Setting the record straight....ASPD 2000-2004

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 09-02-2013, 11:26 AM
I came on the board (ASPD) in 2001 shortly after discovering that there were nice women available on the internet. Had fiddled around with some massage parlors in previous months, then this "place!"

There was an active, influential core of hobbyists and, generally speaking, the guys that were active here then were a lot (sorry, but I mean a whole lot!) smarter than the gentlemen here today. And many were willing to take the time to conduct elaborate debates in this forum. Ragnar was among the best and we became adversaries over Shereen.

Alliances were formed and insults carefully phrased. A few influential hobbyists could affect a provider's career more then than implying she was dangerous, and an end to social invitations, could put a woman back on the street.

And here's what I'd like to get at in this story -- some of you guys were ruthless. Shereen was beat up and fragile as hell when I met her and the folks who were "against" (men and women) her knew that. She and I continued a friendship for years after she left. She told me once that, back then, influential guys were whispering to her she might be "better off dead."

Were there really men preying on her mental state, trying to drive her over the edge, knowingly suggesting suicide? It's been a long time, Shereen went on and is doing okay, and everybody else has scattered, so maybe someone could rationally comment on that.

Some of you guys know what I'm talking about, at least.
TinMan's Avatar
Glad to hear Shereen is doing ok. She scared me, just a little, but she was definitely one of the more memorable women I met in my hobby experience.

She also introduced me to the music of Nina Simone. We need more women like that around here.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 09-02-2013, 09:15 PM
Yeah I was glad to see her get out of the hobby meat-grinder. I remember her as a true professional in a lot of ways, very intelligent if not well educated and, like a lot of fascinating people, saddled with some delicate brain chemistry. Plus...she sometimes chose her companions unwisely.

I used to use a real-life service she offered but have lost track of her for a couple of years. I know she's still out there because she sends me a link whenever some old hobbyist appears on Sweet girl with a long memory

This is a reminiscing kind of thread (which is what you did in response to my post here), so it's a little bit of a highjack for me to veer off into specifics. But I find it interesting that you reminisce fondly of her, while she once identified you as one of her "suicide-whispering" tormenters. Actually gave me all your personal info in case anything happened to her. Seriously.

What do you think about that?

P.S. I arrived here early enough to adhere to the code that nothing is more sacrosanct than a hobbyist's personal life. Not a trace of a veiled threat to anyone in anything I'm saying. I ditched all that stuff long ago. Tin Man, I actually don't even remember your name. As we used to say (back when it meant something here) you've more than earned my respect.
Boltfan's Avatar
Being around since 2001, I have seen many influence peddlers come and go. Setting the record straight, not really. Most were just self important assholes. The "good ole days" weren't that at all. If anything, the expansion of members has diluted much of the power that could be wielded. Some still think they have it.
TinMan's Avatar
Well, I guess it doesn't surprise me given her delicate mental state. She likely got spooked when I backed off, and somehow started thinking I was sending her messages.

In a way I was: it was "please don't go crazy on me and drag me into your nightmare". I had real concerns in that regard given her condition. To her credit, she never interfered with my personal life, and it appears she had the means to do it.

That was the thing about the old days. We all had access to information about one another, but it was sacrilege to use it to harm someone else in the community. Shereen followed that code, despite her unfounded (but very real to her) misgivings about me.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 09-03-2013, 09:30 AM
Being around since 2001, I have seen many influence peddlers come and go. Setting the record straight, not really. Most were just self important assholes. The "good ole days" weren't that at all. If anything, the expansion of members has diluted much of the power that could be wielded. Some still think they have it. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Boltfan, you always seem a little bitter. Unfulfilled delusions of grandeur?

The acquisition and maintenance of Power, i.e. "influence" is an interesting social phenomenon, and simply a fact of life, so I never got too worked up about the guys on top, assholes or otherwise. Mind your own business...write honest reviews...avoid making gratuitous enemies...find one's own circle within the larger group and have fun...that's my advice (as if you took advice, right?)

