Jade Rose or Whispers - who would you rather see shut up!

Ok. I understand. I'll go away now.. Originally Posted by Whispers
So you are not a man of your word... Please be advised due to your lack of relevance I will not be spending as much time clowning you (don't worry I'll still clown you occasionally) I'm here about the women not old fat lying insignificant men such as yourself.

Mods if possible due to the actions of whispers, I would like to withdraw my request to close this thread.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-19-2015, 08:46 PM
So you are not a man of your word...

Now THERE is a surprise...

Mods if possible due to the actions of whispers, I would like to withdraw my request to close this thread. Originally Posted by Stock Trader
{{{PSSSTTTT}}} I don't think they were listening to you...

Hey, random thought...if you would add "DEALER" to your handle I could refer to you as STD!
RandB fan's Avatar
He could just add a dick, hoogars pretend to like them. Couldn't hurt anything and he probably needs an upgrade anyway. Just add dick to his name that would make it:

StockTraderDick and we could refer to him as, yes, you called it, I'll let you have the honors[/B]

I mean he has been here for a full week and has the full attention of our wonderful new mod and the 2 others who should be watching over the Brokeback Mountain forum in Montana instead of Austin, TX

Judging from his posts, from what we have seen of his activity so far. I think the new handle fits and is kinda catchy. You couldn't ask to to have your initials to be more top of mind on a hooker board. He will have the name recognition of Vonn11, RockerRick, EFN, or Ztonk.

Most in his line of work are busy getting their clients portfolio's in order for end of year accounting. Advising them to reinvest profits to reduce capital gain taxes for this year. Pitching the latest scheme, taking clients out for fancy meals trying to get them to buy anything so he can achieve and surpass plan and secure his year end bonus and the illusion of the brass ring.
I doubt he is a Gordon Gekko.

But not our guy. He's hanging around in a hooker forum, playing big shot, barking out orders, and perfecting his Dale Carnegie skills he learned last week at a seminar he was probably required to take. Something about pissing off long term customers and senior advisors.

Let me Know if the team of lawyers at ToyZ IndustriZ clears us to make the name and the acronym permanent? It's not like we need another dick in the mix but this one may be fun to have around.

I'll be watching who's investing in our stock as we wouldn't want little Carl Icahn jr. forming an investment pool to cover up the purchase of a significant number of our A shares. I can see him splitting the ToyZ conglomerate of companies up into bite sized pieces and selling them off to the Chinese.

I am sure with the new handle everyone will keep a cautious eye on him.

I think everyone knows my stance here and I'd love to see Stocker on the list next time around.

{{{PSSSTTTT}}} I don't think they were listening to you...

Hey, random thought...if you would add "DEALER" to your handle I could refer to you as STD! Originally Posted by Toyz
Where is the 'Grow the Fuck Up' option...the same ole song and dance now for the past few years...
powermad's Avatar
Stock Trader exclusion is an obvious oversight.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I could not find the "or just go lick a hot blonde and forget about it" Option, that usually's does it for me.

Cary on!

He could just add a dick, hoogars pretend to like them. Couldn't hurt anything and he probably needs an upgrade anyway. Just add dick to his name that would make it:

StockTraderDick and we could refer to him as, yes, you called it, I'll let you have the honors[/B]

I mean he has been here for a full week and has the full attention of our wonderful new mod and the 2 others who should be watching over the Brokeback Mountain forum in Montana instead of Austin, TX

Judging from his posts, from what we have seen of his activity so far. I think the new handle fits and is kinda catchy. You couldn't ask to to have your initials to be more top of mind on a hooker board. He will have the name recognition of Vonn11, RockerRick, EFN, or Ztonk.

Most in his line of work are busy getting their clients portfolio's in order for end of year accounting. Advising them to reinvest profits to reduce capital gain taxes for this year. Pitching the latest scheme, taking clients out for fancy meals trying to get them to buy anything so he can achieve and surpass plan and secure his year end bonus and the illusion of the brass ring.
I doubt he is a Gordon Gekko.

But not our guy. He's hanging around in a hooker forum, playing big shot, barking out orders, and perfecting his Dale Carnegie skills he learned last week at a seminar he was probably required to take. Something about pissing off long term customers and senior advisors.

Let me Know if the team of lawyers at ToyZ IndustriZ clears us to make the name and the acronym permanent? It's not like we need another dick in the mix but this one may be fun to have around.

I'll be watching who's investing in our stock as we wouldn't want little Carl Icahn jr. forming an investment pool to cover up the purchase of a significant number of our A shares. I can see him splitting the ToyZ conglomerate of companies up into bite sized pieces and selling them off to the Chinese.

I am sure with the new handle everyone will keep a cautious eye on him.

I think everyone knows my stance here and I'd love to see Stocker on the list next time around. Originally Posted by RandB fan
R&B fan,

You are off topic. Furthermore you will not be getting a Christmas card from me!
nuglet's Avatar
For what it's worth, yesterday it was 80%+ for Whispers, but he's pulling through, now it's only 78.5%, the walking dead??
Whispers's Avatar
You've been around a long time Nuggie.... Wanna explain to the "newbie" and those watching how much affect a thread like this has?
fun2come's Avatar
I was a Newbie once (still feel like one), so let me give this a try:

Whispers's Avatar
A fairly good assessment.....
budman33's Avatar
A fairly good assessment..... Originally Posted by Whispers
I agree...52 out of X number of members that cared enough to vote want you to shut up. I'm sure they are all fake handles though. I am more curious who the 6 that want Jade to shut up are...oh wait... nevermind
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-20-2015, 04:41 PM
I agree...52 out of X number of members that cared enough to vote want you to shut up. I'm sure they are all fake handles though. I am more curious who the 6 that want Jade to shut up are...oh wait... nevermind Originally Posted by budman33
There are only 3...
fun2come's Avatar
There are only 3... Originally Posted by Toyz
They took all the Pandles away ???
Whispers's Avatar
I agree...52 out of X number of members that cared enough to vote want you to shut up. I'm sure they are all fake handles though. I am more curious who the 6 that want Jade to shut up are...oh wait... nevermind Originally Posted by budman33
And the thousands that read the threads vote in the only manner that matters in my eyes.

Sorry guys.....

Those of us that post and interact in CoEd are a very small percentage of membership at ECCIE.

When topics of interest that I start get view counts and participation as pathetic as Toyz and others I might get bored with the place.