the book she holds is titled "singularity" Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You can't tell a book by it's cover.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If that is her client list, you might want to reconsider. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You can't tell a book by it's cover. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
i'm not concerned if its a client list. I'm single so it doesn't matter.

anyway, stop ruining my fantasy.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-21-2016, 06:10 PM
No one died because of Snowden. Instead we learned of many unconstitutional intrusions on US citizens by a massively corrupt US government. He released information that we have a right to know. He is a hero of the people. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You cannot site a single death as a result of what Snowden did and to state that I do not understand the business is making an assumption that I am less informed than you. You seem to believe that you have some all encompassing knowledge of all of life's consequ3ences yet you can offer no substantial proof. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2D, you are either amazingly illiterate or, more likely, so fixated on your hatred of the US government that you can't actually follow the basic point in this thread, so I will address them one more time in simple terms. After that you and COG can be happy in your ignorance.

1. Snowden directly caused the deaths of a number of people whose identities were derived from information he gave that eventually wound up in pissed off foreign hands. I actually knew one of the murdered people--very casually.

2. No, you obviously DON'T understand the business if you have to have that spoon fed to you. Nor, obviously, does COG.

3. Yes, in this particular area you are grossly less informed than I am. But I have never claimed--as you and LL like to fabricate--that my knowledge is "all encompassing". I am sure there are plenty of areas where I am grossly less informed than you. The difference is I admit when I don't know a topic, but you and a few others here want to pretend you understand things that you have no clue about.

4. Some of what Snowden released should have been released. Give him a gold star for that. Bravo. And then put a bullet in his head for the other things he knowingly released that got people killed. The first part does not excuse the second part--especially not by a person who worked in the Agency long enough to know what he was doing.

5. Quit your utter crap that because I point out Snowden's traitorous actions that somehow means I approve of the scum Clinton's actions. I don't, and I have made that quite clear. But neither do Clinton's actions don't absolve Snowden's. Try them both for treason if you want, I wouldn't care.

6. Having to show ID to fly is another bogus argument that I did not start--but you somehow go ranting in another tangent, saying that because your feelings are hurt, that means Snowden is a hero. Answer my question if you want to play the TSA-hater game: How much of a Redneck do I have to look like to be able to carry my AK-47 on a plane and refuse to show ID? Who gets to decide who "looks like an American and who doesn't"? Or do you think every person should be able to walk on a plane without showing who they are or what they carry? This is not an issue of whether TSA is inept (they are), but whether you are too high and mighty to subjugate yourself to screening--but I damn well bet you think others should be. Certainly anyone browner than you--like those OBVIOUS middle-eastern terrorists from San Ildifanso Pueblo I flew with last week. Tell me clearly--who gets screened and who doesn't?
  • UoH
  • 09-21-2016, 06:22 PM
I read somewhere he work for the UNITED STATES government, I would think if you work for the US government and handle classified tech you would sign an agreement.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-21-2016, 06:30 PM
I am certain he did.

He knew full well what he did.

I suspect it will come out that he stole Johnny's money.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
2D, you are either amazingly illiterate or, more likely, so fixated on your hatred of the US government that you can't actually follow the basic point in this thread, so I will address them one more time in simple terms. After that you and COG can be happy in your ignorance.

1. Snowden directly caused the deaths of a number of people whose identities were derived from information he gave that eventually wound up in pissed off foreign hands. I actually knew one of the murdered people--very casually.

2. No, you obviously DON'T understand the business if you have to have that spoon fed to you. Nor, obviously, does COG.

3. Yes, in this particular area you are grossly less informed than I am. But I have never claimed--as you and LL like to fabricate--that my knowledge is "all encompassing". I am sure there are plenty of areas where I am grossly less informed than you. The difference is I admit when I don't know a topic, but you and a few others here want to pretend you understand things that you have no clue about.

4. Some of what Snowden released should have been released. Give him a gold star for that. Bravo. And then put a bullet in his head for the other things he knowingly released that got people killed. The first part does not excuse the second part--especially not by a person who worked in the Agency long enough to know what he was doing.

5. Quit your utter crap that because I point out Snowden's traitorous actions that somehow means I approve of the scum Clinton's actions. I don't, and I have made that quite clear. But neither do Clinton's actions don't absolve Snowden's. Try them both for treason if you want, I wouldn't care.

6. Having to show ID to fly is another bogus argument that I did not start--but you somehow go ranting in another tangent, saying that because your feelings are hurt, that means Snowden is a hero. Answer my question if you want to play the TSA-hater game: How much of a Redneck do I have to look like to be able to carry my AK-47 on a plane and refuse to show ID? Who gets to decide who "looks like an American and who doesn't"? Or do you think every person should be able to walk on a plane without showing who they are or what they carry? This is not an issue of whether TSA is inept (they are), but whether you are too high and mighty to subjugate yourself to screening--but I damn well bet you think others should be. Certainly anyone browner than you--like those OBVIOUS middle-eastern terrorists from San Ildifanso Pueblo I flew with last week. Tell me clearly--who gets screened and who doesn't?
Originally Posted by Old-T
If any of that is true, I'd agree with you. He should face prison, just as Hillary should for her breach of security. But I've seen no evidence that Snowden's disclosures harmed anyone but the administration. If that changes, my viewpoint will change. And sorry, Old-T, you are not a reliable source.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-21-2016, 09:01 PM
If any of that is true, I'd agree with you. He should face prison, just as Hillary should for her breach of security. But I've seen no evidence that Snowden's disclosures harmed anyone but the administration. If that changes, my viewpoint will change.
That is a reasonable position. I can respect that.

And sorry, Old-T, you are not a reliable source. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I suspect very few on this forum should be taken as reliable--though many of them may well be in "real life"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Old-T , you know nothing about me.
I have no hate toward our Constitutional government. I have a hate for the abuse of power and illegal activities of the people that operate our government.

The failure of our government to follow the law created this issue.
Was it correct to be a citizen of these United States and knowingly sit by and allow our government to commit illegal activities against our citizens? I do not want to be protected by criminals. I do not feel "safe" when our government is committing criminal activities against our fellow Americans. You seem to have no issue with this because to you it is business as usual. I do not accept that.

I believe in national security but not at the expense of illegal actions by the operators of our government.

To me, the scum are those that allow this to happen and do not blow the whistle. Snowden blew the whistle and nothing was done; business as usual. I do not care if an agreement was signed, it should never include illegal actions against fellow Americans. Breaking the law is not justified by somebody convincing somebody else that it is for the greater good. The Constitution is not written for the greater good but because the founders wanted to guarantee freedom and liberty for the individual. If you think the Constitution is wrong there are means within the Constitution to change it. Good luck with that.

If Snowden should return and stand trial then all involved in the illegal activities should also stand trail.

As far as people dying as a result of what Snowden did, you still have not cited a single factual piece of evidence that proves this out.

In the end, or the beginning, all that had to be done was for our government operators to follow the law, responded the correct way when the whistle was blown, and we would not be having this discussion. The operators of our government failed to uphold the one thing they are required to do under oath and that is to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Simple cause and effect. Place the blame where it lies.
  • IAMA
  • 09-24-2016, 01:14 AM
I am certain he did.

He knew full well what he did.

I suspect it will come out that he stole Johnny's money.
Originally Posted by Old-T

yeah, right CJOHNNY54 money.

How may I ask he had access to it?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2016, 06:15 AM
yeah, right CJOHNNY54 money.

How may I ask he had access to it? Originally Posted by IAMA
Don't you watch those Mission Impossible movies? THEY HAVE THEIR WAYS!