The Negativity Posters

Im still ur jadecypher????
shortguy's Avatar
Good post Loo, you're not alone.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I concur....brings down those of us who actually enjoy one another and try to stay positive. We could all add names as we've all seen and know who they are.
onehitwonder's Avatar
[quote=Judge Smails;426263]

- Anonymous boards seem to unleash the worst in some folks. No way you say some of this stuff at work on email or if your name is on it.

- And there it is!

The same folks that say/type these ugly things are more likely than not the guy/gal that is timid and shy and never has anything to say IN PERSON.

I am most of the time a loud, stoopit "smarty pants" and have a tendency to blurt out whatever comes to mind.( ANYTHING for a laugh) BUT online you cannot gage a persons tone of voice, expression etc. I am very careful here. What threads I comment on and who is posting at the time. I am by no means a 'tough gal" however, I have very little patience for dis-respectful behavior towards anyone, especially me and I certainly do not want to embarrass myself by gettin' into a pee-pee contest.

Now where's the fun in that?

Ok, I'm ready, got on my flame "retarded" jammies, let 'er rip

( see how tactful? Just niced it right up! Not that hard at all!)

stevesanderson's Avatar
amazingasia can be a whore...

EroticMorgan is a cheap whore

Tabitha Bleu is the Neighborhood Whore

and jaycee is my little whore

That really irritates me.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

That really irritates me. Originally Posted by stevesanderson
What, exactly, really irritates you?
onehitwonder's Avatar
I am assuming the word "whore" in each review....

The girl in each one is refering to themselves as
okay if you read the post correctly, I was simply tryin to get across to my target audience that I'm the girl next door type. I DO NOT CALL MYSELF a whore. If you read on, it states with a touch of neighborhood whore. Whore in this sense is not a noun, it is an adjective describing the small kinky side of me. And it happens to Rhyme with Door! Shesh...can we say taken the wrong way...literally! You have to understand me to get my dry sense of humor. If you read my other posts, I try and put a little creativity in everyone of them or at least artistic flair. True, this ad is by no means my best. But you, my dear friend, read it wrong. You obviously assumed I was calling myself a whore because you saw the word. So let's look at this situation again. Now, you have "Tabitha the Neighborhood Whore" with a link to my post, you are communicating false information.

See ladies and gentlemen,
this is a perfect example of how board drama and issues start. Misconception, misunderstanding, call it what you want. Life is challenging enough. It seems to me there is a lot of cut throat behavior going on. THAT is what really irritates me. I see it a lot with Providers vs. Providers. But it is very common with Hobbyist Vs. Providers. And, I'm sure it happens with Hobbyists vs. Hobbyist.

Here's what I have to say to all the negative minded people out there:
(including myself because I'm using profanity - clear indication I'm being negative.)

F**king Quit It!!!

There! I feel better. I will now resume my positive provider status. Good forum Looie! I feel better.

Everyone have terrific day, and SMILE! It sends message to your brain that you're happy!
And onehit, not to pick on you...but you totally just posted an example of how some hobbyists and providers alike are quick to jump on the band wagon before really evaluating the situation for what it truely is. i.e. the Hobbyist, who is quick to "mark off" a provider from "his list" based on a false or semi-fabricated review that was posted out of spiteful intent for whatever f**ked up reason or on the flip side, (I see this all the time, but until now, I kept my mouth shut because I'm busy enough, I pick and choose my battles these days, so this one I'm choosing to engage) I can't stand these rat packin providers who choose a phrase from another provider's (usually younger or newer) post that is totally irrelevant and completely off topic.
Or, maybe the culprit decides to bring up an off the subject topic altogether, such as, undermining her intelligence by viciously attacking her spelling mistakes or that her grammar is defective.
It is obvious to me these providers believe they are in direct competition with these ladies, and feeling threatened, lash out with bullying tactics when they recognize a weakness and a potential advantage. Cliques then respond. As a result, you have a 25 page narrative of negativity that spiraled completely off topic. Kick a fellow provider while she's already down, very negative. To me, it screams jealousy, envy, low self-esteem, and at times -verbal cruelty.
Since I see it for what it really is, if I were a hobbyist....I would mark these ladies off my list and go make some positive playtime with the one under scrutiny, lol. But that's just lil 'ole obnoxious, but positive me.
Onehit, I know you were just tryin to communicate the point steveanderson's trying to make. I saw an opportunity to illustrate mine by highlight some of the negativity I've witnessed. I know you didn't mean any harm.
I'd like to conclude on a positive note by offering a few solutions to the problem of board related negativity. We all can learn from steveanderson's post in reference to me:

