When Trump wins tomorrow...

kerwil62's Avatar
Not that there's anything wrong with it but Nancy Reagan (formerly Nancy Davis) was the first known as she used to escort the Hollywood elites. They used to call her the blow job queen of Hollywood or blow job Nancy.

According to presidential blowjob essayist James Ledbetter, says that Nancy Davis
“was renowned in Hollywood for performing oral sex.” Just-say-yes Nancy — in the days when she was Nancy Davis — was known to give the best blowjob in town, “not only in the evening but in offices. [T]hat was one of the reasons that she was very popular on the MGM lot.”
It appears Mr. T hit it:

Read more at http://wonkette.com/599350/a-firm-ye...cYxpxppoH6Q.99 Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Gotdamn Mr. T hit that?? Uggghhh.............
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What is wrong with going to Mexico?
Why go to a WHITE nation?
Typical liberal racists.
When Trump wins......

Will he fire AG Loretta Lynch and her bottom bitch Comey?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I don't think you have to worry about Comey. He's going to have the full weight of the Clinton Foundation on his ass.
yup....he better sleep with his eyes OPEN.
Solemate62's Avatar
That cocksucking, pussy grabbing asshole with the orange face and brass colored toupee will Never be MY president! Never!
Neither will that soon to be convicted for treason and Bengazi -loving bitch Hillary either .....