How to properly end a session? 😱

MaxiMilyen's Avatar

Who are you to tell another provider what to charge let alone run her business? Why are you so quick to judge & assume as to what type of provider she is?

Every whore runs there buisness the way it works for them you have no right to tell her what you feel as if is the proper way to be a whore... You clearly didn't understand her post & was quick to judge.. She didn't get on here asking other whores to help rewrite her whore script she simply asked a reasonable question & right off the bat started judging... smfh Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
D, I am me, that is who I am. I have every right afforded to any other poster on this board and until I don't, I intend utilize those, just as you have seen fit to do, hon.

I did not tell anyone what to charge. I made a suggestion that the lady might find helpful and could possibly be utilized in order to resolve issues having to deal with a "pissed" client who might become vindictive when she does not allow him to take advantage, as the client she referred to did. Who wants to deal with that type of client? Not me, so I don't. I believe that I even suggested that if she didn't wish to try that, to keep on keeping on and it's all good, did I not? Can you indicate that I did not do these things or even show me where I stated anything which would remotely identify as being what you have stated?

I will tell you what I can do. I can respond to any OP's thread in any manner I see fit. I prefer to be helpful, and even funny at times. I am amazed and enamored with most ladies who provide and who can display a good attitude, rather than a defensive butt hurt one as though I had attacked someone or even them. I am also not a big fan of those who would put words in my mouth, or are incapable of refraining from dragging me into some muck I do not wish to sling mud in, even if I don't judge those who would. This does not mean I will not join you if you insist and that will make you happy. I aim to please, hon.

Now, to be clear. The lady received plenty of "Pat" answers on how to handle getting a gent out of her incall. Whether they will work for her or not, remains to be seen. I thought it amazing she can do what she does in a 10 minute time frame, so I commented on it. Don't you think it's amazing? If not, why not? Do you also have this SuperPower? Did that aspect of her original comment just seem "the norm" to you and it does not amaze you she can do that? If so, wow and congrats! I'd like to be able to do that. Period. Why is that so hard for everyone to believe? LOL Imagine all the time I'd have to do other things if it didn't take me two hours to ensure what I do gets done, if I could only do what it takes her and maybe even others, 10 minutes to do? Clearly, I see myself as doing something wrong and not the other way around. 10 mins of prep beats 2 hours any day of the week, don't you think? How many of us wouldn't pay crazy money to have this SuperPower?

Me thinks you might consider lightening up and not be so quick to judge those you accuse of being judgmental, hon. If ya just can't bring yourself to do that, then please carry on. I understand why that might be and won't judge you, even if you force me to defend my stance and I might ask that you learn to read in a different tone than you might be used to. Kewl?
shoeshine's Avatar
If you get up and start getting dressed, or ask if they're ready to clean up, most clients will get the hint. You'll run into inconsiderate idiots in all walks of life regardless so you're still bound to run into some in the hobby world no matter what you do. Originally Posted by L.A.
That's been my experience so far; when she starts cleaning us up and moving toward our clothes, I know. I'd be happy if all providers followed suit. Additionally, I personally haven't carried any more bills than what I need for the agreed upon time, and I damn sure don't want to cause any extra traffic running out to find more if I happen to hit overtime. My speculation is that you just found one of those.

Lastly, if I don't know wtf is going on outside of a 1-2 ft. radius of me and the lady (provider or non-provider) I'm with, then things are going right, and when something suddenly breaks that connection, everything else just gets awkward. I would say an alarm is a no-go, but I'll also jump on the music train and say I've never heard subtle and low-volume music while playing.
txman123's Avatar
set your alarm to start playing 'she will be loved' by maroon 5, then 'low' by uncle cracker at 10 mins prior to end time.
let a few bars play, don't push me away, but look at me with those beautiful eyes, kiss my neck, chest, or wherever works at the moment and gently tell me 'baby, we've got about 10 mins left'.
If I can't seem to get moving, then tell me something like 'I'd love to stay and play, but I've go to get going'.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-07-2016, 04:58 AM
IMO that's just nowhere near enough time between appointments even if you're sharing an incall with other providers and it's not your appointment I think the time between appointments is a valid talking point on this post as you indicated that's one of the reasons people staying over is an issue for you. . I feel like any appointment can be a few minutes shorter or a few minutes longer depending on the flow of the session. Originally Posted by L.A.
Yall can't read can yall smfh she didn't say in between her appointments she shares an incall you Fucktard grrr Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Dear hooktard,
I believe the reading comprehension issues are on your end.
You quoted my post so I assume you were referring to me.
willyjack's Avatar
Foot in mouth is a common side effect of posting every stupid thought that enters one's head.
Foot in mouth is a common side effect of posting every stupid thought that enters one's head. Originally Posted by willyjack
But dayum, if everyone ran with that it would make this about a boring motherfucker.
Dear hooktard,
I believe the reading comprehension issues are on your end.
You quoted my post so I assume you were referring to me. Originally Posted by L.A.
How is it not enough time between appointments if she is sharing her incall? At least she had the courage to come out & tell us what she does.. Who are you to judge her or tell her what you don't seem as if it's enough time between appointments? That wasn't the freaking question... My comphension skills are great..
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-07-2016, 08:51 AM
How is it not enough time between appointments if she is sharing her incall? At least she had the courage to come out & tell us what she does.. Who are you to judge her or tell her what you don't seem as if it's enough time between appointments? That wasn't the freaking question... My comphension skills are great.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I am L.A....fucktard supreme and I deem 10 minutes between sessions (shared or not) not enough time...that's who I am and that's my edict so it's true.