The good ole days...well, they were good for those who enjoyed them! And things are different now, never to return. So permit some their nostalgia and minor historical revisionism.

I liked it because the smaller cast made it easier to follow the plot. And they were heady days...early years of the world's oldest profession as it integrated with world shaking technology!! Come on, dude, see it in historical perspective and appreciate the pioneers. I consider them the evil geniuses of the dark world and of course not all were evil.

[A shout out to Ragnar (wherever he may be and whatever evil he's up to He was a villain of the classical mold (handsome, brilliant, tortured and diabolical) and a most worthy adversary. Dude, let's find RoadKing and have a beer.]

As for whether dilution of power, i.e. democratization, is an improvement over "benevolent oligarchy" is being worked out not only here but all over the world. Experiment still in progress! Perhaps you've already concluded that it's an improvement.


Tin Man thanks for the thoughtful reply. Beer on me, anytime (as we used to say).
Boltfan's Avatar
Just callin it like I see it is all. Some call it bitter, some call it lack of sugar coating. Luckily, I don't really care either way. At some point I suppose I might have cared, but it has been a hell of a long time since I did.
cookie man's Avatar
Being around since 2001, I have seen many influence peddlers come and go. Setting the record straight, not really. Most were just self important assholes. The "good ole days" weren't that at all. If anything, the expansion of members has diluted much of the power that could be wielded. Some still think they have it. Originally Posted by Boltfan

Bolt I'm not trying to bust your chops, but I disagree with some of what you say. Just as I disagree with some of what 32 says. I don't know if he set the record straight, but he did in his eyes.

2000-2003 was the golden years period. Anything you say different is just wrong and makes me wonder what the hell you are thinking.

I don't agree with everything 32 said in his post. For example X-New Moderator seemed to be a good guy. He helped a lot of providers and was very involved in the fundraiser for Rascal.I never considered him a loser.

Yes the site did go down numerous times because of the owner's issues. Still the people and the story lines were much more interesting. I'm not saying anything bad about ECCIE or the members now. They are very representative of the day. Providers provide and hobbyist hobby...all is right in the world. Let it be.

Your final thoughts reminded me of this dude...

Jfred your description of Ragnar is very insightful.
He was a villain of the classical mold (handsome, brilliant, tortured and diabolical) and a most worthy adversary. Bottom lime is he loved the pussy and would do waht was necessary to procure it in the most efficient manner.
Mesne's Avatar
  • Mesne
  • 09-05-2013, 10:41 AM
Nice to see you're still around, 32. You and I have extraordinarily similar backgrounds, and I always enjoyed your posts and advice, particularly your masterpieces about getting extras with massage therapists, and tips on avoiding getting caught in the hobby. Hope you are well.
  • buggs
  • 09-05-2013, 11:01 AM
Those parties sound like a riot! Wish we still had something like that going on today, I would love a invite!

I jump on and read quite a bit - reach out to girls... But I don't post a lot.
Hello boys and girls.....been long time.
I arrived in 02/2000 when a huge natural tits chick named Callie asked me if I was on ASPD....I told her I had no clue what that was but she said "you look like one of those guys"
I am 55 years old and have been in the game since I was 19 in Austin Tx. Back then we worked out of the Yellow Pages, classifieds of DMN and Dallas Times Herald.
It was horrible....bait and switch, ugly's, fatties and chicks with dicks......fucking nightmare. However....when the itch proceed thru the forest.
Then came the Dallas Observer when they showed photos! Wow !It was fantastic! Pinch one off at the office looking at photos!
This is late 1990's.
Then they had web site addy's. I didn't have a computer, so I called my college roommate in Austin and read him the web addresses, and at that point we were off to the races....I bought my first computer that week, strictly to find "providers".
I spent most of the spring of 2000 looking and reading posts of ASPD. When I finally registered in the Fall there were about 700 of us. When it died I think there were 50,000.


