Where are those Articles Of Impeachment?

When your Senate whitewashes Trump, Will hostilities with Iran cease? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Yous fakes Canucks haves its alls asses backwardses agains.

Whens thes Senates properlys Acquits Trumps fors the whitewashes fromses thes Houses, thens wes cans disusses thes hostilities furthers.
So why's Nancy holding on to them? Why isn't the mainstream media asking why they aren't being presented? Especially if this was a crisis...
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous fakes Canucks haves its alls asses backwardses agains.

Whens thes Senates properlys Acquits Trumps fors the whitewashes fromses thes Houses, thens wes cans disusses thes hostilities furthers. Originally Posted by eccielover
Give your balls a tug, basic!

The party’s of Trump will never do anything “properlys.” Unless you means properly fucked. I saw a photo of the stack of bills that your Senate won’t address. Properlys.

Are all three of yous in the same basements on the same bed, interchangeable partsy?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Where are the Articles of Impeachment?
Nancy's house
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Where are the Articles of Impeachment?
Nancy's house
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

one wishes that were so...
Nancy's house has a wall around it.

Still no articles! Mitch says he has the votes to proceed without them or something to that effect. The Dims will proceed when WWIII is over.

rexdutchman's Avatar
"nancys Its a emergency , NOW well not so much , Till I (nan) can control the guberment the way she and chuckie want ,sounds kinda like a overthrow attempt ??????????????
Hello? Where are the articles? It was a Constitutional Crisis per the Swamp Witch!

Where's the Media on this? Pelosi isn't taking questions. Hell, don't let her speak at any of her many daily/weekly press conferences unless she addresses this issue.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Why am I thinking of Nancy as the witch Rosina?
The Hansel & Gretel story for those of you who do not follow more important things.
i wonder how pelosi will squirm out of her position

what will she do, just declare victory and send them over?

she probably wishes the articles could just quietly expire

and she is likely cussing, as an idiot, lawrence tribe

the masterful chess player, whose 32 year congressional career has prepared her magnificently just for this moment (so say the fawning dim news media), is out of moves

she has painted herself into a corner

How do the Republicans not know precisely Lawfare's game plan? Seems like Trump can't shit without a Democrat spy knowing about it and the media protecting that spy.

Even though I do agree the Dims painted themselves into a corner I can't believe it's their exit strategy.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
i wonder how pelosi will squirm out of her position
what will she do, just declare victory and send them over?
she probably wishes the articles could just quietly expire.... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
They will expire. Mid-late December 2020 when Congress recesses for Winter break.
  • oeb11
  • 01-09-2020, 03:11 PM
Pelosi has a new opportunity with the Soleimani take down - "war crimes" have been touted in the LSM.
She may decide to put the "Incomplete Articles of Impeachment" on hold for an "investigation of Trump's conduct" in relation to Iran and Soleimani.
She can then string out the process - hand it back to Schiff and nadler et al, and string out the process towards the Nov 2020 election. all the while vilifying POTUS to the best of their ability.

Will she do that - look like politically irresistible to me.
nasty P is right now entertaining the vote on Trump's War Powers v Iran - a meaningless exercise - just as are the Articles of Impeachment -

Please pay attention J666
An associate of Nancy Pelosi told her she had a fantastic dream the other night

There was a humongous parade in Washington celebrating Pelosi. Millions lined
the parade route, cheering when Nancy went past. It was the biggest
celebration Washington had ever seen.

Nancy was very impressed and said, "That's really great! By the way, how did I look in your dream? Was my hair OK?"

Her friend said, "I couldn't tell, the casket was closed.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like a senator was thinking the same thing I was thinking. I thought the senate should fix this Peloisi's bullshit hold on the articles by establishing a 30 day deadline. if it wasn't turned in a timely manner, the impeachment would be voided as if it never happened.

a senator is filing a new rule establishing a deadline for turning the articles. the proposed rule has it that the articles must be sent to the senate within 25 days; past that, it would be voided and the senate will not take it up.