Where are the providers that don't advertise in the normal online places?

AmishGangster's Avatar
Speaking of weirdo rants, has anyone talked to Tatas lately?
Crazy fuckin Bulgarians.
Depurefymii's Avatar
• if you cancel, I'm only out ½ the hotel cost...you are out the other ½. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
That is reasonable.

Post FOSTA/SESTA there has been new hotel training and targeting by the anti-trafficking movement. I will only see one person at a time at a hotel room. It's basic risk assessment. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
They are short staff like everyone else is right now. They aren't following guidelines.

• if you kill me, the person who has access to my cash app (my lawyer on retainer) will get it to the appropriate folks to find you. It's basic risk assessment. (Also I'm gonna need a new lawyer on retainer soon, mines gonna be a judge OMG recommendations anyone?). Originally Posted by Gabrielle
That is okay, as long as that information isn't used to do nasty things. I don't want inappropiate folks to find me.

• cops rarely send deposits, due to some legalities I'm not going to outline for the cops on here who haven't figured it all out.

Howdy Mr. Officers. Did y'all catch the show the other week, where the cops called the cops on me becuase they didn't like the words coming out of my mouth? Fun times, boys. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
They use informants for this.

Some of y'all on here are whining about losing $50 or $100 bucks...if you can't afford to risk your deposit, find a more reliable investment. It is that simple. If you think A will take your deposit, you are not hiring a provider becuase A is a con artist. Pick investment B. safer, more reliable, less risky and a provider not thief. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Losing $50 or $100 bucks is worth whining about otherwise you wouldn't whine about it.

Eventually the con artists will search for a new gig if y'all stop hiring con artists and theives and blaming providers. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
This is the first unreasonable thing you said. We can't let the scammers just hang out until they get bored. We must purge them from interacting with the community or my trust level is nil because I am going to spend most of my time handing out thousands of dollars for nothing. The lack of cross verification means I will be handing out lots of money as part if the verification process that will be traced, which I have little recourse of getting back. A scammer is not trustworthy and can do anything to squeeze more money out of somebody. Scammers must be cut out of the network some way or another or we can't even start.

NOT ONE DEPOSIT HAVE I TAKEN...nor has any of the other women who have left this toxic cesspool of a site. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
There is no way for me to verify that claim. Even I prepaid for more sessions after the first session that was forgotten about that I just let go because I was still happy with the other aspects of service.

Nobody's here because we don't like the way we are treated here. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
That is reasonable. This place is grinding on me too, but all of the alternatives are noisy, bot filled, scammer filled shit holes. Yes I am including Twitter.
berryberry's Avatar

I am sure you have never stolen a deposit or anything else from a monger, you have a great rep. Originally Posted by AmishGangster
You must have missed all her crazy ass posts here while you were out raising barns and working in the fields if you think she still has a great rep. Do yourself a favor and look them up
AmishGangster's Avatar
You must have missed all her crazy ass posts here while you were out raising barns and working in the fields if you think she still has a great rep. Do yourself a favor and look them up Originally Posted by berryberry
WTF, I go on one lil rumspringa and all hooker hell breaks loose
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
WTF, I go on one lil rumspringa and all hooker hell breaks loose Originally Posted by AmishGangster

All time favorite comment ever. Thanks AG
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
You must have missed all her crazy ass posts here while you were out raising barns and working in the fields if you think she still has a great rep. Do yourself a favor and look them up Originally Posted by berryberry
This is off topic mr berry. The topic is, um well I’m not sure exactly but I know it’s not about any specific provider!

Stay on topic mr berry.
bambino's Avatar
WTF, I go on one lil rumspringa and all hooker hell breaks loose Originally Posted by AmishGangster
I’ve questioned your taste since you double parked your buggy in the streets of Millvalle.
pittlicker's Avatar
I’ve questioned your taste since you double parked your buggy in the streets of Millvalle. Originally Posted by bambino
That's not fair to AG. Someone told him there was a feed store in Millvale. He was only thinking of his horsey!
bambino's Avatar
That's not fair to AG. Someone told him there was a feed store in Millvale. He was only thinking of his horsey! Originally Posted by pittlicker
That’s where the Hos incall was.
pittlicker's Avatar
That I knew.
pensfan123456's Avatar
Haven’t logged in in a while, but can someone answer me a question:

Why do “providers” derail every thread that has anything to do with the decline of the hobby in our area with the same. exact. crap. every single time? I don’t care if people are desperate enough to give up personal info and pay deposits. That has nothing to do with what this or any of the other threads are about. It just seems like they want to brag about how great they are doing, which lends nothing to the thread. If anything, the fact that they are able to get away with getting personal info and deposits speaks to just how bad the hobby scene actually is.

It’s just freaking annoying.
bambino's Avatar
Haven’t logged in in a while, but can someone answer me a question:

Why do “providers” derail every thread that has anything to do with the decline of the hobby in our area with the same. exact. crap. every single time? I don’t care if people are desperate enough to give up personal info and pay deposits. That has nothing to do with what this or any of the other threads are about. It just seems like they want to brag about how great they are doing, which lends nothing to the thread. If anything, the fact that they are able to get away with getting personal info and deposits speaks to just how bad the hobby scene actually is.

It’s just freaking annoying. Originally Posted by pensfan123456
Call me a skeptic, but I doubt they’re all that busy. The pre meet zoom call interview gave me a belly laugh.
AmishGangster's Avatar
The pre meet zoom call interview gave me a belly laugh. Originally Posted by bambino
Its not as funny when you don’t have any electricity
Dr-epg's Avatar
Please get this back on subject

The Dr
Depurefymii's Avatar
We have to remember the context pensfan123456. We were asked to lobby against FOSTA/SESTA and there are also complaints that we didn't put enough effort, which none of us has political lobbying money, relevant notoriety or has a direct connection to someone who does though the set of every provider or client in the area.

The effect of FOSTA/SESTA cuts providers ability to make a living by limiting where they can advertise online and disabling online safety networks used to vet potential clients.


As a double whammy, working in the porn industry with too high a profile can get you banned from banks. The problem is so pervasive OnlyFans is trying to get out of trouble for it.


There is both a cashflow issue and a low trust environment. Providers don't want to say it, but they are either going to need a sponsor, second job, or guild to counter the volatility.

Job interview style vetting is only one solution, but it is too suspect because the rest of the arrangement doesn't look like a job for the person applying.