Creampies... (not a BBFS thread) Ladies please chime in

cheatercheater's Avatar
Technically, if you are asking non hobby related questions, they don't belong here.....

Coed Discussions - Dallas
Hobby-related discussions belong here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!
daty/o's Avatar
If you don't like the playground stay on the porch. Your reply isn't remotely original, it's just pathetic trolling of personal preference. We could debate politics in the same manner. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
The sky is always going to be falling for some people. Regardless of how the subject of bb is broached, it inevitably attracts the "wages of sin" crowd. And don't even start about the political forum; that's numbnut central. The level of intelligence in there? Now THAT is scary.
Mojojo's Avatar
Sam it might be best to move on..
Personally, I do NOT offer BBFS... and am sick and tired of being asked for it by EVERY single contact I get off Eccie it seems recently.

Of course I enjoy "my man" IF I had one cumming in me, if you have an emotional connection with your partner it can be an almost spiritual experience it is so good.

In my hobby life I do not partake of the luxury of a man cumming in me. Number one, I respect myself too much to take a chance on my health. Number two, having more than one man cum inside of you creates bacteria that causes a fishy odor and I refuse to have a stinky pussy. Number three, I love to have my pussy eaten and I just don't think that would happen much if I went around bb'ing anyone and everyone. Number four, I value my reputation.

This was my rant to all you guys who continue to ask me for it. Quit. Whatever you all heard or read to the contrary of what I'm saying now is absolutely, irrevocably incorrect.

Oh and Aggie. You chose to open this can of worms. I'd suggest you grow some thick skin because you haven't seen nothing yet as far as cruel and vicious goes on this board. You knew good and well that you were starting a thread on a very controversial subject and this is a HOBBY board not POF. We don't have personal lives on here.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Totally agree!
  • anita
  • 03-03-2016, 12:27 PM
I can feel a man throbbing when he comes in a condom or in my female condom and yes that's a huge turn on and can make me cum immediately.......also their cock swells just right before....I can feel that too! Originally Posted by Sophia Banks
I wish I could feel something with female condoms! I don't feel anything and it is very, very hard to cum. I prefer having the gent wear condoms.

To answer OP question, in my private life some of my exs had to wear condoms. I wasn't on the pill and didn't want to take chances. But in some relationships, I went bare and it does feel good.

Creampie is for people in monogamous relationships IMO. So if you get pregnant at least you know who is the father. And if you catch an STD, at least you know who gave it to you.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
You really do have the right handle there Sam! Originally Posted by daddyo67

Bobster36's Avatar
I cannot believe this useless thread is still going
KittyLamour's Avatar
I cannot believe this useless thread is still going Originally Posted by Bobster36

It's not useless if it get's my point across to these tards to quit asking me for BBFS.
I cannot believe this useless thread is still going Originally Posted by Bobster36're completely useless on a hooker board and ...well everywhere.....thanks for your useless post.....please go away and not post.
KittyLamour's Avatar're completely useless on a hooker board and ...well everywhere.....thanks for your useless post.....please go away and not post. Originally Posted by Sophia Banks

It's not letting multiple men cum inside you that gives you a fishy odor, it's an actual bacteria called trichomonas... which is easily treated with metronidazole.
Originally Posted by milfy2002
Do you know what a trash bag full of cum-filled rubbers smell like on a hot day? *PUKE*

Ugh, so about that fishy smell . . .
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Can't smell like fish if you actually wash your fucking vagina
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Trich is an std and it's not normal to have to have to regularly go on antibiotics ijs
willyjack's Avatar

It's not letting multiple men cum inside you that gives you a fishy odor, it's an actual bacteria called trichomonas... which is easily treated with metronidazole.
Originally Posted by milfy2002
"A one-celled protozoan organism called Trichomonas vaginalis causes trichomoniasis. This tiny parasite travels from person to person via genital contact during sexual intercourse."

Not a bacterial infection!

Syphlilis, Gonorhea, and Chlamydia are bacterial infections

It's probably a good thing you're a hooker and not a doctor, because you probably wouldn't have a license.

Vaginal odor is bacterial.

"Bacterial vaginosis also is referred to as nonspecific vaginitis, is a vaginal condition that can produce vaginal discharge and results from an overgrowth of certain kinds of bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called Gardnerella vaginitis, after the bacteria that were thought to cause the condition. However, the newer name, bacterial vaginosis, reflects the fact that there are a number of species of bacteria that naturally live in the vaginal area and may grow to excess, rather than a true infection with foreign bacteria, such as occurs with many sexually-transmitted disease (STDs). The Gardnerella organism is not the sole culprit causing the symptoms. Other kinds of bacteria that can be involved in bacterial vaginosis are Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium, Eubacterium, as well as a number of other types. When these multiple species of bacteria that normally reside in the vagina become unbalanced, a woman can have a vaginal discharge with a foul odor."

aka... Tuna Twat.