FYI..I jack off when you talk like that.
I've always used the theory that it is the hobbyist responsibility to "watch the clock" not the provider.

Whenever I see the term "not a clock watcher" in a review that translates to "I over extended my stay".

But then again - I'm a time management type of guy.
To answer the original question...

After I cum twice in the first 45 minutes and fall asleep, simply wake me up in time to get dressed and leave.
Well, this escalated quickly. As I am not surprised. It will never cease to amaze how childish grown adults can act on this website. Lol

Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Much appreciated babes!
And for the record: I don't see clients ten minutes apart. My roommates and I give about 10/15 minutes shuffle time to clear out. It works perfectly for us for the ones that are baffled on how someone can get a low maintenance place presentable in that amount of time. It takes a couple minutes to make a bed. And seconds to throw away trash. I usually shower back at home bc of my personal beauty products but FYI I still have time in that window to rinse off for a few minutes. I don't see why or how that was so intriguing for so many of you but hopefully you didn't miss any sleep over it.
and to be blunt I really don't see why it would matter if I was seeing clients back to back anyways?? Maybe it's impossible for some of you but for me- I can have sex hours on end multiple times a day. (Even though I schedule a session a day or two sessions a day hours apart because I have other shit to do and am respectful that my roommates want to use our space as well) I just don't see how that's anyone's business but some people don't know to drink their own tea I guess.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I really don't see why it would matter if I was seeing clients back to back anyways ... I just don't see how that's anyone's business ... Originally Posted by Adriana Marshall
... We usually do 10 minutes in between appointments ... Originally Posted by Adriana Marshall
You start a thread on a hooker board it becomes other people's business. You keep it to yourself it stays to yourself (and maybe between the gents bumping into each other coming and going). It's not that hard.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-07-2016, 12:56 PM
and to be blunt I really don't see why it would matter if I was seeing clients back to back anyways?? Maybe it's impossible for some of you but for me- I can have sex hours on end multiple times a day. (Even though I schedule a session a day or two sessions a day hours apart because I have other shit to do and am respectful that my roommates want to use our space as well) I just don't see how that's anyone's business but some people don't know to drink their own tea I guess. Originally Posted by Adriana Marshall
You are the one posting your business on a public forum called co-ed discussions and then you don't expect people to discuss it?

I saw a provider once and I got to the incall and parked out front. I let her know I was there. As I'm sitting in the parking lot at the scheduled appointment time I see her previous client leave her apartment and get into his nice sportscar and he looks at me and I look at him. Then about 30 seconds later I get a text reply to come on up. There is no discretion. I don't need to see another client and another client does not need to see me. I sure as hell don't need some other person knowing what I drive, getting my license plate info, etc. That was the first and ONLY time I ever saw her.

That's the problem I have with appointments scheduled too closely together.
I feel like 5-10 under or 5-10 minutes over in a session is fine depending on what's going on.

There were plenty of suggestions on how to get the fucktard outta there but sometimes you can't fix stupid and you can't fix people who are determined to take advantage of you. There were plenty of good suggestions (apart from setting your alarm) on how to manage the end of the session and get the guy outta there. Maybe some of those will help you.
Invisible1's Avatar
An ALARM CLOCK buzzer set 5 or 10 min before times up?

That is absolutely NOT what most men want to or near the end of a session. Talk about creating a bad memory not to be repeated. Hell, next time just keep a glass of ice water on the side table.......and pour it on him when its time to soften him up and get him out the door. Lol.

Name one other private session with a professional (doctor, masseuse, psychiatrist, trainer, etc) that would end a meeting with an alarm sounding....and think it was a good idea?

I read the review(S) about Miss Marshall's alarm clock and clock watching habits........ I hope the reviews change for the better. I am glad some people made some decent suggestions in this thread.

Save your drama for your mama.