
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Babydoll I am pretty sure I could find an avatar that would make your mouth among ther things water. Just can't garauntee it will be me lol
Randall Creed's Avatar
Can'tcha just tell that BabydollSnow wants me?!?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I will match the free deal offered by AllofAmber. Heck I will even give the same deal to Amber if she wants to join in a threesome. Originally Posted by proper
Why you litlle... You posted that before I could lol
dearhunter's Avatar
Can'tcha just tell that BabydollSnow wants me?!?

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Show us what you've us you have enough game to get her interested right here in open forum.........
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Can'tcha just tell that BabydollSnow wants me to stop with all the ranting and post stuff that shows I'm cool...

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Fixed that for ya...
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dh, I could pull it off if I wanted to, but I'm ummmmmm, too tired right now.
Yeah, wore out.

I do like rubbing pretty, preggy bellies. I'd have her purring in no time.

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Dh, I could pull it ... if I wanted to, but I'm .... too tired right now ... wore it out.

I do like rubbing my pretty, pudgie ... I have me purring in no time....

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Ok... that's better than a rant... but try some of DearHunters charm techniques... oh, wait make that RatBoy Jam.. oops, no... try Civil Barrister... Tell ya what... just be yourself ... only try not to be abrasive...
proper's Avatar
Why you litlle... You posted that before I could lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
LOL. If it makes you feel any better - its highly unlikely that either you or me or DH or TMFT or Boardman are getting that deal.
Babydoll I am pretty sure I could find an avatar that would make your mouth among ther things water. Just can't garauntee it will be me lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
i dont know your avatar bunny is doing something to me now....

Can'tcha just tell that BabydollSnow wants me?!?

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Is that what you got out of it........WOW

Show us what you've us you have enough game to get her interested right here in open forum......... Originally Posted by dearhunter
Dont encourage him DH.....things could get ugly!!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well I know your avatar is definitely working me I always wanted to know how good those barrel racing girls were in the sack
Randall Creed's Avatar
I wanna rub your belly and give it a big smooch.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Show us what you've us you have enough game to get her interested right here in open forum......... Originally Posted by dearhunter

Ultimate sign of "GAME" is if you can get her to pull the 180 and book and follow thru with a session.

If nothing else.... You can burn some of that money on DH's super special GS03!

hey guys my name is coco london new to the eccie community and I am trying to get some reviews if you would like to see me email me your request or call me 281-865-1651 and we can go from there
CoCo London

You might want to look around first, before hijacking threads. Especially with this crew....
texasjohn1965's Avatar
there you go RC, you can still get laid in houston.....with a pocket full of cash.