More Evidence Emerges Confirming Covid Lab-Leak Theory, But Corporate Media Stay Silent

ICU 812's Avatar
We got all the shots and still got COVID.

As to your point that political leaning has no bearing of “how we experienced efficacy of the COVID shots,” I say read the forum. Read your own posts. Tell me who believes and who denies. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I do not think this is a matter of believing in the efficacy of the Covid shots. The only efficscy recognized by the DCD right now is that Covid shots reduce the severity of symptoms in most people. I think that statement is the official CDC position right now.

As to political philosophy and Covid19: I think it is pretty plain at this pint that Covid affects everyone regardless of their political affiliation.

t this point in time, that is the established science, through our collective professional and civil experience.

I got the shots willingly without coercion due to my age at the time. I got Covid19. I got sick and tested posative for it.

How I have ever voted has nothing to do with my medical history, as I was compliant with the official recommendations at the time.

I do have significant reservations about what we all were told and how so many were coerced into compliance.
  • Tiny
  • 01-04-2024, 11:50 AM
During the Pandemic, we were told by medical experts in government agencies that if we all got vaccinated the Nation's population would achieve "herd immunity' and th pandemic would die out. Out national leaders believed what these medical experts told them, and the power of government was focused on the rapid development, production and dissemination of several so-called vsccines. . . .all paid for, and derly so, by the American pubnlic. We were all encouraged to get the shots so the lock-downs could be lifted send we could again have family gatherings in in for July 4th of 2020.

Turned out the shots were not a vaccine that gave one immunity from disease, but were merely a temporary sort of pre-treatment that might minimize the effects of infection; not prevent infection, not prevent the spread of the disease or much else. They were not actual vaccines, but to save face and resin control, government agencies changed the definition of the word co cover the new blunder drugs with an aura of effectivnss. . . . a strategy right out of the novel, "Animal Farm".

Both President Trump and President Biden were bamboozled by medical bearcats in this, and the public bought it.

....The only benefit of the shots now acknowledged by the authorities is that if you got the shots and later on became infected, the symptoms were less severe. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The vaccines were a huge success. Initially they provided temporary immunity to infection to most people, and later on reduced the probability of death or severe disease by about 85%. When the typical 80 year old's probability of death after he gets COVID is reduced from, say, 10% to 1.5% it's a game changer. You're no longer looking at having 10% of your elderly population wiped out by a disease. You no longer have the motivation or justification for lockdowns and the like.

My Wife and I got the shots ASAP because we are in our seventies. Our son and daughter in law (in their 40s) got the shots because they both work with groups in a church setting and in an eructation setting. We masked and sanitized obsessively.

All four of us got sick and tested positive for Covid at one time or another. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Proof? I got the shots and got sick (two positive tests).

My wife got the shots and got sick (two positive tests)

Our much younger son and daughter in law got the shots and both got sick with positive tests.
Originally Posted by ICU 812

Well, the shots didn't hurt. There's a good chance that all four of you would have gotten sicker if not for the vaccines. You should be glad you got vaccinated.

I've gotten the shots and all recommended boosters, a total of 6 shots, and to my knowledge never had the disease. There's an element of luck to that though.
  • Tiny
  • 01-04-2024, 11:55 AM
Gentlemen, My guess is that Levianon is not a Trump supporter, and furthermore President Trump DID support the vaccine. In fact, IMHO, pushing approval of the MRNA vaccines through the FDA in record time and Operation Warp Speed were among his greatest accomplishments.
We got all the shots and still got COVID.

As to your point that political leaning has no bearing of “how we experienced efficacy of the COVID shots,” I say read the forum. Read your own posts. Tell me who believes and who denies. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The idea of taking a vaccine is to prevent contracting the illness it is intended to prevent. If you took the vaccine and still became ill that should tell you something.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... among his greatest accomplishments. Originally Posted by Tiny
Pretty short list there, Tiny.

Strong, the dark side is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The idea of taking a vaccine is to prevent contracting the illness it is intended to prevent. If you took the vaccine and still became ill that should tell you something. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yeah, my wife was asymptomatic and I had a sore throat for three days. Unlike being hospitalized or dead.

