Reviews vs. Testimonials...

RICKDOG8's Avatar
I have always wanted to see Miss V even without the testimonials or any reviews just based on her pics. They're sexy as hell. But, she only does hour sessions and the 2 pump chump don't need a hour to take care of business. WAH! However, the testimonials would be nice to paint a clearer picture of a potential session. Just my 2 cents.
msguru's Avatar
Unfortunately guys entering the hobby using sites like these are led by example. I have been one. The rest of the mongers have come to expect all the "juicy details" and will chastise those who don't provide them. Originally Posted by Loxly
Agree with you Loxly on this. I can say that when I first jumped into hobbying in the late 90's with sites like ASPD and BigDoggie, I just adapted to the review content that I saw posted.

I will say that I am personally not a fan of reviews overall. I understand the purpose behind them but believe that they are overly detailed and graphic, especially ROS. I believe a lesser process would suffice such as a testimonial or verification/validation process with basic details. I believe the providers often feel like they are placed on trial with each review they receive.
...a lesser process would suffice such as a testimonial or verification/validation process with basic details. I believe the providers often feel like they are placed on trial with each review they receive. Originally Posted by msguru
Agreed in general. I don't need to read trial-evidence-level details such as she had stubble that day or made the right sounds for that guy. That's too picky and a woman hardly knows which way to fix it, because no woman is going to be perfect in every way for every guy, every time.

But in one sense, every session is a personalized trial like a one-off special event. In this sense, that's the opposite of a mass operation like Brake Check where the value is reported over a month's or a year's business trend among many customers, the accumulation of many Yelp reviews, etc.

So when I see a No, I'd like to read more to find out why, which also informs me about the guy's judgment and expectations so I can take that into account.