Religion and the hobby

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Not to get sidetracked or anything, but...sheesh. It's like getting those e mails from the religious freaks asking me if I'm interested in 'climbing out of the dark pit of sin'. I ask them, " And you saw me where, on a Bible website?" Originally Posted by alluringava
hey now!!...its research

When I first started I felt like I was going to have a front row seat in hell and there was a chair with my name engraved on it.

However I have come to terms with it in my own way with God
Still Looking's Avatar
You'd make an adorable priest. " Helloooo Father SL..."

And you'd be 'still looking' at the girls' cute asses in their Catholic uniform skirts. Those little short pleated kickskirts...going commando underneath them. Originally Posted by alluringava
You know me better than I know myself! LOL
Naomi4u's Avatar

Not to get sidetracked or anything, but...sheesh. It's like getting those e mails from the religious freaks asking me if I'm interested in 'climbing out of the dark pit of sin'. I ask them, " And you saw me where, on a Bible website?" Originally Posted by alluringava
Did you ever get the email about the church for Courtesans? Too fucking funny!
No, not yet Zarah. The same guy texts and e mails me several times to let me know Jesus can save me from the Dark Pit of Prostitution.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Very interesting discussion. So many different tangents to look at. First, it seems that most here are equating religion with Christianity. That is faulty logic. There are multiple religions in the world. Each has their own beliefs and values. How individuals reconcile their beliefs and their actions is very personal.

Having said that, let's delve into the realm of Christianity since that is what most are talking about. First, the 10 Commandments are NOT part of the Christian canon. The 10 Commandments along with the rest of the Old Testament Law are part of the Jewish faith and the dispensation between God and the Jews. Under the Old Testament, Jews had to follow the law in order to attain salvation. Of course, living up to the law was an impossible task. That is why the Jews of the Old Testament had so many feasts in order to sacrifice animal blood to cover their sins (inability to follow the law). Those blood sacrifices served as a forerunner for Christ. Jesus was sent to be the ultimate sacrifice-- not only for the Jews but for the world. With Christ's death and resurrection, salvation from all sins comes through grace in accepting Christ and becoming a Christian. Becoming a Christian removes one from following the law (10 Commandments). Christians are no longer bound to the law. Their sins have been covered by Christ. Now, becoming a Christian doesn't make one perfect nor does it give one a license to sin/do bad things. Those who sin as Christians lose their fellowship with God and Christ. When as a Christian and I participate in the hobby, I'm sinning in the site of God and it separates me from the joy of Christ/God. It doesn't mean I've lost my salvation, just my fellowship. When I don't have fellowship with God and Christ, I'm not being an effective Christian. How I deal with it is up to me. Someday, I will have to answer for not being an effective Christian, but that is something I have to work out on my own. The bottom line is I shouldn't be hobbying. It is against God's will and is something I will have to deal with.
Bigh1955's Avatar
This is a question that's been around a very long time. There's a story in the bibile we all know that speaks to this question - but indirectly.

"Let the first amoung you who is without sin cast the first stone." John 8:7
"Religion" worked out well for Mary Magdellan, and we all know how she made her living!
This is a question that's been around a very long time. There's a story in the bibile we all know that speaks to this question - but indirectly.

"Let the first amoung you who is without sin cast the first stone." John 8:7
"Religion" worked out well for Mary Magdellan, and we all know how she made her living! Originally Posted by Bigh1955

I figured this 'religious' kid ( I did a search on him and he's in some tiny two-street town in the Volunteer State) just suffered from one of the great no-no's in the Bible:


Heck, speaking of religion and sex, basically Christianity is the only one ( okay, maybe the other two which are monotheistic and therefore similiar in some ways to Christianity, Judaism and Islam) that preach that sex is 'dirty' unless it's between two married people. Even then, how many creative ways does the Bible come up with for sex? Kama Sutra=sex is beautiful and spiritual, and the more positions to find outlets for that spirituality, the better. The Polynesians coined the phrase 'missionary' because they observed that's how the missionaries were doing it...guy on top.

And yet our country, so steeped in Victorian values, is saturated with sex wherever we look, go, see, do. It's no surprise that the biggest consumers of porn are located in the Bible Belt, for example.
...Someday, I will have to answer for not being an effective Christian, but that is something I have to work out on my own. The bottom line is I shouldn't be hobbying. It is against God's will and is something I will have to deal with. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Since I've decided to keep the family intact, maybe he'll show a little mercy on us. I've seen too many men who are unaware of this hobby that start affairs or flings, then end up divorcing and tearing the family apart.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ironically Sunday Is the most popular day for online porn .

Pink Floyd's Avatar
I just love it when people assume that everybody believes in god, or that Jesus was anything but a manufactured messiah. This will be my last post in this thread because I have got into too many deep conversations on that other forum that I posted, and this is supposed to be a fun forum.
pyramider's Avatar
Damnit ... SNL quit stalking me.

