
Is it odd to do infrastructure at the national level? I would think governors might be incentivized to invest in infrastructure, and the people would vote on it. Guess that's not how it works ... Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
maybe that would be a good way to do it but the federal govt essentially pays for roads and bridges due to the need for interstate Commerce. And if it were left to the states to pay for Bama, LA, AK, OK, MS for sure would have even worse roads and bridges than they have currently. The wealthy north east and mid Atlantic states and a few others like TX and FL would all have great infrastructure but most of the south would be terrible.

Even though there is a faction of idiots on here that believe otherwise, the wealth democrat run states actually subsidize the poor souther republican run states, from a federal funding standpoint.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hear hear!
rexdutchman's Avatar
We are living in a twisted political world
winn dixie's Avatar
Hear hear! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Well ok if you say so.
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 09:02 AM
dpsts Lie - and infrastructure is all about indoctrination and social engineering - changing people to adhere to a communist ideology.

those who oppose - will be among the first the DPST nomenklatura try to send to concentration camps

error for them - Conservatives have the weapons

Idiot Chipman ain't taking them - other than from cold, dead, hands.

Pay attention - 'liberals' - that term now just a synonym for Communist totalitarians.
HedonistForever's Avatar
HF I like you, I really do, but damn man what you’re saying gets more nonsensical each time. Sticking to infrastructure Pelosi was the speaker of the house after the midterms. The Republicans had control of the house for the first 2 years. They didn’t need a single Democratic house vote to pass anything until January 2019. Quit acting as if Pelosi had the ability to stop anything for those two years.

Now, no he didn’t have 60 votes in the senate but he only needed to get 7 Dems I believe on board with an infrastructure bill. But guess what, during those two years it never came up. He couldn’t even get Mitch or the house Republicans to write and present a bill. He did pass a tax cut on the 52 votes (I think) and failed to pass a repeal of the ACA with 49 votes. Those were the only two big pieces of legislation that made it to a vote in 2 years.

Nothing even attempting to look bipartisan or even attempting to be negotiated. I won’t call you a liar, blind maybe because of your partisan lense, or more likely caught in the Tucker Hannity Ingraham web of limited information, or hell you could just continue to be being disingenuous, because you’re used to talking circles around the likes of DF, Bambi, Oeb and a few of the other folks that clear less smart than you to put it nicely.

But let’s get real for a sec, Pelosi did not stop Trump from pushing an infrastructure deal in either 2017 or 2018, because she couldn’t, wasn’t possible. Shuemer didn’t either, because he didn’t have to because Trump couldn’t even get Republicans to consider it, at all. If you continue to believe otherwise your recollection is failing you and your research is inept.

Now let’s move to 2019 (because 2020 had a pandemic and the priority rightly changed). Pelosi would’ve passed the infrastructure bill out of the house but the structure Trump discussed was, to put it plainly, stupid. He wanted public private partnerships to do the road and bridges projects. That was DOA. She didn’t block him, she told him no to that structure. He also wanted border wall money, again, he got a no to that. If I recall correctly his plan also wanted to sell and lease additional public lands, again no. I think there was some block granting but I don’t recall the specifics. He was however offered over a trillion dollars maybe upward of two in the standard way govt contracts for building projects without his border wall and I think a DACA fix may have been in there as well (since it was all of a 3-4 day negotiation outta 4 years it’s hard to remember all the details). I even think there was discussions to trade wall money for the DACA fix, but that failed somehow.

In any event, what I do recall is that Trump walked away from the negotiations because Pelosi told him they were still going to open house investigations into him. And that made him have a fit and he threw a tantrum and negotiations essentially ended. Blame Pelosi all you want but she had every incentive to pass infrastructure early in Trump’s term (the political calculus is it would bolster Dems in house elections) but she wasn’t gonna give him a bunch of ill conceived bullshit or shut down investigations.

I’ll reiterate, you’re better than what you write. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Sure, we'll just ignore the fact that about, what was it, 60 Democrat House members signed on to impeach Trump the day he was elected and you are going to propose to us that this was a House that was going to work with Trump and give him a victory on anything? Did you even bother to read the above article discussing that very thing?

Yes, House Republicans were put off by, what was it, a $2.4 trillion initial infastructure bill but "IF" I remember correctly, most if not all Republican Senators would have signed on to a 600 billion deal being floated at the time.

No matter, this is all a matter of opinion as to what held up getting infrastructure done and maybe just maybe having impeachment thrown at you ever single day of your Presidency "colored" Trump's legislative efforts, just a guess.

But now, we have a bill. The question is now, will Pelosi bring it to a vote? Why wouldn't she if infastructure is so damn important to Democrats. Sounds like "political win" is what is now more important, the same game played as it always is.

Word is, Joey is pleading with Pelosi to put it up for a vote and give him a win. Will she? Why wouldn't she? Politics, politics.
The bill will be brought for a vote. I also believe all the progressives will sign on even if reluctantly and they’ll be vocal in their whining as they do so.

The real question is how many republicans will vote for it. Trump has threatened to primary them if they do. We will see whether they are dumb enough as to vote against it and then go back to their districts and brag about new roads and bridges.

