What’s the highest priority for you when considering a provider?

  • Caleb
  • 05-25-2013, 02:06 PM
Beyond all else, I seek passion. I am looking for a match that will produce the ever elusive "chemistry". This is definitely a state of mind. If we have a mental connection, all shapes and sizes are appealing. I'll fantasize about a good session for days afterwards and about a great one for, well for a really long time.

For initial selection, I read everything I can find. I'm looking for humor, wit, intelligence, sophistication, discretion, endorsement, etc. Used to look at menu but then discovered that so much was YMMV that I don't bother with that anymore. Final piece is to start flirting through email, text, PM, whatever. If she's playful at that point, I'm hooked. If she's all business, I move on.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-25-2013, 03:38 PM
What I take away from this thread is a reinforced belief that different people like different things, which is why there are ladies of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, and personalities--and guys who like each of them.
I have to say that I'm quite impressed by the level of answers I've read. It seems that most everyone has answered honestly and thoughtfully. My curious mind has been enlightened...LOL
sdawg's Avatar
  • sdawg
  • 05-26-2013, 02:28 PM
If I can chip in, my absolute, 100% highest priority is safety. I don't care how attractive a provider is or how low her rates are--if there are no reviews or other sorts of verification out there, I won't take a chance.

Behind that, looks are important, but so are skills. Rate figures in, too. If a provider prices herself out of my range, no measure pulchritude can raise that bar. If it comes down to it, I'd rather have skills/responsiveness than looks.
Absolutely personality and attitude. We have discovered that the best sessions we have had have generally been where we have 'researched' and gotten a feel for the provider's personality via posts or OTC in person.

There just was little chemistry with me for the providers we saw with less background. We 'researched' enough to know they are nice, sweet ladies, and they were lovely, but it just didn't have the same spark as when you are spending time with people you can have an easy conversation/fun with.

Looks of course matter to a degree as I think it is for anyone, but it's not #1 for us. It's +bonus if they have a body type or face that is very attractive to us. TCB/professionalism are also big factors.
What’s the highest priority for you when considering a provider – good looks Originally Posted by KarynKumming
If I'm not attracted to you, nothing else will matter...
Pink Floyd's Avatar
It is no secret that I am a spinner fanatic. The BBBJ is a must, I can go without copulation because of that damn latex, but I really need BBBJ. Along with time restraints, latex has driven me to Sugar Babies. My last SB would ride me for an hour, and we wore each other out. With latex I would have been limp in 5 minutes. Maybe after being married for so long I have a mental block against latex, I don't know. I am not suggesting anyone in the Hobby go bareback so don't start berating me about bareback.
OBringer's Avatar
Interesting question...and in a word: Attitude!

Attitude for me starts from that first phone call or email. If a provider is distant, clinical, or anything other than warm and friendly, I won't see her. Once the appointment starts, attitude is everything. I know I am already attracted to her from her profile, and I will most likely have a pretty good idea about the menu. If the attitude is great, I'll return. If it's not good, I won't be back. There are far too may providers out there, so if they want repeat business, attitude is the must for me.
livn2do's Avatar
1. Breathing
2. Menu must include Kissing and DATY
3. Looks are secondary. You limit yourself to not meeting some pretty amazing people if you base it all on looks alone.
4. The ability to hold a conversation beyond what happened on last nights Dancing with the Stars episode.
5. If no connection is present, I won't see her again regardless of how well she may have blown my mind sexually. If I am not stimulated intellectually as well then I'm no longer interested.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I go on looks first to pique my interest, then price/reviews after to know if I still want to see her. Aside from that I leave the rest up to surprise during the date. Attitude is important, but I'm really interested if she's still passionate and enjoying the time, or if she's going through the motions and rushing through. That I can find out from the reviews.

Others have said they look at her posts to get a feel of her personality, but I've found that text doesn't translate attitude and subtle things that vocal communication can. Maybe others can still get a "feel" for the lady, but my skill at gleaming personality from posts isn't quite as honed.
Uncle Han's Avatar
reasonably good looks + reasonable price + great performance = heaven