Looks like Obama may have to return the Nobel Peace Prize

I B Hankering's Avatar
Somewhere far, far, far behind "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" Originally Posted by bigtex
Keep trying.

You will not be able to deflect the attention away from your ATF, Obaminable.

Obaminable "owns" this one ... and the fall out.

His insecurity overwhelms what little common sense and cognitive thinking skills he has.

Then he has Susan Rice to cover his ass ... on the talk show circuit!

Where is Hillary? The heir apparent to the throne......... training to dodge sniper fire I presume. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I wonder if Snowden has Obama's college transcripts and application records.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Jesus... What a reach! You're a real piece of work Corpy! You know that, Corpy?
LexusLover's Avatar
Somewhere far, far, far behind "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" Originally Posted by bigtex

"You think?" .... is just not applicable.
Somewhere far, far, far behind "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!"

Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey BIGKOTEX, you may want to read this from CNN (you know, the liberals Communist News Network) back in 2003. Pay attention to this part:

"Cmdr. Conrad Chun, a Navy spokesman, defended the president's assertion.

"The banner was a Navy idea, the ship's idea," Chun said.

Hey BIGKOTEX, you may want to read this from CNN (you know, the liberals Communist News Network) back in 2003. Pay attention to this part:

"Cmdr. Conrad Chun, a Navy spokesman, defended the president's assertion.

"The banner was a Navy idea, the ship's idea. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Apparently satexasguy has not spent much time in the military. Let me simplify things for you. I will take this from the top, ok?

Please pay close attention!

The POTUS is the Commander in Chief of all US military forces! Check!

Are you still paying attention?

Now that we have established that GW was in fact "THE DECIDER," let's move on to the next segment, ok?

Are you still paying attention?

The Aircraft Carrier Abraham Lincoln is a US Navy vessel. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

One of the first things taught in Basic (military)Training is the Chain of Command. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

The highest ranking individual in the Chain of Command for all US military forces is the POTUS. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

Common sense would tell you (this probably eliminates satexasguy) that if the POTUS is the top guy on the totem pole and he is on a US Navy Aircraft Carrier that he would have the unrestricted authority AND OBLIGATION to remove any sign or banner that he deemed inappropriate. Check!

Are you still paying attention.

Dubya not only failed to remove the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner, he gave a major foreign policy speech with it proudly displayed overhead, for all the world to see. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

There is one flaw in the above examples. Dubya has previously demonstrated that he can read a book upside down. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

Perhaps if the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner would have been upside down, Dubya would have been able to read it better. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

While we are not certain whether Dubya can read right side up, we are absolutely certain that satexasguy is a card carrying member of the Idiot family of ignorant cocksuckers. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

Tell your Idiot twin brothers, JD and IB that BT said to go fuck themselves and take you along with them. Check!

Are you still paying attention?

Hail to the Chief! Check!

Are you still paying attention?

Truth be known, I really don't give a shit whether you are paying attention or not!

Over and out!
LexusLover's Avatar
Common sense would tell you (this probably eliminates satexasguy) that if the POTUS is the top guy on the totem pole and he is on a US Navy Aircraft Carrier that he would have the unrestricted authority AND OBLIGATION to remove any sign or banner that he deemed inappropriate. Check!

Over and out! Originally Posted by bigtex
Common sense would more likely tell us ... (not BT, of course, who is obsessed with Bush)

.. that "the Boss" would allow the crew of the Lincoln to celebrate and enjoy their successful MISSION on their way home and announce they had ACCOMPLISHED THEIR MISSION ...

on the way HOME!!!! to "the Boss" .....

Perhaps the reason why BT doesn't understand the concept ... IS ...

... HIS MISSION WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL when he came home in retreat and shame.

Now, BT, go fuck yourself, again.

Because that was then, and then, and THIS IS NOW! ... more retreat and more shame.