There is plenty of religion in the hobby, when you thinck about it. When you disrobe and the provider gasps and says "Oh God ...," and then starts laughing. Or when a provider is about to orgasm and she cries out "Oh God, I'm coming."
jyoshi917's Avatar
I dont know, for me religion is a man made system that thrives on shoving their own beliefs onto others, and make you believe what they believe through guilt trip and fear. One should believe in the higher power because they want to, not because someone forced them onto it, you know, like a hobby.
The same guy texts and e mails me several times to let me know Jesus can save me from the Dark Pit of Prostitution. Originally Posted by alluringava
I assume he's named his cock Jesus.
I clicked on this thread because of the many times I have met a provider and the topic of faith arose, among other things (has to be some humor). Some providers were deeply convicted concerning our activities and others were not convicted at all. As the hobbyist, I know that if my activities were to become public knowledge that many innocent people would be hurt and adversely affected by my sexual activities outside of my marriage. There are consequences to our behaviors. Most of the biblical lessons on sex outside of marriage where put in place to prevent a break in the covenant community: both between God and humanity. Unity between God and community is a central theme throughout the Bible. One thing people seem to forget in the Christian faith, the teachings of Jesus trump any Old Testament teachings. In one instance a woman was brought before Jesus because of adultery with an unknown man (no judgment for him). According to the Law of God, she was worthy of death through stoning (but so was the mystery man). The crowd, convinced that Jesus would be forced to adhere to the strict letter of God's law, soon dispersed when Jesus simply stated that the one (men in this case) without sin should cast the first stone of judgment. The older men hear Jesus's convicting words and leave first, soon followed by the younger and more prideful. Alone with the woman, Jesus did not condemn her, but he did not justify her sin either. "Go, and sin no more," was Jesus's response. We all lead dual lives: loving and hating, building up and tearing down, reaching out and pushing away. We justify our sin and yet condemn other's sin. Two men work with me. One abuses alcohol, which adversely affects himself and others. Another abuses drugs, which adversely affects himself and others. My personal drink and drug of choice is sex, which adversely affects myself and others (if discovered). Even undiscovered there is the financial loss that I have incurred. I suppose that I justify my personal sin by understanding that sin is sin in the eyes of God. "All have fallen short and all have sinned." Therefore, my limited power to control my behavior (sin) is no better or worse than anyone elses sin. The forgiveness of my sin is not dependent on any ability of my own to eliminate or remove my sins. In my faith only Jesus can do that, and I receive forgiveness when I admit that I am a sinner in need of God's grace. Just as that woman brought before him so long ago. My faith is not in my abilities, and certainly not in my Christian witness, but only in the power of God's love and grace that I've found in Jesus.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Well said!
I clicked on this thread because of the many times I have met a provider and the topic of faith arose, among other things (has to be some humor). Some providers were deeply convicted concerning our activities and others were not convicted at all. As the hobbyist, I know that if my activities were to become public knowledge that many innocent people would be hurt and adversely affected by my sexual activities outside of my marriage. There are consequences to our behaviors. Most of the biblical lessons on sex outside of marriage where put in place to prevent a break in the covenant community: both between God and humanity. Unity between God and community is a central theme throughout the Bible. One thing people seem to forget in the Christian faith, the teachings of Jesus trump any Old Testament teachings. In one instance a woman was brought before Jesus because of adultery with an unknown man (no judgment for him). According to the Law of God, she was worthy of death through stoning (but so was the mystery man). The crowd, convinced that Jesus would be forced to adhere to the strict letter of God's law, soon dispersed when Jesus simply stated that the one (men in this case) without sin should cast the first stone of judgment. The older men hear Jesus's convicting words and leave first, soon followed by the younger and more prideful. Alone with the woman, Jesus did not condemn her, but he did not justify her sin either. "Go, and sin no more," was Jesus's response. We all lead dual lives: loving and hating, building up and tearing down, reaching out and pushing away. We justify our sin and yet condemn other's sin. Two men work with me. One abuses alcohol, which adversely affects himself and others. Another abuses drugs, which adversely affects himself and others. My personal drink and drug of choice is sex, which adversely affects myself and others (if discovered). Even undiscovered there is the financial loss that I have incurred. I suppose that I justify my personal sin by understanding that sin is sin in the eyes of God. "All have fallen short and all have sinned." Therefore, my limited power to control my behavior (sin) is no better or worse than anyone elses sin. The forgiveness of my sin is not dependent on any ability of my own to eliminate or remove my sins. In my faith only Jesus can do that, and I receive forgiveness when I admit that I am a sinner in need of God's grace. Just as that woman brought before him so long ago. My faith is not in my abilities, and certainly not in my Christian witness, but only in the power of God's love and grace that I've found in Jesus. Originally Posted by turnhog