Meet the GOP Congressman whoo opposes Trump the most

bambino's Avatar
We have no debt of now due to entitlement spending debt you imbecile.

The entitlement portion which is paid for out of payroll taxes has been in the black for decades.

Do you know when and why they started combining entitlement and discretionary spending together?

Of course not or you'd never just posted that nonsense

Originally Posted by WTF
It’s you that’s posts nonsense. There’s a thing called unfunded future liabilities. Since our government robbed the SS trust fund for decades we acrued DEBT. It’s unfunded debt. It’s only going to get worse with the retirement of the baby boomers and not enough workers paying into the fund. That’s a major portion of our National Debt. That’s why it’s going up no matter who’s POTUS. Trump could shut down the evil vast military complex, tax everyone out the wazoo and we’d still have a massive debt. If we don’t reform entitlements we’re fucked you simpleton.
lustylad's Avatar
We used to pay for say the Iraq War and all its ongoing expenses via inheritance tax on the rich as they have much more influence in government... Originally Posted by WTF
I just called you out TWO DAYS AGO for making this same false bullshit claim! Where do you come up with this nonsense? War Resisters League magazine? And why do you keep peddling the same bullshit after it's been debunked???

Where did you hear that ridiculous story, jackass?

The federal inheritance tax has never, ever, ever come close to raising the kind of revenues needed to "pay for a war".

The tax has been on the books for a century now. During most of that time, it has contributed between 1% and 2% of total federal revenues. Currently it generates a measly 0.6%. Can you say "a drop in the bucket"?

The federal deficit has exploded because federal SPENDING has exploded, not because anyone was insufficiently taxed at death. Originally Posted by lustylad
This is why you have no credibility!
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  • WTF
  • 12-29-2017, 08:55 AM
It’s you that’s posts nonsense. There’s a thing called unfunded future liabilities. Since our government robbed the SS trust fund for decades we acrued DEBT. It’s unfunded debt. It’s only going to get worse with the retirement of the baby boomers and not enough workers paying into the fund. That’s a major portion of our National Debt. That’s why it’s going up no matter who’s POTUS. Trump could shut down the evil vast military complex, tax everyone out the wazoo and we’d still have a massive debt. If we don’t reform entitlements we’re fucked you simpleton. Originally Posted by bambino
You stupid SOB...we are 20 TRILLION dollars in debt and not one Dime of that is due to entitlements.

If we redo the payroll tax, say increase it and cut benefits....we still have the exact same problem that got us a 20 TRILLION dollar debt. That is Defense Spending. Those taxes are either not enough or we spend to much.

You have discretionary spending of which the Military takes up the vast majority of funds and nondiscretionary which has been paid in full.

What you want to do is exactly wtf Reagan mostly did, reform SS nondiscretionary spending and use that surplus to cover discretionary over spending.

You do not want to address the problem that got us here in this 20 TRILLION dollar spot.

Learn the history of these programs.

You are like the God Damn Grasshopper who wants the Ant to give up all he saved so you can eat. Not only that , you want to blame the Ant because he has kept his house in order and you have done nothing but mount a 20 Trillion dollar debt.

You're best response is"Oh yea....well if you do not change your ways, you will be in debt is another 20 yearstoo!"
lustylad's Avatar
You stupid SOB...

You have discretionary spending of which the Military takes up the vast majority of funds and nondiscretionary which has been paid in full. Originally Posted by WTF
All spending is discretionary, you moron. Unless you are a swamp creature speaking swamptalk.
Budman's Avatar
You stupid SOB...we are 20 TRILLION dollars in debt and not one Dime of that is due to entitlements.

If we redo the payroll tax, say increase it and cut benefits....we still have the exact same problem that got us a 20 TRILLION dollar debt. That is Defense Spending. Those taxes are either not enough or we spend to much.

You have discretionary spending of which the Military takes up the vast majority of funds and nondiscretionary which has been paid in full.

What you want to do is exactly wtf Reagan mostly did, reform SS nondiscretionary spending and use that surplus to cover discretionary over spending.

You do not want to address the problem that got us here in this 20 TRILLION dollar spot.

Learn the history of these programs.

You are like the God Damn Grasshopper who wants the Ant to give up all he saved so you can eat. Not only that , you want to blame the Ant because he has kept his house in order and you have done nothing but mount a 20 Trillion dollar debt.

You're best response is"Oh yea....well if you do not change your ways, you will be in debt is another 20 yearstoo!" Originally Posted by WTF
We did address 10 trillion of it by getting rid of obama and not letting him turn over the reigns to hrc. That was a huge step in the right direction.
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  • WTF
  • 12-29-2017, 09:22 AM
I just called you out TWO DAYS AGO for making this same false bullshit claim! Where do you come up with this nonsense? War Resisters League magazine? And why do you keep peddling the same bullshit after it's been debunked???

This is why you have no credibility! Originally Posted by lustylad
I said the history of the estate tax was to help pay for war. Do you understand wtf the word 'history' means? History does not stop 100 years ago. Do you know how old this country is? God damn I'm debating idiots. Don't show me a picture and call it a movie. Our history goes back further than 100 years.

In the United States, the tradition of taxing assets at death began with the Stamp Act of 1797. While the first Stamp Act on tea helped precipitate the Revolutionary War, the second was far less dramatic. Revenues from requiring a federal stamp on wills in probate were used to pay off debts incurred during the undeclared naval war with France in 1794. Congress repealed the Stamp Act in 1802.

