Providers Asking For Financial Help

Still Looking's Avatar

And if he helps himself a little in the process? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
You do help yourself. Give from the heart because it makes you happy and you'll never feel disappointed. Expect something in return and ALWAYs feel disappointed.

Whispers's Avatar
You do help yourself. Give from the heart because it makes you happy and you'll never feel disappointed. Expect something in return and ALWAYs feel disappointed. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Well said.

Yes. I benefited from the fundraiser. One person dropping by with an SUV full of balls (symbolic?) and 20 pairs of shoes brought me a fine bottle of scotch. I had no idea what to say as I have never received or expected a thing. I had never even met the man.

When we went to the organizations Christmas Party there were tears of gratitude from mothers as well as many, many Thank-you's. Talking to a young man that has been with the agency for the last 4 years and at every party that is on the straight and narrow ready to graduate was very rewarding.

It's rewarding watching trucks and trailers loaded by people from here with food and gifts, trees and lights and ornaments paid for by others here delivered and unloaded by kids with a gleam in their eye used to having nothing.

We do a lot that others question and do not approve of but when we come together and do good..... well.... it just feels right....

Anyone desiring to question is more than welcome to get involved and see it from the inside looking out and you will have no questions of any type.
harkontume's Avatar
"Why take when you could be giving
why watch as the world goes by
it's a hard enough life to be living
why walk when you can fly"
Once, there was a tree…
And she loved a little boy.
And every day the boy would come
And he would gather her leaves
And make them into crowns and play king of the forest.
He would climb up her trunk
And swing from her branches
And eat apples
And they would play hide-and-go-seek.
And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade.
And the boy loved the tree… very much…
And the tree was happy....
-Shel Silverstein
Back to the OP.

My thinking, this is a forum where real people communicate, more a community than a simple exchange.

I think it would be a sad community, living all the way down to mainstream expectations, if people couldn't even ask for help.

How people respond is up to them, no obligations for sure. That said if your response is to ridicule or attribute sinister motives without evidence to people who solicit aid, that's about your shortcomings.
Centaur's Avatar
Motives fall secondary to consequences.

@Whispers: In over eleven thousand posts on eccie alone, I believe that was the most honest and heartfelt thing I've ever read by you.
personally this whole thread is crap somebody really needed help somebody had friends that helps its nobody else's business if somebody can get help or not especially in that such extreme circumstances. its not against the rules and things happen unexpectedly that's all that needs to be said about it as I'm sure and not everybody follows the rules all the time anyways so people who have glass houses should not throw stones. I think it's pretty heartless and trashy to even bring up the situation that happend. jealous much that somebody can ask for help and they receive help she's been on the board long enough and known for being an awesome provider and an awesome person in general. and just FYI buring your child is not free and it would be a moron that would think so personally I don't think it was anybody's business if you don't want help then don't help don't be a hater and bring up such a sensitive subject again people who live in glass houses should not throw stones
Talkers and doers, between the two are the philosophers. None of us are in a position to dictate what others publish. The OP is in her right to open a discussion directed toward "financial assistance in/on a community board", and anyone discussing 'financial woes' can share their story too. I love the back and forth.

Humans are selfish and we love to talk about ourselves. We publicize the conversations that exemplify our 'values' and 'beliefs' and if there is an opening that allows self-righteousness to peek through, we will take it! The pull of argument is seductive. Discussion isn't a win or lose battle, it is story marathon. People are so fickle!
no glove no love's Avatar
A marathon of the insensitive
Still Looking's Avatar
Starting to get ugly...
It was ugly from the start, smh....
Jennatx's Avatar Originally Posted by takeabreak512
I actully had to use them in 2008 after loosing my son at 6 months
pregnant . While my now ex husband was off somewhrre with his mistress
They were such a blessing they paid for my sons funeral cost baby casket
flowers even his headstone. I am still till this day greatfull. my ex never
show up to the funural after 2 hrs of waiting
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I actully had to use them in 2008 after loosing my son at 6 months
pregnant . While my now ex husband was off somewhrre with his mistress
They were such a blessing they paid for my sons funeral cost baby casket
flowers even his headstone. I am still till this day greatfull. my ex never
show up to the funural after 2 hrs of waiting Originally Posted by Jennatx
Sorry for your lose I too had used their services in 2004 when my daughter was born premature and passed a few hours later....I reached out to them again but was told they could only help if they had any funds for the month left.Its been almost 3 weeks and I haven't heard back.