If you happen to be dining in Dallas soon....

The point is not "feel good" dining. The point is supporting a private community service endeavor (please refer back to the OP). Private. As opposed to public....like as in taxed or not taxed.... or more simply choice vs non-choice. Ya got it now??? Awesome.

And yes it is a threAD-AD. For privately funded charities.

Do you do need a connect the dots diagram for crossword puzzles too?
LexusLover's Avatar
The point is not "feel good" dining. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
You are absolutely correct. The point is making profit off ...... liberal emotions.

I'm glad they are good for something profitable for a change.

Do yourself a big favor NurseRatched, try avoiding marginalizing others personally with your catty remarks ... (no pun intended Boardman). ...

.. I directed no personally derogatory remarks at you ....

On the surface this "little entrepreneur" is "capitalizing" on the liberal thought that providing these juvies with a spot to work is going to remold their lives, and he wants the credit for it while he makes the bucks off those who buy into it. It is about "feeling good" ... let's see how long it lasts and how the "remolding" works out .... BTW: Ms. FeelGood ... did you manage to get a grip on the screening process (the owners) when culling the potential employees .... I heard it discussed BEFORE you posted the thread ...

creme de le creme .... Hardly a cross-section of the Juvie-Pen guests.
So charity is a liberal emotion?
LexusLover's Avatar
So charity is a liberal emotion? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Did I write that? No!

I thought the cafe was nonprofit. Now you want to make it a charity? IS THAT MORE PALATABLE FOR YOU.?
LexusLover's Avatar
FYI: "....Cafe Momentum, a nonprofit...." right out of the article you posted.

As a nonprofit organization it doesn't pay taxes .. aka .... tax exempt.

To the extent that taxpayers are providing support services to it, ....

.................. it is being subsidized by the taxpayers.

Wonder what kind of health care plan he has for his employees?
Retirement plan?

Wonder what kind he has for himself .... to assure the "Café" makes no profit.

Not just a few hours ago I was offered a "free" home entertainment center while loading my truck in a parking lot to leave .... he was driving around in a pick up ... winding in and out of the rows of vehicles. It made me all warm and fuzzy just thinking about a nice man offering to give me a home entertainment center ..... just like this guy making money off the juvenile delinquents makes me all warm and fuzzy ... Lets see how this plays ... and for how long.
You sure are an angry little man. Can you even have a discussion or is it just this chest beating and stomping on the floor???

Yes it's a non-profit. Not unusual for charities to be tax exempt. I'm sure you can claim it on your personal taxes as a charitable donation. Voila! Problem solved.

As far as the guy making money off of his idea.... Well, fuck me, I thought that was what we do in this country. Shame on him for giving back along the way. You should write that misguided fuck a letter a give him a piece of your mind, lil man. Let us know what he says would you?
LexusLover's Avatar
You sure are an angry little man.

Yes it's a non-profit. Not unusual for charities to be tax exempt. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
So, you think that a business that is "tax exempt" is a "charity"?

As far as the "little man" comment ...

.... believe it or not ... I actually weigh more than you do.

But I suppose most guys look "little" from your perspective.

No need for me to contribute by eating there, ...

.... I'm sure you'll cover for both of us, plus a few others.
rioseco's Avatar
You fuckers ALL said progressive.

You need to wash out your mouths with soap!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Now who is again being devisive ?
LexusLover's Avatar
You probably unwittingly got NurseRatched hungry again. Shame on you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
jesse Jackson worked in a café, he would spit on white ppls food Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

We've found another turd in the punch bowl.

Can't fix stupid.
So, you think that a business that is "tax exempt" is a "charity"?

As far as the "little man" comment ...

.... believe it or not ... I actually weigh more than you do.

But I suppose most guys look "little" from your perspective.

No need for me to contribute by eating there, ...

.... I'm sure you'll cover for both of us, plus a few others. Originally Posted by LexusLover

YOU were referring to a charity if you assumed it was tax exempt. Non-profit doesn't always mean tax exempt.

And most people ARE bigger than me. Hell most 7th graders are bigger than me. So your bigger than a 7th grader. Good for you. Lemme know when you hit freshman year.

