BBW, Spinners, and MUCHO DOLLARS CITY?????

Wakeup's Avatar
I personally would stay... Originally Posted by tracer
Wait...does this mean you're leaving?
tracer's Avatar
Wait...does this mean you're leaving? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
They offer reading comprehension courses online now. You don't have to be embarrassed about showing up as a grown man with all the little kids. My niece took some as prep for college exams, but I am sure they have some more remedial if you do a little research.
Wakeup's Avatar
Sweet, thanks. So back to the question, does this mean you're leaving?

Ask Amy.... Ask Nikki.... in any of our conversations via PM if I have ever been anything less than forthcoming in my conversations and explainations of things.....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

All I can say is, I have recieved my fair share of "explainations".
tracer's Avatar
Sweet, thanks. So back to the question, does this mean you're leaving? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
That may be part of the problem buddy. People doing all the work for you. Try reading again after you take that course and if you still don't get it I will help you. I'm not opposed to helping those less fortunate, but I do like to see you try to help yourself first. Seems cold, I know, but it is for your own good pal.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
All I can say is, I have recieved my fair share of "explainations". Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE

Thank you my dear!
NOOOOOOOO! Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Now to get back on topic, after all the thread hijacks lol. You say NOOOOOOO to 300 and 400 pound providers. I actually feel bad for a provider who is at that weight and has to deal with what us smaller BBW's deal with. I have sympathy. But you have a stunning figure my dear, and your business won't be touched no matter how cheap and big a girl is. Really as a smaller BBW myself, I don't think they will touch my business. I say to each his own. If she feels confident to provide, then more power to her
Wakeup's Avatar're leaving right?
tracer's Avatar're leaving right? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Damnit. I didn't want to teach the course little buddy. Oh well, maybe you can't afford it.

We are going to stick to the part about you helping yourself though. So here is what I want you to do; go copy and post the part of my comment that said I was leaving. Go ahead, you can do it. I will wait right here for you in case you have any problems.
Wakeup's Avatar
Does this mean you're not leaving?
tracer's Avatar
I can't help those who won't help themselves little buddy. Oh well, can't say I didn't try. Maybe you can ask wifey; I hear she is really smart.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
That may be part of the problem buddy. People doing all the work for you. Try reading again after you take that course and if you still don't get it I will help you. I'm not opposed to helping those less fortunate, but I do like to see you try to help yourself first. Seems cold, I know, but it is for your own good pal. Originally Posted by tracer
This shit is getting funnier by the post Reminds me when me and the brookster had a few good cunt threads going. Lmao!
Wakeup's Avatar
So you're leaving and then coming back again? Yep, she's smart alright.
Sarunga's Avatar
So you're leaving and then coming back again? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I'm guessing this is....probably....from the Socratic school of thought.

Yep, she's smart alright. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Smarter than you....that's for sure.
Wakeup's Avatar
So he's not leaving?