I'm more than happy with the result of the vaccine during a time when millions died.
ICU 812's Avatar
The idea of taking a vaccine is to prevent contracting the illness it is intended to prevent. If you took the vaccine and still became ill that should tell you something. Originally Posted by Levianon17

In a previous post on this thread, I characterized the Covid shots not as a vaccine in the true sense of the word, but as a palliative pre-treatment that reduced the severity of the symptoms if one did get sick. The CEC found that it had to actually redefine what a vaccine is to fit what we actually got.

Both President Trump and President Biden listened to the medical experts, Birx and Fauci, as would any high-powered CEO, and believed what they were told by those who purported to know. Most CEOs of major enterprises have little specific knowledge of the nuts and bolts of how their industry works. Thy do not really know how the sausage is made. They rely on the expert input from specialists in this or that, then make strategic decisions based on w3hat tyhey are told.

I hold both Mr Trump and Mr. Biden blameless in the vaccine fiasco.
ICU 812's Avatar
Yeah, my wife was asymptomatic and I had a sore throat for three days. Unlike being hospitalized or dead.

I'm more than happy with the result of the vaccine during a time when millions died. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Sure, we are all happy that the shots worked at all.

Just don't call it a vaccine and require me to get one (every six weeks or whatever it was) by threatening my job. The shots did not keep anyone from being an infectious germ spreader, but that was the justification for the mandates and terminations.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I also don't hold Trump or Biden responsible, but unlike you, I don't call the vaccine a fiasco.

The political hysteria over implementing this life-saving therapy, on the other hand, is.
Yeah, my wife was asymptomatic and I had a sore throat for three days. Unlike being hospitalized or dead.

I'm more than happy with the result of the vaccine during a time when millions died. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There is no such thing as Asymptomatic. You are either sick with symptoms or you are not. Testing Positive with a PCR test with out manifesting symptoms is called a false positive test. So you had some symptoms doesn't mean it came from her.
ICU 812's Avatar
Having worked in a health care setting for two decades before retiring, I understand that diagnostic testing, in every modality, has known rates of false positive and false negative results.

However, my recollection is that during the pandemic we were told that all had to mask up and stand six feet apart because even those folks who had no symptoms could still be infected with a viral burden sufficient to spread the disease to others. Did I hear that incorrectly?

And because of that, there were all these publicly available testing centers where cars stood in lines so everyone could get tested once a week or so for screening of all those asymptomatic disease spreaders.

We were told that the rate of infection was so high based exactly on how many were tested positive at these government testing sites who had no symptoms.

This is why we never established "herd immunity" (remember that chimera?).

Doesn't anyone remember this stuff?
ICU 812's Avatar
I am checking out of this thread.

We seem to be living in alternate realities with parallel, but different historical timelines.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I am checking out of this thread.

We seem to be living in alternate realities with parallel, but different historical timelines. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Alternate realities with parallel, but different historical timelines are a result of every decision made or action taken. This creates a multiverse of parallel universes.

The multiverse is a theory that suggests our universe is not the only one, and that many universes exist parallel to each other. These distinct universes within the multiverse theory are called parallel universes.

The "many-worlds interpretation" of quantum mechanics is a hypothetical scenario that suggests that every possible outcome of a quantum event actually occurs in a separate, parallel universe.

The existence of alternate timelines raises philosophical questions about free will, determinism, and the nature of reality itself.

eyecu2's Avatar
The idea of taking a vaccine is to prevent contracting the illness it is intended to prevent. If you took the vaccine and still became ill that should tell you something. Originally Posted by Levianon17
are you saying your anti vaxx or that you don't understand that some vaccines don't stop the transmission of the disease but that it lessens the symptoms and virulence if you do get the disease?

Obviously you're welcome to say your opinion, and there is no perfect science that says it works the same in all ppl, but there is a lot of studies that show that the bulk of ppl who actually died were not vaxxed, and those who did have the ouchie-, may still have got sick, but didn't die.

So- not sure that went over your head there?! I would have preferred to not have to get any shot, and normally get a flu vaccine yearly, just cause I don't want to have a terrible case of the flu.....(I hate to feel bad). But not having any protection and getting a the flu and having it hit bad, really sucks.

Same for Covid. I know ppl who never got a shot and say that it sucked, just as the flu does. But once you get it, you have some natural immunity there is that.
ICU 812's Avatar
My very last thoughts on this:

The so-called Covid19 "vaccines" were so good that we all had to be frightened or threatened into getting the shots for a disease that was so deadly that most folks had to be tested to know we had it.