Body of a black man was found hanging from a tree in Mississippi

rioseco's Avatar
You will never get it. I could talk till I was blue in the face. You just don't have the capacity for critical thought that will allow you to understand it. That's not a knock on you, it's just who you are. Whenever something happens to a black person and people like you immediately want to shift it to reverse racism, I know right away that you just don't have a clue. We won't always be the majority in this country. In fact, in probably less than 20 years, we won't be. Woe be to you that don't get it. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're right, I will never agree with the one sided biased bullshit of the left and special interest groups. As a matter of fact I'm sick of the race card bullshit.
Can you recall how last year white people were getting "knocked out" in the streets of some cities just for kicks by black criminals ???
Strange how that shit didn't matter. How much press coverage and justice department attention did that get ? Why weren't these criminal acts pursued as hate crimes against white victims ?
Where was the irreverent Al Sharpton on that ? How about that loud mouthed Jeremiah Wright ?
Where was Farakan, Sharpton, Obama and Holder's racist asses when members of the NBPP were using voter intimidation at the polls ?
Such things prove how one sided the special interest groups and liberals want the "race" dialogue to be.
I don't owe these liars nothing, the last of which is empathy.

You're right, I will never agree with the one sided biased bullshit of the left and special interest groups. As a matter of fact I'm sick of the race card bullshit.
Can you recall how last year white people were getting "knocked out" in the streets of some cities just for kicks by black criminals ???
Strange how that shit didn't matter. How much press coverage and justice department attention did that get ? Why weren't these criminal acts pursued as hate crimes against white victims ?
Where was the irreverent Al Sharpton on that ? How about that loud mouthed Jeremiah Wright ?
Where was Farakan, Sharpton, Obama and Holder's racist asses when members of the NBPP were using voter intimidation at the polls ?
Such things prove how one sided the special interest groups and liberals want the "race" dialogue to be.
I don't owe these liars nothing, the last of which is empathy.

Originally Posted by rioseco
Case in point, ladies and gentlemen. An entire race of people are liars, because of 4 men. That's brilliant thinking.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think I will go see the play The Merchant of Venice tonight at the Jewish Theater. Tomorrow I have tickets for Women Playing Hamlet at the Unicorn. Just sayin....