Thoughts/advice needed (probably from the ladies)

I believe she expects a donation... however, I think it's unprofessional of her to contact YOU for an appointment... if I contact someone first, I will not expect them to pay me.. too personal in my opinion. Originally Posted by LAVixian
Right you are! If she lowers the bar for professionalism first, it's not unreasonable for him to follow suit in the assumption that the relationship is proceeding to a less professional level. Usually, however, it seems that the "less professional level" is just allowing her to contact you for full-price appointments. There's nothing wrong with this for some people, especially if it is agreed upon ahead of time and suggested by the man. I still can't and won't do it.
sixxbach's Avatar
Do what I do when I get those kind of texts. Send a reply with "business or pleasure?"

If its business, she should NEVER call you LOOKING for your business.

If its pleasure, then...its your call. lol Originally Posted by Sophie

I don't get how a few would say its disrespectful. I have yet to have a provider just text me for a session. It sounds like it was unsolicited (the text). I know its business but she should be a pro about it....

gimme_that's Avatar
If I contact a gent I have previously seen, it's because I liked him. I had a good time. I wouldn't mind having another good time. It's not tacky or desperate and "most" men feel honored that I remembered them, our time together and are flattered that I want a repeat.

You have to befriend every client to a certain degree, or you will never get through the appointment, let alone a repeat one.

........But chances are, she is looking for compensation.

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
I agree with these parts. An email works better, but I don't mind a call either especially if she's touring. As long as she knows I'm cool with that beforehand I see no problems with it. Its not fishing it just good business. There is a fine line between these but most ladies are aware of this.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Charles, That's probably the only thing we'll ever agree on. That is a wonderful response...

Why would you question what another lady does? Perhaps she would prefer to spend a booty call with somebody she is familiar with, has a connection with, and knows she won't have any problems with? I'm sure sometimes it's easier than dealing with an ex. He's an "ex" for a reason. Why complicate things with him by giving him some nookie? Why jump through hoops and pick some guy up somewhere? "I" personally don't call clients for booty calls either. But if another lady does it, I don't question her reasoning. Frankly, it's none of my business. But some ladies actually get horny too, and don't have an SO to fulfill her needs. So what's the problem? Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
We all have our way of looking at this business. Like I said in an earlier post I don't know how other ladies run their business but I don't give anything for free. Even if I didn't have an SO I can easily get someone to fuck me... not one of my clients. I do not want to build THAT kind of relationship with my clients. Yes even if his hot and great in bed.. I understand the man has a life. The last thing I want to do is start falling for one of my clients. I have seen it happen and it gets ugly. No thank you! I have no problem getting laid outside of work. You're right she can do whatever she wants but this is how I operate.

Tacky and desperate? So when WalMart/Target/Walgreens/Best Buy sends out weekly mailers, you think that's tacky and desperate as well? Granted, it's a different type of business, but the same philosophy. It's called marketing.
In my business planner it is called tacky and desperate. I do NOT call or text clients out of the blue. I understand that these men have lives and the last thing I want to do is interrupt their lives. I do not have walmart/target/walgreens or best buy business plan. I am not sending out mailers to their mailboxes... nope.. I'm not so bad comparison there. I treat people the way I want to be treated. This year I went all out and bought my ATF clients christmas girlfts.. guess what? I did not mail them. LOL!

When I go to my broker I'm dealing with money not air. He does not want to know that I gave a client a free session. My CPA doesn't want to know that either AND guess what? They're both clients of mine. If you're going to do one why not do all for free?

This is a business. But a business unlike any other. You have to befriend every client to a certain degree, or you will never get through the appointment, let alone a repeat one.
My clients are very happy with the way I treat them. Obviously it's working for me because I have lots of repeat clientele. Of course you have to befriend them to a certain degree....that does not mean you should do it for free. Hello! I never said I didn't enjoy what I do.. I just said I do NOT get personal with my clients. There are some ladies that won't even let their clients ask them personal questions ... me? I don't mind but get ready to answer them yourself! There are a lot of ladies that choose to keep their personal life and this little adventure separate. Trust me I'm not the first one.

I am like you. I don't mix my business with pleasure. I know some ladies do. But that's for them to decide, not for me to agree with.

Naomi4u's Avatar

I am like you. I don't mix my business with pleasure. I know some ladies do. But that's for them to decide, not for me to agree with.

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Sweet N Little's Avatar

I am like you. I don't mix my business with pleasure. I know some ladies do. But that's for them to decide, not for me to agree with.
Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
exactly, the minute u do the lines get blurred , and then it turns into questioning everything, which turns into stress , which means no fun.
And FUN is what its all about...
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
My dear please do not offend her by asking for a free session. She's expecting you to pay her for her time. She told you she didn't want reviews because she's not going to be in the business for long.. this does not mean she's going to start providing ....for free.

Unless she makes it clear to you, expect to pay her. If you ask her you could be putting her in an awkward position.

