To whom it may concern

The two men? Who can't resist to take any thread and piss and moan trying to further their agenda..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am sure the Patriarch of the Idiot Family is very proud of his youngest son for shitting on a Memorial Day thread honoring those who have given their lives for the very same country you are trying to defect from.

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out!! Originally Posted by bigtex
Big Tampon, you're a disgrace to everyone. I outed you as using dead military bodies to advance your political agenda and you have the nerve to call anyone out is beyond me. You should go away until you redeem yourself. Let us have a couple of holidays so WE can honor our dead and sacrifices. And Eva, you're not far behind Tampon despite your crocodile tears.
Big Tampon, you're a disgrace to everyone. I outed you as using dead military bodies to advance your political agenda and you have the nerve to call anyone out is beyond me. You should go away until you redeem yourself. Let us have a couple of holidays so WE can honor our dead and sacrifices. And Eva, you're not far behind Tampon despite your crocodile tears. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

A very sincere fuck you JD you sorry ass wipe. You may leave with JL and dull knife.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

This is the perfect example of crocodile tears. Obama visits the troops in Afghanistan. The country would be better off if Obama had visited the veterans in the VA hospitals, fired the assholes in charge, and appointed someone who can do the job and didn't give him any money. It's easy to visit healthy troops but a whole different story to visit those whose lives have been forever changed because they followed your orders. Obama, Tampon, and Eva are all cut from the same shitty piece of cloth.

I'd also like to see a few stupid comments about Obama and his leather jacket (Bush and his flight gear). At least Bush was on a plane when he wore flight gear.
See the new thread on pissing and moaning..
flghtr65's Avatar
All ECCIE members....Have a safe and fun weekend, and remember those who are no longer with us,,,,, Originally Posted by i'va biggen