What am I saying, of course they’re that dumb. Their supporters are republicans and Trump supporters.
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 11:40 AM
1b1 - your post is insulting and patronizing.

since the DPST party chooses to try to become One party rule in perpetuity - We shall See

Best have HR-1 in place to cheat and voter fraud Nov 2022 - or there will be consequences .
HedonistForever's Avatar
The bill will be brought for a vote.

I predict it will not. AOC and the squad will tell Pelosi that she promised not to bring up the infastructure bill without the Bernie Sanders bill and they are going to hold her to that by not voting for a stand alone infastructure bill. We are about to see who understands this better than the other. Damn, I hope I don't have to admit I was wrong again so soon. Fingers crossed.

I also believe all the progressives will sign on even if reluctantly and they’ll be vocal in their whining as they do so.

It's a bet.

The real question is how many republicans will vote for it. Trump has threatened to primary them if they do. We will see whether they are dumb enough as to vote against it and then go back to their districts and brag about new roads and bridges.

What am I saying, of course they’re that dumb. Their supporters are republicans and Trump supporters. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

And what are elected Representatives to do but vote for what their constituents want? It is the basic principle of representative government of the people, for the people whether all people agree or not. You don't stay in office, Democrat or Republican by voting against the majority of your constituents and we may be about to see a prime example of this theory in Joe Manchin. Will he get on board the Democrat train or will he listen to the people of West Virgina who did not vote for Joe Biden?

Oh, BTW, I pinned two letter to my two Senators Rubio and Scott and told them in no uncertain terms that if they voted for this infrastructure bill, they will not get my vote in the next election. Of course I was bluffing, I'm not voting for any of these Democrats but maybe they don't know that.

Trey Gowdy made a joke about how Biden personally contacted all 6 of the people in West Virginia who voted for Biden to put pressure on Manchin to vote for the next 3 plus trillion and Manchin says he just can't do it. Why not, he is a Democrat, right? Maybe because "his people" have told him, we don't want you to go along with that next spending bill.

And what if those Republicans who will surely vote against this so called infrastructure bill go back to their districts and instead of getting an earful about having voted against this bill, they get an earful about how all this Democrat spending has inflated everything in their daily lives and roads and bridges aren't as important as eggs, butter and gas?

Don't be so myopic, you are smarter than that.
We will both see how it goes. I suspect I’m right. The squad are a media darling but they lack real power. The 70 or so members of the progressive caucus know well that dying on a hill only has one result, dying.

That was a lesson the likes of Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows never learned. You don’t win by gumming up the works. Let’s look at Republican legislative accomplishments over the 6 years they were in control. They managed to pass a tax cut. That’s it. That’s all they got outta what 4 Obama years and 2 Trump years. All because the right flank refused to negotiate with the moderates and democrats. They passed on immigration the Senate negotiated and a favorable budget Boehner and Ryan negotiated with Obama all to die on the hill.

Now could the progressives follow suit, sure, but unlike Boehner, Nancy doesn’t have a news studio propping up her left flank. Fox destroyed both Boehner and Ryan after him because they raced to right and propped up the farthest right voices they could in order to destroy Obama (even though it failed miserably, all it did was wipe out moderate republicans in the House). Even MSNBC won’t do that so Nancy will keep the progressives in line to ensure that the legislation already out of the senate gets passed.

The AOCs and Tahlibs will get their airtime on MSNBC and CNN as a consolation to having to eat the bill and pass it for Biden. The other bill won’t come out of the ads are until they come back from recess and it’ll be around 2T and the progressives will holla victory and pass that too.
bambino's Avatar
And what are elected Representatives to do but vote for what their constituents want? It is the basic principle of representative government of the people, for the people whether all people agree or not. You don't stay in office, Democrat or Republican by voting against the majority of your constituents and we may be about to see a prime example of this theory in Joe Manchin. Will he get on board the Democrat train or will he listen to the people of West Virgina who did not vote for Joe Biden?

Oh, BTW, I pinned two letter to my two Senators Rubio and Scott and told them in no uncertain terms that if they voted for this infrastructure bill, they will not get my vote in the next election. Of course I was bluffing, I'm not voting for any of these Democrats but maybe they don't know that.

Trey Gowdy made a joke about how Biden personally contacted all 6 of the people in West Virginia who voted for Biden to put pressure on Manchin to vote for the next 3 plus trillion and Manchin says he just can't do it. Why not, he is a Democrat, right? Maybe because "his people" have told him, we don't want you to go along with that next spending bill.

And what if those Republicans who will surely vote against this so called infrastructure bill go back to their districts and instead of getting an earful about having voted against this bill, they get an earful about how all this Democrat spending has inflated everything in their daily lives and roads and bridges aren't as important as eggs, butter and gas?

Don't be so myopic, you are smarter than that.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Didn’t Manchin vote for it? After 20 Republicans gave him cover not to vote for it?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ahead of infrastructure talks, House Democrats release $137B bill
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Moderates in the house told Pelosi they won’t move a budget bill forward until the infrastructure bill passes. They understand the politics.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The democrats + twisted political world = Chicago, NY,NY San Fran, Hmm every dumbocratic city
eccieuser9500's Avatar