
In the event that you or others want to know the answer and presumably have the time, this is perhaps the most interesting, thorough and most importantly, factually complete explanation/discussion by a scientist, a or perhaps the leading authority on the vaccine portion of this discussion who is not only up-to-date but not skewed by any number of motivations that have plagued, distorted and lead to the complete politicization of the entire discussion. He even discussed his motive- he made it plain and clear that he’s furious that his profession has been bastardized by many in an attempt to achieve whatever they’re trying to achieve.

Have a look at any of today’s “experts” and if you can find their motive (often carefully hidden, often with help from others) it’s not terribly difficult to determine their credibility.

Of course yesterday’s irrefutable authority is today’s quack in the modern media therefore he had to painstakingly go through his background at the beginning of the discussion. If his credentials are questionable to anyone either they didn’t listen or don’t want to pay attention and are hopelessly caught up in whatever cause they believe they are serving.

We are living in an alternate universe that has been dictated, controlled and corrupted by many hands. Some of these people/institutions are innocuous and some not so much, but make no mistake- there is very little in the public square that is factual and exhaustive today and I’m not sure when or why it was lost.

We no longer have a media that cleans up the edges of these discussions like the “60 Minutes” of years’ past, we are pretty much on our own to figure this stuff out. Mistrust once upon a time lurked around the edges, an abode exclusive to the fringe but is now dangerously, lamentably and rightfully held by far too many.

When we can no longer trust our own (fill in the blank) what follows? No idea, certainly disturbing and probably deleterious, assuming this dynamic continues to deteriorate.

The other question that is somewhat opaque to me is who benefits from all of today’s divisiveness/hostility? The answers that I come up with are calamitous leading me (and likely others who are paying attention) in this sort of infinite circle in which we know where this points but have a very difficult time believing it because no reasonable person wants or enjoys this; we just want integrity from all involved.

This subject and any other does NOT need to be black and white, us vs. “them” is NOT required nor healthy and very few (present company included) are NOT fully informed on any number of things. Between blatant censorship and this steady coordinated drumbeat of not only distorted but clearly inaccurate propaganda/disinformation; whether intentional or not…the truth may never be known; societal erosion is clearly occurring right before us. If society was capable and willing to go there, to clean out the nonsense…people would probably rightfully either lose their jobs or be incarcerated. Responsibility is not pinned without a fight that includes only more misdirection. Speaking of infinite loops…try taking someone’s livelihood, power or freedom.

Nobody should have to turn to a lengthily podcast to get the unvarnished, clearly painstakingly obvious attempt at presenting facts rather than conjecture. Most people are perfectly capable of and equipped to siphon thorough objective attempts (like this) at evidence-based facts to arrive at reasonable conclusions but the very fact that it’s so rare (and thus valuable) is somewhere between terrifying and hideous and therefore infuriatingly misguided.

This is where we find ourselves, this is our world. <sigh>
tskimberlyb's Avatar
In the event that you or others want to know the answer and presumably have the time, this is perhaps the most interesting, thorough and most importantly, factually complete explanation/discussion by a scientist, a or perhaps the leading authority on the vaccine portion of this discussion who is not only up-to-date but not skewed by any number of motivations that have plagued, distorted and lead to the complete politicization of the entire discussion. He even discussed his motive- he made it plain and clear that he’s furious that his profession has been bastardized by many in an attempt to achieve whatever they’re trying to achieve.

Have a look at any of today’s “experts” and if you can find their motive (often carefully hidden, often with help from others) it’s not terribly difficult to determine their credibility.

Of course yesterday’s irrefutable authority is today’s quack in the modern media therefore he had to painstakingly go through his background at the beginning of the discussion. If his credentials are questionable to anyone either they didn’t listen or don’t want to pay attention and are hopelessly caught up in whatever cause they believe they are serving.

We are living in an alternate universe that has been dictated, controlled and corrupted by many hands. Some of these people/institutions are innocuous and some not so much, but make no mistake- there is very little in the public square that is factual and exhaustive today and I’m not sure when or why it was lost.

We no longer have a media that cleans up the edges of these discussions like the “60 Minutes” of years’ past, we are pretty much on our own to figure this stuff out. Mistrust once upon a time lurked around the edges, an abode exclusive to the fringe but is now dangerously, lamentably and rightfully held by far too many.

When we can no longer trust our own (fill in the blank) what follows? No idea, certainly disturbing and probably deleterious, assuming this dynamic continues to deteriorate.

The other question that is somewhat opaque to me is who benefits from all of today’s divisiveness/hostility? The answers that I come up with are calamitous leading me (and likely others who are paying attention) in this sort of infinite circle in which we know where this points but have a very difficult time believing it because no reasonable person wants or enjoys this; we just want integrity from all involved.

This subject and any other does NOT need to be black and white, us vs. “them” is NOT required nor healthy and very few (present company included) are NOT fully informed on any number of things. Between blatant censorship and this steady coordinated drumbeat of not only distorted but clearly inaccurate propaganda/disinformation; whether intentional or not…the truth may never be known; societal erosion is clearly occurring right before us. If society was capable and willing to go there, to clean out the nonsense…people would probably rightfully either lose their jobs or be incarcerated. Responsibility is not pinned without a fight that includes only more misdirection. Speaking of infinite loops…try taking someone’s livelihood, power or freedom.

Nobody should have to turn to a lengthily podcast to get the unvarnished, clearly painstakingly obvious attempt at presenting facts rather than conjecture. Most people are perfectly capable of and equipped to siphon thorough objective attempts (like this) at evidence-based facts to arrive at reasonable conclusions but the very fact that it’s so rare (and thus valuable) is somewhere between terrifying and hideous and therefore infuriatingly misguided.

This is where we find ourselves, this is our world. <sigh> Originally Posted by topwater
probably the best answer on this whole situation i've seen since the plandemic started
guy fawkes's Avatar
I was just sent an article today about Marriott and Hilton starting to require vaccination passport proof or negative covid test before staying at the hotel.

Has anyone experienced this in the USA yet?
If so, which cities and hotels?

Thanks. Originally Posted by tia travels
Nope this is not a requirement
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
hasn't happened to me yet...
Me Neither!