Yes, let's state a few facts.
1. These people who were killed may have been killed with handguns that were easy to obtain rather than assault rifles that were easy to obtain. This is an important distinction because....mmmm
2. Obama agreed with bans in other countries so....somehow what happened here in our country his fault.
3. What happened in Benghazi excuses the firearms massacres in the United States.
4. There were a lot of negroes in Chicago that shot each other this past weekend because there are no effective gun control laws in our, all the people in Oregon that got shot... deserved it.
5. If only all of the students at the school where they were trying to get an education had been forced to carry pistols and assault rifles...well, they could have avoided their untimely deaths. So, you know what? According to the admiral...and the rest of the psycho gun-embracing, death-addled lunatics on the right-wing...the people who go shot have nobody to blame but themselves.
Does that just about cover it psycho-fuckwads?
Bring your best shit, motherfuckers.
Never let a fact get in the way of a cause but lets state a few facts anyway;
Most of these shootings have been accomplished by handguns and not ASSAULT RIFLES.
These guns were not easily available. They were purchases in accordance with the laws passed by liberals. If anything, they show the ineffectiveness of those highly touted gun laws that Obama wants more of.
Except Obama was celebrating a ban and confiscation as happened in England and Australia. That is what he recommends and he did it publicly. From here on out, any time that a leftist says that no one wants to ban your a liar or a fool.
As for the "bullshit" shooting...people say stupid things case in point, Barack Obama calling four dead in Benghazi as "a bump in the road".
A weekly blood bath in places like Chicago is the status quo and no one has said it is "acceptable" other than the left who has ignored the fact.
To the meat of the matter, we have not tried more guns as you claim. In nearly every incidence the scene was a "gun free" zone and that is not even being denied. The fact is that we have tried to remove the guns and the bad guy always showed up with a gun(s). It took a good guy with a GUN to stop the carnage. Any reasonable person who is informed will note that it is the lack of guns in the hands of good people that doesn't cause a shooting, but it definitely makes the death toll higher. I actually expect Timmie to celebrate and to start the thread when a good person stops a bad person with a gun....unless you have another agenda than the preservation of innocent life. So I will look forward to your next thread where you celebrate self defense by handgun.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn