80 Million. Trump the Sexusl Assaulter

VitaMan's Avatar

A bully with a big mouth.
eyecu2's Avatar
Nobody knows what if anything happened at the Department Store except Carroll and Trump. But Trump and his attorneys weren’t allowed to question whether Carroll was lying at the trial. The jury had to accept with certainty that Trump raped her. Is that Orwellian or what? If I weren’t posting from a cell phone I’d link to LustyLad’s Kangaroo Court post. Originally Posted by Tiny
The first trial was the one where Carrol was awarded she MET the proof required of sexual assault, and a jury found Trump guilty of sexual assault. Trumps defense was, she's not my type, totally made up, all his normal shit...and his attorney failed to dissuade the jury of his Innocence.

What part did you miss on that?

They then awarded damages of 5mm. Add on the second defamation case where it was Trump's own big mouth and texting etc. That she was "this and that", and the award was this 83.5mm

All in, Trump took million dollar nuisance case and winningly, turned it into a 88.5 million dollar payday.

Add on attorney fees for both sides of he appeals...

My man will be well over 100 million dollars for having poor taste, a big mouth, and no ability to control himself.

He's his own worst enemy.... But I love seeing him prove me right.
eyecu2's Avatar
you are not wrong about that, his big mouth is his worst and enduring quality

if he has to pay the piper for that then so be it

but it doesn't mean he's guilty Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Well a jury who sat through the presentation of facts and witnesses from both sides was there, and they found him guilty. These are NY residents and peers of the plaintiff and defendant. They believed Carrol over Trump.

If Trump is innocent, he should have hired a better attorney than the workaday Habba real estate one, and someone with better knowledge of court presentation etc. He bought a dime store attorney and is reaping the results. Funny that he's still keeping her while he loses not once, but twice, and is all but laughed at by the judge who schooled her on court practice of presenting evidence.

You can think he's innocent all day long, but in reality the people who spent hours and days and weeks listening found him guilty. Just cuz Fox News says he isn't, and OAN says he isn't, doesn't have one ounce of sway on their opinion journalism. You know how you know he's guilty?

A jury said he is. And to the tune of 5 million the first time and 83.5 million the second - that's 88.5 million not including attorney fees for having a big mouth, a hard-on, and the inability to control either.
txdot-guy's Avatar
What i find absolutely hilarious about this entire series of events is the likelihood that nothing would ever have happened if Trump had simply had the discipline to say “No Comment” anytime her name was mentioned.

He didn’t have to confirm or deny anything. Sometimes saying nothing is the best strategy. Unfortunately i don’t think Trump has the ability to actually do that.
VitaMan's Avatar
Open message to Alina Habba:

Good luck collecting your fees. I filed bankruptcy, and listed there what Mr. Trump owes me.

Rudy G.