Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down

Because the intelligence community made this a priority at the direction of President Biden, we enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect," Sullivan said. Originally Posted by WTF
It's all stupid cartoonist bull shit for the idiots to believe in. Dumb on.
Ripmany's Avatar
Ain't there no fields in Alaska 😂 r no man's land?
Because the intelligence community made this a priority at the direction of President Biden, we enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect," Sullivan said. Originally Posted by WTF

... Hee Hee! ... Too right, mate... THAT'S factual! ...
Almost spilled-over me beer from laughin'... Thanks for posting this.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar

Better question: When is the hanging for treason and dereliction of duty of the Commander in Chief?
... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Hey, i'll bite. Go ahead and get donny head on the chopping block first and execute what you say. Than i'll be Joeys turn.
Precious_b's Avatar
Funny how so many of you people are making a bid deal out of this shit. Some of you old timers are probably scared of your own shadows.

Just FYI, although I am no spy, I assume there are much more efficient and effective ways to spy on a country to obtain intel than using a big ass balloon as a resource/asset to do so. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
It is a way of gathering intel. No matter how unstealthy it is.

My fathers career in the military involved working and being a spook. This was a goldmine for us in the ELINT/ISR category.
Precious_b's Avatar
Spy satellites can see almost everything, balloons equipped with high-tech sensors can hover over a site far longer and can pick up radio, cellular and other transmissions that cannot be detected from space. Originally Posted by LayingPipe
All the libby haters seem to be ignoring this fact repeatedly.