Hillary Clinton: 'I would have done a better job' than Trump handling coronavirus pandemic Mica Soellner

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

hillary looks like scarface lol
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They both sucked...crap choices Originally Posted by matchingmole

No. Trump is Pro-America. Clinton was not.

if you are Anti-Trump you are Anti-America. Are you ???

matchingmole's Avatar
Trump is pro Russia,,,they own him..............
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 08:05 AM
mm - H... is still running - you may well have another chance at electing the most hateful and hated woman in America as POTUS.

Nov 2020 may be the last free election - the radical DPST's will end the Constitution and Rule of Law if they ge control.
Civil War is coming!
matchingmole's Avatar
Bullshit..Hillary is not running

No civil war is coming either
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 08:22 AM
I am entiteld to an opinion contrary to the DPST ideology - until and if/when biden wins in Nov 2020.

Then - Marxism will be inflicted on a defenseless country - DPST's think.

We are only defenseless against the Left's marxist revolution when we permit the confiscation of our weapons. The Left coast has done a good job of confiscating and outlawing weapons - we still are armed in middle America.

As charlton heston said -"From my cold dead hands"!!!

Civil War is coming when the marxist radicals gain control.