When you see someone on Facebook you know from eccie

OldGrump's Avatar
Bad, bad bad idea. Why not put your CC # & exp date out there too? Facebook is NOT private. What you put there is there forever for all to read - no taking it back. The whole concept is a disease that is sucking what common sense is left out of the brains of those who use it.

I ramble but privacy is very important. Unless you want to wear a T-Shirt to work with your ECCIE handle on it and an explanation of how the hobby works, keep your two lives SEPARATE.
cowboyesfan's Avatar
Ok - so are we all busy creating fake Facebook identities?
Actually, all of the pix you post on facebook are copy protected and nobody else can use them.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Actually, all of the pix you post on facebook are copy protected and nobody else can use them. Originally Posted by Justin1
That's completely, totally, absolutely untrue.
berkleigh's Avatar
I dont think its appropiate to approach someone you have seen from Facebook.

I really value my privacy now.

I recently deleted about 3oo individuals off "Berks"

I had someone who complained about my old profile and it was deleted.

So upon starting another, I had a well known Dallas hobbyist here watch my activity and email bullshit to my ATF. (because he has fallen off the wagon)

I had to go in and turn off where Google Enables a search.
Its now Private.
I have 72 friends and I know just about everyone on there.
I require screening now just to be my friend on Facebook.

Its really kind of bothersome and dramatic sometimes, of which I dont even care for it too much anymore.

But I do enjoy speaking with Girlfriends from here on there and not having to watch my mouth...because I can say whatever I please lol
Your facebook should always be PRIVATE if you're in this business..Always.
Oh yes, I've had a guy who I saw one time went out of his way to find out who I am and added me on FB. I FREAKED OUT....and I was VERY VERY upset! This is not an acceptable behavior! What was he thinking??? Like Jules, I have all my friends, family, family pics, co-workers, etc. I sent him a pm right away...I was really mad, livid. I told him that he had crossed his boundaries looking me up and had the guts to actually add me on FB. He apologized profusely. I prayed to God that he wouldn't start stalking me and there is no way I would see him again.
Your facebook should always be PRIVATE if you're in this business..Always. Originally Posted by AimeeAims
That's right, Aimee! After the incident I mentioned above, I changed my profile to 'High Privacy'. It won't show up when people search me.
I just heard of a provider that had one that was found by another provider that had nothing to lose, so she posted a AD on her wall.......now she is done in her family's eyes.....just evil!
Guest091314's Avatar
I have had hobbyist try to friend me and I always decline. Once I had a non-hobby page dedicated to fetishs and other weird thoughts. My kids step mom found it and flipped out, when she called me to ask WTF I just said "what? im just a freak like that!"

I like your style berk....been thinking of having a FB page for alecia, could be fun with the right privacy level.
This is EXACTLY why I do not, and will not ever, have a FB. ....well maybe when I'm 50 and just don't care anymore!

you can always go to her profile and cancel the request on the bottom left side
pmdelites's Avatar
believe me italiana, when you are 50, you will still care!!!

to all, do a websearch on your hobby names and see what comes back.
unless it's quite common, you may be surprised.

btw, i am NOT on ebay selling stuff [there is a pmdelites on ebay]
i give away photos and stories via eccie.net. :^) :^) :^)
One of my favorite providers once said to me, "You pay us to keep our mouths shut." And I couldn't agree more. I could get it as much if not more outside the hobbying. But it puts my marriage at risk - and I simply wouldn't want to do that.

Adding women with no obvious connection as FB friends? Insanity. And seeing and talking to them randomly in public? Just about as crazy. Keeping a separation is what I pay a premium for. Because "getting it for free" isn't free at all.
"You pay us to keep our mouths shut."
Dookie - if we all did that, then how would you get a BBBJ?!
