DUI Laws, Love em or Hate em

Longermonger's Avatar
My answer. Nothing, not a dime. I'm not paying for people to go out and have the public transportation take them home on my dime. Those going out to the bars can get a cab. I don't care how much it cost. Going out to the bars is a luxury, it is by no means a right.

That's a horrible idea. Most bars are bar and grills. Where are the dining patrons of the bar and grill going to park? What about parking for the lunch crowd many bar and grills have?

Don't want to drink and drive, but you still want to go out. There are three simple solutions. Have a designated driver, have someone drop you off at the bar (a friend, taxi, bus, etc) or hit the pavement and walk to the bar. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
The status quo doesn't work. Expecting drunks to be reasonable and do the right thing is folly. I understand why you don't like the idea of picking up the tab (tee hee... bar pun) for the free riders (literally). But that small price would save lives (...including daughters). A few dollars a year seems like a bargain to me.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
BigMike please stay on the topic and away from personal attacks. Originally Posted by Omahan
If you feel that was a personal attack feel free to ban me. This is part of the topic! First hand experience. Or should I apologize and say I'm sorry some nimrod killed my daughter and you were wrongfully detained.

Lacrew, I get it. And I do feel good about it. All those wrongfully arrested have due process and a chance to clear their name. Those killed do not. And thanks for throwing it in my face. (personal attack by you? Get it now?)

Our society has become selfish and all about me, me , me. All I hear is how bad I was treated, how wrong they were to me. We live in a society, which means laws are passed to protect and benefit society as a whole while trying to maintain as much individual rights as possible.

Those arrogant enough to believe all of their self-determined rights out-weigh the rights of other individuals, need to go live in a cabin in the woods and write their manifesto.

Hey, I feel like getting drunk and drive tonight. Why don't all of you tell me where your sons and daughters live and I'll be happy to pay them a visit. Unless, I get stopped by a cop first who just wants to harass me.

I forgave the bastard who killed my daughter a long time ago. But I'll never forgive the judge who put him back on the street, where he could harm other.
Granted, this site says 2004, but its still reality. They say pictures are worth a thousand words.


I'd be more than happy to be pulled over and inconvienced anytime for any reason if any of the following people who are now numbers on a stats page could be brought back to life....and yes, even the drunk drivers who lost their lives too.



No, its not easy when someone is wrongfully charged with a DUI and yes, it costs money to fight, but at least you're alive.

So its OK that the over 11,000 people who died in 2008 because of a drunk driver as opposed to the people who are inconvienced?
Did you click the link? This guy WAS NOT DRINKING. But he got arrested and put on perp TV. There is a video which proves the COP WAS LYING.

While this cop was harassing this person and falsifying his report, a REAL drunk driver could have driven right by him.

Get it now? Its become a revenue producer. If it were about safety, why offer diversions? If it were about safety, why set up checkpoints to ferret out people who are just over the limit...instead of driving around looking for people obviously over the limit?

We could be SAFER, if politicians and LE used more common sense instead of using small minded people to gin up support for simplistic money making schemes. Its a difficult discussion, that some people refuse to engage in because of emotion and rage.

You want to come visit my kids Mike? Really? You're probably older than me...but you still have alot of growing up to do.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Lacrew -

Thanks for the compassion and understanding you have shown. I appreciate that you offered your condolences for my loss. It takes a muture person to do so. Hats off to you.

Visiting your kids - perhaps I should have added speaking metaphorically. Trying to make people inderstand. Get it?

If it was a money making scheme, as you so wisely put it, why do so many people get off the hook with a small fine and a reduced charge on their record?

Even if I disagree with your opinions, I still believe in free speech. So have at it. I even agree with free speech so much, that I feel this local Independence boy has the right to his own humor on the website below. I don't think its funny but perhaps you will.


Enjoy it.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Omahan -

Don't worry about me posting any more on this subject. Too painful to remember. Don't even want to read anymore of it.

My post wasn't totally in response to yours. I was touching upon the inconvience factor.

Yes, I did click the link and yes, I did read it. I'm sorry that happened to the guy, but our judicial system isn't perfect and needs a total rehaul in my opinion. There are many people out there that aren't guilty of their crimes and its always up to us (the innocent like him) to make them see the faults in the system.

Is this an emotional topic, of course it is. It touches to many people and not in a good way.

Its up to us to help change the laws, talk to the politicians and make them see that the laws aren't perfect and that a change is in need.
Omahan's Avatar
Guys I'm going to close this thread. I think both sides have had a chance to clearly state their opinions and to continue will do nothing but cause more hurt and bad feelings between people who would otherwise be friends.