Will this be the end? GOP panel finds no wrongdoing on Benghazi

southtown4488's Avatar
The reason they hate Hillary is because her husband bitch slapped Republicunts while getting a BJ in the Oval Office. They'll never get over it.
The reason they hate Hillary is because her husband bitch slapped Republicunts while getting a BJ in the Oval Office. They'll never get over it. Originally Posted by southtown4488
This is true. Bill was basically a pimp and got lots of poon. They would say his office precluded him from it and made him some kind of animal, but then those same idiots are on a hooker site looking for a blowjob, because their wife finds their dick disgusting. Can the president not get a motherfucking piece every once in a while?
You're a piece of shit. The L.A.Times article is over 9 months old and you start a thread pretending this is "news". Then you posted and removed the link in your OP. Who the fuck does that? Is this the only way your sad pathetic ass can deflect from the whooping it is taking in every other active thread in this forum? You have zero integrity. And less than zero cred.

Go to bed and feel sorry for yourself, pisshead. Stop wasting our time. We'll wake you up when Trey Gowdy gets his hands on Hildabeast's "deleted" emails.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
You're a bigger piece of shit. How's that? Who gives a shit how old it is? I guess if it said something you liked, it wouldn't matter how old it was, right? I'm taking no whoopings, currently, from you or anyone else. So stick that shit straight back up your ass and watch reytardo come with quickness to retrieve it from your hind quarters. It's hard to go to bed and feel sorry for myself when I look around at where I live, the California King bed that I sleep in and the big dick the universe saw fit to bestow on me. I just can't do it, pisshead. Stop wasting your OWN time.
lustylad's Avatar
It's hard to go to bed and feel sorry for myself when I look around at where I live, the California King bed that I sleep in and the big dick the universe saw fit to bestow on me. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Zip it, sewer rat. Your mother just turned the basement lights off. No more Mountain Dews or Red Bulls until morning.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You're a piece of shit. The L.A.Times article is over 9 months old and you start a thread pretending this is "news". Then you posted and removed the link in your OP. Who the fuck does that? Originally Posted by lustylad
I always knew WR/undercunt was a chicken shit. This thread proves it. Beyond any doubt.
Should be a sticky to showcase what an imbecile looks like. Prime example.

The reason they hate Hillary is because her husband bitch slapped Republicunts while getting a BJ in the Oval Office. Originally Posted by southtown4488

Then got impeached, lost his law license...
Zip it, sewer rat. Your mother just turned the basement lights off. No more Mountain Dews or Red Bulls until morning.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
You wish. Dream about my dong, titty baby.
I always knew WR/undercunt was a chicken shit. This thread proves it. Beyond any doubt.
Should be a sticky to showcase what an imbecile looks like. Prime example.

Then got impeached, lost his law license... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Because I point out nothing has been found? Sorry to bust your bubble.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, that's not my headline, shitheel. Read 'em and weep.


"Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the two-year investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria."

"But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people."

These should answer your questions. If it doesn't, then the answer is I don't know. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yep, almost a year old. You should be sanctioned for thread bumping NBK. Of course all of this is shit since they didn't have the emails yet. Since then we have found out that the White House and State Department knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack. So why the fake video claim? Another unanswered question among many.
Yep, almost a year old. You should be sanctioned for thread bumping NBK. Of course all of this is shit since they didn't have the emails yet. Since then we have found out that the White House and State Department knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack. So why the fake video claim? Another unanswered question among many. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Crawdaddying Bastard. You said it was my headline. Now you know it wasn't. You should be sanctioned for being a cunt who thinks 777s were hidden by shrubs and netting.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Because I point out nothing has been found? Sorry to bust your bubble. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The fat lady still hasn't sung yet. She's still looking for that clean end of the turd.
The fat lady still hasn't sung yet. She's still looking for that clean end of the turd. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
She just might find it yet, you never know.
You're a piece of shit. The L.A.Times article is over 9 months old and you start a thread pretending this is "news". Then you posted and removed the link in your OP. Who the fuck does that? Is this the only way your sad pathetic ass can deflect from the whooping it is taking in every other active thread in this forum? You have zero integrity. And less than zero cred.

Go to bed and feel sorry for yourself, pisshead. Stop wasting our time. We'll wake you up when Trey Gowdy gets his hands on Hildabeast's "deleted" emails.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Keep hammering the Arkansas gloryhole guru !
lustylad's Avatar
Keep hammering the Arkansas gloryhole guru ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

The more we hammer him here, the more he flees to his gloryholes to get hammered there! How much more hammering can the freelance faggot take?

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  • 08-29-2015, 06:19 PM
Hillary must be so relieved. This means she can finally run on her record of foreign policy successes, starting with Libya...

Originally Posted by lustylad

Holy shit add Bush's picture on that poster and include Iraq and you have twice the fuckups!
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  • 08-29-2015, 06:24 PM

Then got impeached, lost his law license... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Poor bastard is hardly getting by without it!