Roadking.....he was the King....fascinating background...he was boinking 2 a day back then...stamina city!
Fox......king of all early review boards (the Fox Files)
T Bone
Deacon Blues
Jethro Tull
F Master
Tin Man
Phil Landerer
Deuce Bigalow
Cowboy 45 (he was a shitbag, but at least he was a player)
a couple of Okies that I forgot handles.
We had a lot of socials back then....and made friends in a warped way.

A few shitbags....
Mr BFE....what a fucking loser
Chitlans Con Carne.....wore 3$ perfume.....gagfest
New Moderator.....can you say "LOSER"
Swell Phil,,,,,not swell


Our first social was in the Fall of 2000.....I was too green and scared to go, so my first was Valentines of 2001. That's where I met all the names above as well as the most beautiful chick I have ever met.....Brooke of Dallas. Holy Shit!
We had another social at 35 and NWHY that Spring. Guys and Girls in there were dropping their jaws looking at the women coming in. There were probably 65 of us there on the reserved second floor.10 cops on floor one smiling at us!


When I got on, I could hardly work a computer.....we were all looking for each other, but didn't know it.
What impressed me the most were the women who posted.....they had to have much bigger computer skills than me,Brooke, Jennifer Tyler, little Ashley, Big Ashley , Ebony Angel, Diana of Dallas, Corey,Casey,Lana, Gitty up Casey, Catherine Adair.....and many more. They created a new marketing venue that quite frankly trumped vice into oblivion. We learned how to trust each other and stay safe.

We had a lunch in Los Colinas during a snow/sleet storm and about 65 showed up. Great fun. I am a heavy drinker, so I was keeping a waitress busy bringing me wine, and tipping her large, and before we sat for the meal, she said "Can I ask you a question?" I said, "of course"....she said, "your reservation is under the name of EXXON, but I don"t think you are with EXXON" I said....."who do you think we are ?". She said....."I think I know who you are, because I have overheard some stuff here. I said "well if you think you know, you are probably right.: She said. "I am so intrigued! How do you know each other?" I told her "the Internet" I asked her if she wanted in, and I knockerd her out about a month later!

The biggest loudmouth fuckstick on the board was a shitbag named CasinoPlayer 21. He posted about 20 times a day, 90% of which were Laurel and Hardy type slapstick humor bullshit. It was mind numbing. He probably had 1 review for 800 posts.....compete poster child for "post whore". I hated him.
I made a personal bet with him......not even a bet, because he cannot lose!....."If you go 90 days without one post, I will give you $300. Same for next 90 days as well as the last 90 days".
There was no way he would have made it, but unfortunately for all of us, he had a very personal loss in his family the very week I made the offer, so he was in no mind to post on ASPD. I felt bad for him, but he still took my money. I was ok with it. RoadKing was the go between. I was the only one with skin in the game, but a few guys did offer to subsidize it.

Everyone can work a computer now, and it truly dumbed down ASPD in the mid 2000's. I suspect the same thing has happened here. That's why me and many others wasn't just the repetitive nature of was just that too many dumbfucks found a keyboard.
There are Golden Ages foe a lot of different categories......the Golden Age od ASPD was 2000-2003. It was so much fun, I I will always cherish the memories.
Be safe, and best wishes to all of you!
32 Originally Posted by 32Flavors
Well, well. One of the best of ASPD has resurfaced. Long time no see.

I hope you are doing well.
Billie Jene's Avatar
thanks for the post--lol i remember ASPD LMFAO lola
I don't remember anything from the "Good Ole Days of ASPD" . . . at least, none of the bad parts!
Pearl Man's Avatar
Those were good times. Thanks to all of you for the hours of fun reading and wonderful drama. Not nearly as much fun now. I agree with the dumbing down of the boards, lots of grifters and people "working" the system. Still a lot of good information though, so I guess the system still has merit. I'll buy a round if any of you want to meet up somewhere.
TinMan's Avatar
I'll buy a round if any of you want to meet up somewhere. Originally Posted by Pearl Man
Well, I think you know what I drink, and my preference in bartenders (i.e., nude and female). LOL!