Why the Taliban are better than Democrats.

  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 05:49 AM
ta - thank you for the dismissal of LM
It is just a 'baiter' and purveyor of nonsense and DPST Lies.

an name-calling marxist who is nothing more than an argumentative fool who cannot ever substantiate a point of debate.

LM is on Ignore.

I agree with you

Take away to responses and audience - and It will shrivel into the little nothingness it is.

Just as Jack Nicholson's character in the end of 'The Wictces of Eastwick"
Little Monster's Avatar
No I write to the audience. You can't understand it, the only part you comprehend is where I question your smarts... it probably hurts your very weak self esteem.

You write to the "audience" ...
A weak self esteem is a person who can do nothing but lash out and name call anytime someone doesn't share his pov

That's rich.. you thinking.

You should give it a try sometime. If you spent more time thinking you might not come across as an angry child.

Or, alternate theory, I don't bother posting factual information to you since you're a clown. You're not insightful enough to understand the simplest of related ideas. I'm gonna call you Wedgie from now on... you are the simplest form of tool known to mankind. The wedge.

No, like I said you don't post factual information cause because you can't plain & simple.

I'll break it down in simply terms for you... of the many fools that post here, you're among the worst kind of fool.Someone that is so ignorant you're not even aware that there are things you don't know. There's no educating that level of stupidity because you are so sure in your ignorance. As a wise man said , it's not that you're stupid, it's just the things you know aren't so.Maybe for you since you need my attention so badly but you're similar to a mosquito, a pest, but certainly not worth concerning myself with.

Go away now, child. Originally Posted by texassapper
No the worst kind of fool is a fool who let's his childish anger and rage get the best of him. You clearly demonstrated that in another thread where you attacked someone who is on your side, just because you are more concerned about throwing out your childish insults, rather than thinking before he posts. like I said anything you have posted in here can be refuted with facts and/or logic. You know that so you continue to act the way you do.
Little Monster's Avatar
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Remind me again, who is the one who made the deal with the Taliban?? I will give you a hint, it wasn't Biden.

texassapper's Avatar
You know that so you continue to act the way you do. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Listen, I'm just not that into you... I'm flattered that you can't stop trying to communicate with me, but you're just not that special or bright. You have nothing worthwhile to ad, you aren't even capable of humor... maybe get a book on puns and start there.

bye, Wedgie.
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 06:12 AM
Put the 'baiter' on Ignore.

The worst thing in its' own stunted universe that could happen.
LexusLover's Avatar
Remind me again, who is the one who made the deal with the Taliban?? I will give you a hint, it wasn't Biden. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Trump didn't have a "deal" with the Taliban. That's Bitten's bullshit! Now you've adopted it like Pavlov's Dog.

The projection of fault to Trump doesn't work anymore, except to the feeble minded.
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 06:18 AM
LL - consider putting teh 'baiter' on Ignore.
LexusLover's Avatar
Put the 'baiter' on Ignore.

The worst thing in its' own stunted universe that could happen. Originally Posted by oeb11
To some that IS important .... being the center of attention.
LexusLover's Avatar
No the worst kind of fool is a fool who let's his childish anger and rage get the best of him. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I guess that makes you .... "the worst kind of fool" .... !!!
texassapper's Avatar
Put the 'baiter' on Ignore.

The worst thing in its' own stunted universe that could happen. Originally Posted by oeb11
No... I'm an adult, I don't need to ignore people. I'm more than capable of laughing at morons like that and getting on with business. They think that they have some unique power or that what they have to say is worthwhile. They're really no more important than some random bum sitting outside the bus station accosting people... and usually less coherent.

Besides its humorous to see him keep coming back at me like some mutt chasing a car. He's too stupid to realize he's being laughed at for his persistence.
Little Monster's Avatar
Listen, I'm just not that into you... I'm flattered that you can't stop trying to communicate with me, but you're just not that special or bright. You have nothing worthwhile to ad, you aren't even capable of humor... maybe get a book on puns and start there.

bye, Wedgie. Originally Posted by texassapper
"Communicate" it's impossible to communicate with narrow minded, childish individuals such as yourself. I stated a fact that the Taliban is a far right regime, and your only response is to act like a child and name call. Why cause 1. You know it's true and 2. You know that there is no defending far right extremist ideology. And as long as you continue to post false, made up, childish bs I will continue to call you out on it.
LexusLover's Avatar
He's too stupid to realize he's being laughed at for his persistence. Originally Posted by texassapper
After all he's bought pussy in Austin over a 100 times.
Little Monster's Avatar
No... I'm an adult, I don't need to ignore people. I'm more than capable of laughing at morons like that and getting on with business. They think that they have some unique power or that what they have to say is worthwhile. They're really no more important than some random bum sitting outside the bus station accosting people... and usually less coherent.

Besides its humorous to see him keep coming back at me like some mutt chasing a car. He's too stupid to realize he's being laughed at for his persistence. Originally Posted by texassapper
Name calling is one of the most clearest signs of anger, and lack of intelligence. You're not fooling anyone. You have no way to defend your fascist-conservative ideology so you do your best to cover it up.

The Taliban are a far right regime which is why they struck a deal with the wannabe dictator Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 07:16 AM
No... I'm an adult, I don't need to ignore people. I'm more than capable of laughing at morons like that and getting on with business. They think that they have some unique power or that what they have to say is worthwhile. They're really no more important than some random bum sitting outside the bus station accosting people... and usually less coherent.

Besides its humorous to see him keep coming back at me like some mutt chasing a car. He's too stupid to realize he's being laughed at for his persistence. Originally Posted by texassapper

Ta - well written, good Sir!
Little Monster's Avatar
Trump didn't have a "deal" with the Taliban. That's Bitten's bullshit! Now you've adopted it like Pavlov's Dog.

The projection of fault to Trump doesn't work anymore, except to the feeble minded. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you're playing the "fake news" card again, huh? That doesn't and never has worked. Yes Trump did make a deal with the Taliban. That is a fact get over it.