I am completely amused by how jackwagons like you are suddenly supporters of the French. Fucking hypocrite.
How much support did the French offer us after 3,000 Americans died? They have consistently been the most vocal critic of American policy in the middle-east for the past ten years.
But, then....nothing surpasses your desire to criticize and attempt to belittle our President, right? Shit, you'll even side with the French. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm not sure what you're reading but I don't really see many here supporting France. What I see are people who support the west and have questions (a radical notion) about the competency and judgement of the president and his people. Has it become unpatriotic to question the president now. Hillary Clinton thought just the opposite when Bush was president and even Teddy Roosevelt thought it was patriotic to question the president.
Actually I think I would put Iran at the top of the list. Followed by North Korea, Indonesia, Yeman, Syria, Russia...I don't think France makes the top ten. Your president belittled himself.
As for fear, do you realize that Eisenhower and even Clinton visited the DMZ between North Korea and South Korea? FDR met with Churchill on a ship in the Atlantic with the U-boats sailing around. FDR went to North Africa while there was still fighting in Europe. Sometimes leaders have to take chances.