That set a pattern for the next hundred years or so in which estate taxes were used as a sporadic, and temporary, way to finance wars. When hostilities ceased, the tax was repealed.
To help finance the Civil War, the Tax Act of 1862 imposed a federal inheritance tax. As costs mounted, the Congress increased the inheritance tax rates and added a succession tax in 1864. When the need for added revenue subsided after the war, the inheritance tax was repealed in 1870....
....Estate taxes were increased in 1917 as the U.S. entered World War I.
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  • 12-29-2017, 09:27 AM
We did address 10 trillion of it by getting rid of obama and not letting him turn over the reigns to hrc. That was a huge step in the right direction. Originally Posted by Budman
You conveniently forgot the role of GWBush in that debt and Reagan , he almost tripled the debt. A really great pattern Reagan set.

Like I said, you are a fool as to the cause of the debt and will never solve it until you acknowledge it.

Your insistence for more spending on the military is the problem....just like all others insistence for spending on their pet projects are too.

You ridicule the very thing you engage in....SPENDING other peoples money.
lustylad's Avatar
I said the history of the estate tax was to help pay for war. Originally Posted by WTF
Now you're just lying shamelessly. Go back and read your own fucking post #28 in this thread! You said to pay for the Iraq War. Not just to "help" but to pay for "all its ongoing expenses".

Now why don't you toss out one of your super-inflated estimates of how much the Iraq War cost (you know, the bogus numbers you read in War Resisters League magazine that are 2/3 interest) and compare it with our federal inheritance tax revenues?

Then tell us again how the "history" of the estate tax is to cover war costs.

bambino's Avatar
Now you're just lying shamelessly. Go back and read your own fucking post #28 in this thread! You said to pay for the Iraq War. Not just to "help" but to pay for "all its ongoing expenses".

Now why don't you toss out one of your super-inflated estimates of how much the Iraq War cost (you know, the bogus numbers you read in War Resisters League magazine that are 2/3 interest) and compare it with our federal inheritance tax revenues?

Then tell us again how the "history" of the estate tax is to cover war costs.

YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. MORONIC. BUFFOON. Originally Posted by lustylad
He sure is.
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  • WTF
  • 12-29-2017, 10:30 AM
Now you're just lying shamelessly. Go back and read your own fucking post #28 in this thread! You said to pay for the Iraq War. Not just to "help" but to pay for "all its ongoing expenses".

Now why don't you toss out one of your super-inflated estimates of how much the Iraq War cost (you know, the bogus numbers you read in War Resisters League magazine that are 2/3 interest) and compare it with our federal inheritance tax revenues?

Then tell us again how the "history" of the estate tax is to cover war costs.

YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. MORONIC. BUFFOON. Originally Posted by lustylad
OK, to be clear...the History of the estate tax in this country was to pay down war debt.

So you numbnuts think it a good idea to eliminate it because the majority of the 20 Trillion dollar debt is from unfunded wars.

How much directly and indirectly do you attribute the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan has cost.

How much has entitlements contributed to the national debt.

We already know bambino can not answer that question without say 'future debt'.

Well guess what, Defense spending is responsible for current debt....not entitlement spending like you dickweeds would have people believe.

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  • 12-29-2017, 10:45 AM
. There’s a thing called unfunded future liabilities. Since our government robbed the SS trust fund for decades we acrued DEBT. It’s unfunded debt. . Originally Posted by bambino
Who robbed SS and paid for what?

Are you saying politicians robbed SS to pay for Defense spending and now they want to cut benefits to SS because SS is running out of money!

God Damn, you actually kind of get it....not sure why you think that is ok but that is basically wtf I have been tell this forum and others for decades.

How is that going to fix the budget problem if we do not adjust Defense spending?
If you figure that out , please tell Budman.

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  • 12-29-2017, 10:47 AM
bambino's Avatar
Who robbed SS and paid for what?

Are you saying politicians robbed SS to pay for Defense spending and now they want to cut benefits to SS because SS is running out of money!

God Damn, you actually kind of get it....not sure why you think that is ok but that is basically wtf I have been tell this forum and others for decades.

How is that going to fix the budget problem if we do not adjust Defense spending?
If you figure that out , please tell Budman.

. Originally Posted by WTF

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  • 12-29-2017, 11:46 AM

Dumbass Originally Posted by bambino

What part of that link contradicts wtf I been telling you? I been telling you that they are going to cut your benefits because they have used that money on unfunded Defense spending.

You and Budman think Congress is going to cut spending across the board by 10%? hell Budman wants to INCREASE the spending of one of the biggest drivers of debt....Defense spending.

Then bitch that Congress will not cut spending!

What I'm telling you two is a tax cut while the economy is rolling is stupid and another thing, Congress will not cut spending. If they try, they will get thrown out of office.

If you two want to talk reality, I'm game but this nonsense GOP talking points is a dream. If cutting the tax rates increased tax revenue, we would cut it down to 1% and pay off out debt with all the tax revenue coming in according to you nuts.

bambino's Avatar
What part of that link contradicts wtf I been telling you? I been telling you that they are going to cut your benefits because they have used that money on unfunded Defense spending.

You and Budman think Congress is going to cut spending across the board by 10%? hell Budman wants to INCREASE the spending of one of the biggest drivers of debt....Defense spending.

Then bitch that Congress will not cut spending!

What I'm telling you two is a tax cut while the economy is rolling is stupid and another thing, Congress will not cut spending. If they try, they will get thrown out of office.

If you two want to talk reality, I'm game but this nonsense GOP talking points is a dream. If cutting the tax rates increased tax revenue, we would cut it down to 1% and pay off out debt with all the tax revenue coming in according to you nuts.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Just not defense spending. Which is a necessity. But for other entitlements, Medicare and whatever else they want to spend it on. There’s never been money put away for SS. They spend what they want to spend. But in the near future, the money coming in won’t be near enough to cover the liabilities. That’s a fact. The government can simply not pay those benefits or print money to cover them. Either way, it’s a disaster. An idiot like you blames military spending and rich people.