I may have you beat on food. I do eat quite a bit to keep up with all the energy I burn BCD. But something tells me you got me beat at cock eating. Is that why you're so angry???? Maybe it's time to take that dick out of your ass and put it where it belongs hunny.

Nom. Nom. Nom.
LexusLover's Avatar
YOU were referring to a charity if you assumed it was tax exempt. Non-profit doesn't always mean tax exempt. . Originally Posted by thathottnurse
OMG ... you used the term "charity" I didn't. Keep struggling, if you wish.

If a company is NON-PROFIT and has that status with the IRS . it pays no income tax.

Right off the IRS:


"Social Welfare Organizations

To be tax-exempt as a social welfare organization described in Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(4), an organization must not be organized for profit and must be operated exclusively to promote social welfare. The earnings of a section 501(c)(4) organization may not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposed on the person and any managers agreeing to the transaction. See Introduction to IRC 4958 for more information about this excise tax. For a more detailed discussion of the exemption requirements for section 501(c)(4) organizations, see IRC 501(c)(4) Organizations. For more information about applying for exemption, see Application for Recognition of Exemption.

"To be operated exclusively to promote social welfare, an organization must operate primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people of the community (such as by bringing about civic betterment and social improvements). For example, an organization that restricts the use of its facilities to employees of selected corporations and their guests is primarily benefiting a private group rather than the community and, therefore, does not qualify as a section 501(c)(4) organization. Similarly, an organization formed to represent member-tenants of an apartment complex does not qualify, because its activities benefit the member-tenants and not all tenants in the community, while an organization formed to promote the legal rights of all tenants in a particular community may qualify under section 501(c)(4) as a social welfare organization. An organization is not operated primarily for the promotion of social welfare if its primary activity is operating a social club for the benefit, pleasure or recreation of its members, or is carrying on a business with the general public in a manner similar to organizations operated for profit link]."

The question in this specific case is: What are the expenses making it "nonprofit"?

You really need to catch up on the news and find a CPA to advise you on tax matters.

Particularly if you think you can deduct a meal at a "nonprofit" eatery.

Stick with slinging pussy .... if you can.....
My dad was a CPA and I do know a little about taxes. Not much. But some.

There are 27 different categories that a "nonprofit" can fall into and no some of them are not tax exempt. Go reread the source you cited where it mentions excessive profits are not tax exempt.

I'm not the one who came in here name calling and beating their chest about a dining suggestion that assists juvenile offenders with the concept of legit employment. Pick it apart all you want. I said in my OP that I didn't know about the if or how much it was subsidized but that the concept was worth supporting.

Go ahead and be content with throwing you're money away on shit that has been proven useless. I'm just suggesting a new idea. Fuck if you don't like it. Then dont go. No one is forcing you to. Nor is anyone forcing you to get your panties in a wad over any of this babble you keep spilling onto your keyboard. Your choice entirely. So by all means. Keep going. It's amusing to get under your skin so easily.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-04-2015, 11:14 AM
Amazing how this board takes even the good posts and turns them into a spitball fight because some folks refuse to play nice with others or just get some internal satisfaction from being obnoxious.

Thanks Nurse for starting this thread!

By the way, I was treasurer for a small non-profit for a few years. Based upon our income and expenditures we DID pay taxes some years. Especially when we were trying to put together some cash to make a specific big expense we could not afford with just one year's inflow.
Spitball??? Nah...

Mangina-men don't even have the decency to spit. They just keep regurgitating their jizz of the day and think it's smooth.

Lexus wouldn't know tax law from the trannie-dug hole in his ass. He might pretend to be a lawyer but best bets are on senile old fuck on Ward C... Next.

Of course nonprofits pay taxes over and above the bottom line. Otherwise every swinging dick with an idea would file NFP. Errr-duh.... Lemme go buy a fucking Lexus. Maybe I'll get smarter.

To be fair to Mr. Shortbus I did mention charity first. But not in the context he meant. Mine had an inflection of spirit. He took it to taxes. Where he still lost. It's just too bad stupidity isn't painful.