Unlike you, BT, I am proud of our military, and the country has been proud of our military since Bush I unleased them to do their business (although it ended too early for my tastes) and Bush II did as well .... in both Afghanistan and Iraq .... after 50 years (with 8 years in between during Clinton's administration when they were blessed with "lids" made in China) ... and rather than begin spit on when walking around in uniforms (if one dared do so) ... the rank and file civilians these days buy them a drink and thank them for their service just like "the good ole days" at the end of WWII. It has taken 50 plus years for our military to be proud of their role in our country ... and allowing them the freedom to brag about a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED is good for them ... but in your anti-Bush rhetoric, because he beat John McCain (your man in 2000) in the primaries, you want to tarnish the pride of the crew of the Lincoln by making some ridiculous claim AGAINST BUSH.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh yeah, the commies kicked them out and won just like they have been doing to the Dimwitcrat party for years.
I B Hankering's Avatar

While we are not certain whether Dubya can read right side up,

Over and out! Originally Posted by bigtex
This is BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar Asshat's way of admitting that he doesn't have the intellectual prowess to read a big-print, children's book -- with pictures -- upside down. BTW, don't let the door hit you in your asshat on your way out, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar Asshat.
BIGKOTEX, yes I was in the Army. A Captain at that.

Yes, the POTUS is commander in Chief. In the words of Hildabeast "What difference does that make?" If you had bothered to read the article, you would see that the NAVY wanted the sign and asked the White House to help get it. If Bush had asked to remove it, he would be disrespecting the Navy. Of course you being a fucking liberal would know all about disrespect. The ONLY reason the sign drew so much attention was because the LIBERAL media made it into an issue.

How are you going to back Obummer for his actions on Syria? Where is the same outrage over Obummer as you have over Bush? Or do you still have his dick in your mouth thus preventing you from thinking straight?
Unlike you, BT, I am proud of our military, . Originally Posted by LexusLover
And which day of your "proud" military career were you the proudest.

Was it the first day that you knew for certain that you were not going to be drafted?
LexusLover's Avatar
Was it the first day that you knew for certain that you were not going to be drafted? Originally Posted by bigtex
Were you drafted?

I'm not sure if "proud" is a good word in that context. What's your point?

Mine was, and is, ....

......you have taken a proud moment of the Lincoln crew, and turned into a misguided, propaganda statement that is totally inaccurate, when one READS the speech (or listen to it if the words are too BIG for you) Bush delivered on deck.

About all I can say to you is ... get over Bush defeating McCain in the 2000 primaries ... but that doesn't explain why you would not support McCain in 2008 ... unless it is because ...

.....Bush beat him in the 2000 primaries.
Were you drafted? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, I was not drafted. But I was "proud" to join!

While on the subject, were you "proud" to be drafted?

Or, were you "proud" to join?

Or, were you just "proud" to watch from a distance?
LexusLover's Avatar
No, I was not drafted. But I was "proud" to join!

Or were you just "proud" to watch from a distance? Originally Posted by bigtex
I am proud of the job our military does ... whether they were drafted, joined believing they would not be deployed into harms way, or joined to be deployed.

And since you know so much about me personally, you know I was not drafted.

Just like I "assumed" you were not drafted. Your point?

My point is just as I said:

"Mine was, and is, ....

......you have taken a proud moment of the Lincoln crew, and turned into a misguided, propaganda statement that is totally inaccurate, when one READS the speech (or listen to it if the words are too BIG for you) Bush delivered on deck."

From that event I was watching "from a distance" .. just as you. We obviously saw it from a different perspective.

Mine was based on reality, yours was based on political considerations.

Now, go beat your chest, waive your ribbons, and rattle your medals elsewhere to someone who is impressed.

Perhaps the guy on the "right"? You were obviously impressed with him?
Unlike you, BT, I am proud of our military Originally Posted by LexusLover
I am proud of the job our military does ... whether they were drafted, joined believing they would not be deployed into harms way, or joined to be deployed.

And since you know so much about me personally, you know I was not drafted.

Just like I "assumed" you were not drafted. Your point? Originally Posted by LexusLover
My "point?" I was merely expanding on your introduction of the word "proud" into this conversation.

Since you were not drafted, were you "proud" to join and/or "proud" to be deployed into harms way. Or "proud" to join to be deployed?

Or were just "proud" to watch it all from a distance? If so, no harm, no foul! I am just curious at the depth of you being "proud."

While on the subject, it is equally apparent that being a "proud" Monday Morning Quarterback is something LL has always excelled at. Unfortunately for us all, LL always will!!!!!!!