Giving a provider a "Yes" recommendation in a review

atxbrad's Avatar
C'mon guys! Take it to PM's if you are going to be *edit expletive*
Coming up with ways to shortcut the BCD comments feels sort of backward (coming from a lady, so I'm making guesses). Trying to reinvent the wheel. I'd think y'all want lots of BCD info rather than less intel and more "check yes or no". And, frankly, I've read a few reviews and I can't see checking "no" without writing it up in BCD anyways wouldn't result in howls for more details.

Perhaps the best way, rather than ask for a new review format, is to start a thread in the Locker Room asking for this bit of info to become standard in BCD comments. "We did this, and this, and upside down twice, and then bananas and grapes, ALTHOUGH I personally would not see her again because I think she was a little robotic and Provider X has the same menu for the same donation. YMMV." If most of the guys do it on their own, probably better results than changing the format.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-15-2010, 12:11 AM
In my reviews, I've started adding a "Would i see this provider again?" question in the ROS section just to cover this situation. But I agree with the other comments... if you don't have access to the ROS, my recommendation (or not) should be sufficient.
Onceler's Avatar
I have followed the same method as ztonk.
I have always taken the recommend box to mean the provider was professional, accurately presented, and generally worth the time to book. Doesn't mean I would book again, but the reviewer was treated with professionalism and courtesy.

And BTW, (off topic side bar coming) if anyone thinks anything they ever wrote in ANY Locker Room or BCD was private, stop drinking the Kool Aid. Those rooms were never private since the dawn of time on ANY board. And yes, I know that for a fact, even specifically with a previous board owner confronting me (in person no less) for BCD comments on a DIFFERENT board. (Anyone think a provider wouldn't sign up as a client and just PAY for BCD access? come on. ) So let's all just move on with our indignation and all agree that whatever you write is read by all not matter where you write it. Own your opinions and what you write.
Man I need to get laid.

...bad mood all the way 'round...
I've always thought the question "Would you see this provider again?" was more important than the the current yes/no recommend format. It has always been a "gray" area at least for me. She may have met the general "yes" criteria but for whatever reason we just didn't "click". I think BOTH questions are important to make an informed decision. If the review format can't/won't be changed,I think it can just be add to the BCD section at very end of the review. I plan to start doing that to my next review. It would be no different than what many guys do now in a BCD summary.......

TCB- 8.0
Face - 7.0
Body - 10.0
BCD - 9.0

This really isn't rocket science...we can do this and improve what we already have.
sixxbach's Avatar
well said candyman............ in my reviews i will now put whether i would see them again..... i have no issues putting what is needed..... and of course i know there are leaks but have never received a PM about my reviews. if a lady has read them or a WK has leaked them they know not to PM b/c they would give it away (that they read or in the case of a WK, being a "bitch")
I saw something posted recently that made me wonder if we need an addition to the provider review template.
Originally Posted by atxbrad
I had the same thought when reading a recently posted review's rest of the story. Possibly it was the same review. My thought was that the review was written so well that I understood why the hobbyist gave a yes recommendation and why he wouldn't see again. His yes recommendation and no recommendation made perfect sense. I appreciate his thoughts and honesty. His opinions are his call, and they help me make an informed decision because they were well explained.
I will make an effort to add a remark regarding "would I see again." I like variety as much as the next guy. If I didn't I wouldn't be doing this hobby thing. But I also know when I walk out with a smile on my face and want to experience it again. May as well let others know and let them know why. Rest of the story section seems to be the place to do so.