GOP Doesn't Have Enough Votes to Block Witnesses

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So where does Jr get his funding from nowadays? Clearly enough to pay off his baby momma on a monthly basis to the extent she pulled her child support lawsuit.
So where does Jr get his funding from nowadays? Clearly enough to pay off his baby momma on a monthly basis to the extent she pulled her child support lawsuit. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
People that corrupt invariably set up tertiary money pits. There is also the possibility that Sonny is on an allowance to keep him quiet until Papa's election.

This is a family where one son marries, and then divorces, his dead brother's wife. One has to invoke the Kennedy clan to invoke a similar paradigm of power and perversion.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
People that corrupt invariably set up tertiary money pits. There is also the possibility that Sonny is on an allowance to keep him quiet until Papa's election.

This is a family where one son marries, and then divorces, his dead brother's wife. One has to invoke the Kennedy clan to invoke a similar paradigm of power and perversion. Originally Posted by kehaar

not quite true. Hunter never married Hallie Biden. but how creepy is it that he fucked his bro's widow?

"In 2016, he began dating Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother, Beau;[64] they ended their relationship by late 2017 or early 2018."

not quite true. Hunter never married Hallie Biden. but how creepy is it that he fucked his bro's widow?

"In 2016, he began dating Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother, Beau;[64] they ended their relationship by late 2017 or early 2018."

STILL CREEPY!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Thanks for the correction. In my opinion, Papa is the creepier of the two, though.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Shumer definitely doesn't want Hunter or anybody else from the defense side but he must make it look like the Republicans are the ones who don't want witnesses and he loses that gambit if he votes for no witnesses because he doesn't want the Bidens. He has to hope 51 Republicans vote no witnesses so he can blame it on them and use it as an election issue. So what. Take the vote, acquit and explain it to your constituents that even if everything Bolton is said to have written is true, it would not change your vote and live with it. Any Republican voting to convict is dead to the party so why do it? What possible gain could Collins or any of the rest of them get by voting to convict whether they hear what Bolton has to say or not. If you are a republican and vote to convict, you can't possible win another election. Sad maybe but true.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Maybe this is a way of telling their senator to fall in line with what needs to be done

Utah lawmaker files bill to recall US senators. The Constitution stands in his way.
JANUARY 30, 2020 11:15 AM

The bill filed Wednesday by Republican state Rep. Tim Quinn would allow voters to recall a senator by a ballot measure. But only if 25 percent of people who voted in the previous election sign a petition to place the question on the ballot.

Quinn told Deseret News that the bill would help make senators, who serve for six-year terms, “a little more accountable to those who elected him or her.”

“Six years is a long time,” he said.

It is unlikely Quinn’s bill will pass. That is because it is against the Constitution to recall any federally elected official. According to Ballotpedia, the framers of the Constitution considered the option while drafting the document in 1787, but it was left out of the final version.

The issue has been contested on the state level, but it has yet to make it to the Supreme Court. A recent example was in 2010, where Supreme Courts of New Jersey and North Dakota ruled against federal recall according to Ballotpedia.

Quinn’s bill comes as senators prepare to vote on whether to call for witnesses at President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney, of Utah, has received much criticism from fellow Republicans over his support for witnesses.

When asked about the bill’s timing, Quinn denied that it was intended to target any specific senator. He told Deseret News he had been drafting the bill for weeks.

“If I had a dollar for everyone who asked me today if this was about (Romney), I would have $20,” Quinn told Utah Policy.
  • oeb11
  • 01-30-2020, 03:35 PM
Framers set up the Senate with six year terms for precisely that reason - to be more independent of voter whims, to which the House is subject.

It is why the senate is the jury for Impeachment cases.
Jaxson66's Avatar
What’s wrong trumpys need to fret, the Russian sympathizers in the Senate will whitewash this trial. You’ll think it’s 1930 again and your taking a trophy photo at a lynching and low and behold the county sheriff’s in the pic.

The rumor of 5 gop members doing the right thing is dead.

Don’t worry, it’s a whitewash.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What’s wrong trumpys need to fret, the Russian sympathizers in the Senate will whitewash this trial. You’ll think it’s 1930 again and your taking a trophy photo at a lynching and low and behold the county sheriff’s in the pic.

The rumor of 5 gop members doing the right thing is dead.

Don’t worry, it’s a whitewash. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

it must be so painful for you to watch this travesty of justice yeah? watch Evil Lord Trump get away with yet another "crime against humanity" right?

Jaxson66's Avatar
Evil Lord Trump...

I don’t know the guy personally so I can’t say his Evil, but he is a proven liar over and over
What type of lord are you referring to, lord of the flies?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Evil Lord Trump...

I don’t know the guy personally so I can’t say his Evil, but he is a proven liar over and over
What type of lord are you referring to, lord of the flies? Originally Posted by Jaxson66

His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse.
  • oeb11
  • 01-30-2020, 07:03 PM
On topic - today's reports, after Schiff blathered on incessantly today , indicates the republicans may well have the votes to deny witnesses, and vote to acquit.

Some predictions are for tomorrow for those votes in the Senate

The Schiff show has just turned off too many , and turned too many stomachs with his Lies.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

Looks like the fantasies of j666 and fellow Marxist DPST's are ending. Whatever are they to do - other than join nazi pelosi in Impeach 45 in 2021!