Please be careful what you post, especially if what your posting is negative about provider or hobbyist. I find the accusation that I called myself a whore, especially when I didn't, to be negative and irritating.

1. Check your motives: Make sure what you are posting doesn't have malicious intent or underlying motives.
2. Check your info. Please don't post false info or reply to a post that you didn't thoroughly do diligence on. Often in these situations, the original content failed to validate what the poster communicated in the first place (see example Tabitha Bleu above) and often tends to be factitious all together.
3. When in doubt, say nothing. Negativity can quickly be weeded out if we had more validators, researchers, or if you are lazy like me, observers. The truth usually becomes apparent eventually. It's just easier to tell when there is less bandwagon activity.
Together, we can quickly stop the ugly spread of the negativity virus!


But no, seriously...this crap takes away from the beauty that is ---- The Hobby.

I'm going to close with a popular yet profound Hippy Anti-War cliche:
Make love not war.
yikes, I meant to type "form" looie in the post before last. Not forum, lol.
onehitwonder's Avatar
I'm glad that you know I wasn't trying to be hateful or ugly. I was a little worried about that. Thank you for your kind PM. I am very careful about what and where I post just for this reason. I would hate it if I hurt someones feelings, or came across as a bully, "or jumper-on-er of the bandwagon" : )

Nuff said.
Lana Warren's Avatar
As always, I will have your back, especially on this subject! I too, am extremely tired of the negativity posting! Will it ever stop? I doubt it! Does it ever stop me from being positive? ABSOLUTELY not! I will continue to post with a positive's too fucking short to be an angry person!

NOW, to the idiots that want to continue posting negative comments on this thread.......shut the hell up or you will have to deal with me! I'm pre-menopausal and I could snap at anytime! LOL!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Im still ur jadecypher???? Originally Posted by sxyjade101

Dammit Jade, I already let you have Tony, so STAY away from my LOOIE!
pmdelites's Avatar
I thought I would post about something that bothers me or should I say irritates the hell out of me. The tendency of certain posters on this site to inject a negative response or thougtht into nearly all threads they respond to. of rant deleted.....
Originally Posted by looiecypher
in addition to ranting, just identify them out so we'll know who you are ranting about.
Oh, Looie! I love you. oops, I am not provider!

Good thread. I feel ya. It happens on both sides of the fence and it's just about displaying a general respect for each other. I don't like it when either gender talks derogatory about the other in the coed forums. Terms like "whores" and "dumbass tricks" when used in a derogatory context is neither civil nor polite.

I have no problems with either gender cutting loose about the other gender in their respective locker rooms and I think the mods should allow that kind of latitude in the lounges. After all, we are not supposed to be able to see what the ladies are saying and vice-versa, remember?

Having said that, I do not want to see the tone go so politically correct that we can't say anything without offending someone in this world sometime. I tend to use a lot of humor in my posts. Humor is almost always at someone elses expense, but I am not afraid to use a little self deprecating humor, either. I think most of us can tell when a posts intent is malicious or not. I enjoy a little ribbing as much as I like to give it, too.

We will always have some drama and as long as I am not party to it, I enjoy a good train wreck. My name is cpi3000 and I am a hobby message board addict.