The Sandbox is not full of Sand Its full of Hate

So you don’t mind hate if it’s directed at a hundred million or so people, but if BB criticizes a handful of trannys it’s an issue. Got it.

1p, when exactly did we “modify the constitution”? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Cult 45 is not a hundred million strong, but I certainly don't mind being strongly opposed to people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic etc.

I already said when.
I don't want someone to hate most everything so bad that they go kill more innocent kids or someone minding there own business and be slaughtered sitting in church or eating a hamburger at a restaurant.

This is where it all begins. Originally Posted by Cody69
This already happened right here in Pittsburgh, when some deranged, immigrant hating, right wing nut shot up the Tree of Life because they were helping immigrants.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Lots of places (the smart ones) protect their borders with military personnel and hardware,1p. Advocating for the same seriousness in this country is totally legitimate, a hell of a lot more so than allowing endless streams of indigents to walk right in and consume resources that should be going to our own citizens.
Lots of places (the smart ones) protect their borders with military personnel and hardware,1p. Advocating for the same seriousness in this country is totally legitimate, a hell of a lot more so than allowing endless streams of indigents to walk right in and consume resources that should be going to our own citizens. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
We already have personnel, both military and law enforcement, tasked with protecting the border. Both you and berry advocated for automated machine guns that would automatically shoot down anyone who tries to illegally cross the southern border (you guys don't seem to care too much about the northern border, or the leftist AMP immigrants) and then doubled down, tripled down, and quadrupled down on it, trash talking the immigrants the whole time. Now you want to make excuses for it and backpedal.
berryberry's Avatar
Well, I didn't include the word scumbag, and some other hyperbole, but other than that it's exactly what you said. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Again, that is utterly false and you know it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Cult 45 is not a hundred million strong, but I certainly don't mind being strongly opposed to people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic etc.

I already said when. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
It’s certainly very close to that, give or take a few hundred thousand. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, but Trump’s policies resonate with a whole lot of people. There’s no such thing as “cult 45”, btw. Desire for the country to be the best it can be makes them a patriot, not a cult member.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Both you and berry advocated for automated machine guns that would automatically shoot down anyone who tries to illegally cross the southern border
Show me where I wrote that. I’ll wait.
berryberry's Avatar
Lots of places (the smart ones) protect their borders with military personnel and hardware,1p. Advocating for the same seriousness in this country is totally legitimate, a hell of a lot more so than allowing endless streams of indigents to walk right in and consume resources that should be going to our own citizens. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It is indeed. Nearly 6 million illegals invading our country under Senile Biden costing hard working American taxpayers around $150 billion a year to support them.

Countries not only have the right, they have the responsibility to protect their borders from these invasions
It’s certainly very close to that, give or take a few hundred thousand. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, but Trump’s policies resonate with a whole lot of people. There’s no such thing as “cult 45”, btw. Desire for the country to be the best it can be makes them a patriot, not a cult member. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The clown got 74 million votes. Not all of them are members of Cult 45. If you want to see who the members are, revisit the other thread. The numbers are dwindling. Cult 45 are the opposite of patriots.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
We already have personnel, both military and law enforcement, tasked with protecting the border. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!! By protect you mean allowing millions of people to waltz right in with no consequences.
berryberry's Avatar
Cult 45 is not a hundred million strong, but I certainly don't mind being strongly opposed to people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic etc. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Cody69 - is this perhaps the type of hate you were referring to where someone smears all 74 million who voted for President Trump as a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic cult member?
Cody69's Avatar

You clearly said otherwise in post 15 of this thread - or did you forget about that?

And you clearly insulted Jacuzzme in post 16 of this thread or did you forget about that?

I am sure I could take a page out of the leftists book and stomp my feet and whine when someone says something I disagree with but I will just stick to posting about current events I find of interest, thank you. Originally Posted by berryberry
You better read that, I did not. I happened to think of something when he wrote that, that's all, nothing about him. Don't try and cause trouble for me, just stay in your own world please.
Cody69's Avatar
Cody69 - is this perhaps the type of hate you were referring to where someone smears all 74 million who voted for President Trump as a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic cult member? Originally Posted by berryberry
No that wasn't it. Sorry.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The clown got 74 million votes. Not all of them are members of Cult 45. If you want to see who the members are, revisit the other thread. The numbers are dwindling. Cult 45 are the opposite of patriots. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Dude you wouldn’t know a patriot if he fell out of a tree and killed your dog. Your answer to things you don’t like is to suppress peoples inalienable rights. Day after day after day you call for everything that goes against the foundations of Americanism.
Cody69's Avatar
This already happened right here in Pittsburgh, when some deranged, immigrant hating, right wing nut shot up the Tree of Life because they were helping immigrants. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
That is exactly what this is all about. To try and prevent another one.