Treat her like you would treat any professional you do business with (Doctor, Lawyer.. etc) Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I agree but that would leave an odd taste with me if I was a client for a lady contacting me for a session first after a previous visit....THAT'S AKWARD.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I agree but that would leave an odd taste with me if I was a client for a lady contacting me for a session first after a previous visit....THAT'S AKWARD. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
totally agree.
London Rayne's Avatar
Had a friend from Eccie tell me about a few girls who did this to him recently...would not say he was overjoyed by the fact that they are basically soliciting him. Guys know where you are at, when you are coming, and IF they are interested they will contact YOU.

Never in my life have I ever done this...not even when a guy has asked me to hold on to his info. I don't hold on to anything and last time I checked, my site is still there with contact info and touring dates. If a girl is that good at what she does, word of mouth will get around and she will have all the business she needs.
Sounds to me like she wants to stay utr, she liked the guy and he is lucky enough to be one of her "special" friends. That's exactly how I do it. I always ask if I should let a gent know when I am available or in his area. Now grant it on occasion they forget that this is how I do things and that they made the choice when we were together; because sometimes it's a while before I visit an area again. I have had 2 (in several years) get indignant about it; but those guys have the personality of a damp wash cloth anyway and I never considered them close friends. Call me unprofessional, I don't care. I don't like to advertise and I don't like a lack of freedom. IMO and in these times, I would never put up a tour schedule open for all to see. You may as well call the local authorities and let em know you are coming. They get your pics, alert the local hotels to look for ya, register your phone number in the hotels data bases and pick ya (and your clients) off like pigeons. And contrary to popular belief, screening is getting less and less fool proof so don't bring the arrogance there either.

Sweetheart, if it's only been a week you should just ask if there is a discount for regulars and how often qualifies you as a regular? A lot of ladies will hate me saying it but if she called you that soon... you deserve a break on the deal. 50 off and a lil extra time will keep ya coming back for more and more... am I right? I think like she does. Those thoughts are "keep it low volume, only play with one's you truly enjoy and appreciate your men". The more common provider mentality is "get the hell in, get the hell off and get the hell out". And yes, I have rewarded some of my best clients with a "freebie" as they call it. But they deserve it for being wonderful and they are intelligent enough to know that a "freebie" is just a gift of appreciation and not meant to be permanent. Starbucks, "your fifth cup is free". I guess they are stupid too. If a guy thinks a "freebie" means he never has to pay again then his mentality should have all ready failed your criteria. Freebies are earned as a respect.

The world would be so much nicer if we all just appreciated each other just a lil bit more and practiced a lil less arrogance (on both sides). My clients are my friends. Some closer than others. Some are there for me when I need them and God Bless them for it. Some have lost a lot this last few years and I don't cut them out because they are short when I show up. Call me stupid but my best clients can pay me later and have a discount cause I choose clients that I care about and they care about me. Sometimes, Business can't be separated from life and no girl will last long in this business with a 3G attitude. No matter how sexy or rich you are, there has to be chemistry in any lasting relationship... including repeat clients and providers.

Here's a good test, how many clients/providers texted/emailed/called you to say Merry Christmas- from the heart. I remember a girl in Ohio, MoniqueXXX. She was friendly, outgoing and by these standards "unprofessional" but when her house burnt down clients, providers and mods alike stood by her and took up a collection to last her til her insurance came through. That's respect and that too is earned; and it wasn't earned by demeaning strangers, calling people stupid, pretending you are all that or chastising a whole sect of people as all undeserving because they are trying to get one over on anybody they can bs. Every relationship is built on trust... and it too is earned as well as given before received.

It's no wonder so many guys and gals tell me they miss me, I am a one of a kind and I make them feel good inside and out. My Christmas would have sucked without the love of my friends in and out of the hobby and I love them everyone. When I see them again, it will be special... even if it's in the form of a discount or a *gasp* freebie.

You ladies ever notice how I never put up alerts or bitch about a client. See, first of all, I pick sweethearts and second of all I couldn't take someone's money and then dog them. To me, that's tacky behavior way more than staying utr. But, to each their own I guess.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Uh really? Pay you later? Interesting. I'm sure you'll be getting lots of dates from that post.

Of course there has to be chemistry for a client to become a regular... don't you think?

On the pay you later thing, To each their own. If it works for you, Kudos

My dear most ladies have SOs and have to separate business n personal life,
its called respecting your partner, being human/Having a life!

Strippers/webcam models/Phone sex girls and escorts do it allllll the time.
I had a former client (someone I hadnt seen in about a year) call me a few days ago to say hi. We chatted a bit and he asked me if Id like to come to his city one weekend soon so that we can spend some time together. I said absolutely!

Long story short, I let him know what donation Id need to visit him for a few days. He said, "Ohhhh.... I thought we were friends.... I stopped hobbying long ago." I let him know that I was indeed still a provider and he apologized for the miscommunication. I didnt take offense and I know he didnt mean to insult me.

So, isnt it interesting how a man and a woman talking about the same situation can see it two completely different ways?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Tracey P- (guys not trying to hijack) your avatar cracks me up. Would you believe I never knew wth a camel toe was lol. Always thought it had something to do with feet till I joined eccie lol. Man I was lookin at women and porn and shot thinking "man I don't see it" lol.
Thats pathetic