Alex Jones

Alex Jones, Clyde Lewis, and George Noory. Damn dude, you're in deep. There are deprogramming centers that can help when you're ready.
My brother teaches architecture at a major University on the east coast and he's a member of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth.

I think it's rather clear that there are no distinguished engineers who are supporting the narrative that Building 7 and the others were brought down by fires alone.

.... Originally Posted by pussycat

One problem no officials claim that Bldg 7 was brought down by fires alone. So you just started with a false premise. As for Architects for 911 Truth, they are not willing to be publicly debated by a group of civil engineers, so I just allocate Tin Foil Hats to their type.

As for Alex Jones the Con man, if you knew him when he first showed up at gun shows, then you knew he was lying. He lied about what he drank, what he ate, and he lied about believing every nutjob that walked up to his table, because that is how he made money. he was also proven wrong (basic math trig stuff) in his accusations and "research"

/Yeah I've known Alex for decades and that means I don't like his BS.
Treetop78759's Avatar
You don't know Alex Jones. He not anything like that. That is false premise.

I'm not going to continue to argue with a bunch of narrow minded individuals.

I can assure you that after the CTTAA meting the press will get wind of the information and you will be coming back with your tail between your legs.
I can tell you where his office is, what he drives, and where the house is that money bombs paid for that his Ex wife now lives in. But I would know that, since I work cointelpro for the CIA.

Your CTTAA is nothing but another scam to suck money from mentally unstable individuals. You are scum. But as a Humanist, I still love you and I'm here to help you when you're ready
Treetop78759's Avatar
I still love you and I'm here to help you when you're ready Originally Posted by iSeekGreek
I love you too.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Y'all two git a room!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Alex Jones’ conspiracy-theory website, InfoWars, gets White House press pass

Are you proud of this administration? Do you truly care about the truth?
WTF. Yeah, try to defend this.
Alex Jones is a nut job. He belongs in South Austin. I swear, I don't know what it is about that area that produce these conspiracy nuts. Every time I go to Central Market ( south one) I get hit up by a older man - he's on the radio- and he starts talking to me about all kinds of goofy shit. And when he brings his friends it's even worse.
It's gotten to be where I scan the room now to see if they are there or hide in the corner so they don't see me. I swear, I must be part squirrel - cuz I seem to attract all the nuts!
Alex Jones is a nut job. He belongs in South Austin. I swear, I don't know what it is about that area that produce these conspiracy nuts. Every time I go to Central Market ( south one) I get hit up by a older man - he's on the radio- and he starts talking to me about all kinds of goofy shit. And when he brings his friends it's even worse.
It's gotten to be where I scan the room now to see if they are there or hide in the corner so they don't see me. I swear, I must be part squirrel - cuz I seem to attract all the nuts! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
WTF? Born and raised SOUTH Austinite here. No out of town fuckin' transplant here. One who takes grave offense to your characterization of all those residing south of the river. Disappointed in you, lovely lady.
I'm sorry sugar - I didn't mean you!

WTF? Born and raised SOUTH Austinite here. No out of town fuckin' transplant here. One who takes grave offense to your characterization of all those residing south of the river. Disappointed in you, lovely lady. Originally Posted by TxHarleyGuyII
I've been around Austin long enough to remember when he was run off the air for a little while. You see, back in 1999 he was really freaked out about Y2K and so were his listeners. So he sold them all Y2K survival kits, a coworker of mine listened to him and actually bought one. Alex went on and on about buying the kits. Then January 2000 came and went and nada. The purchasers of the survival kits were pissed.

This should tell you all you need to know about Mr. Jones.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I bet that if you came to our CTTAA meeting you will change.
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Personally I'm not a fan of Alex Jones but a lot of what he says is true our government is against us in many ways I suggest you read Pale Horse I'm not sure who the author is most interesting book ever written by an ex-cia agent. If you go on YouTube there's documentation of president attending Illuminati meetings there was someone who was a part of the Illuminati leaking information little by little but all the sudden it stopped I'm sure they found out who it was if y'all are too ignorant to see that this s*** is real and they believe in population control and that our money is about to be s*** that's why I invest in gold doomsday is coming baby I just hope you're prepared and not the stupid one
Ambree Austin's Avatar
, who in their right mind thinks that we actually pick our own president you really think that we elect our president no he's a puppet The Illuminati's puppet. Also I want y'all to go research Fema Coffins on YouTube there's hundreds of videos of plastic coffins that you can seal off from contamination and fit two and three bodies in when the government was asked about it they said no comment. Seems like they're planning something something big but hey what do I know I just researched this s*** all the time
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
WTF was he selling? Sunburn spray?