Munchmasterman's Avatar
Wanting to get to Hawaii as qucikly as she could, Princess Michelle flew ahead of Barack, costing an estimated $100,000 in tax payer money........

Why couldn't her royal highness wait a few days and save us working stiffs some money?

And the entire cost of thier 17-day vacation? About $4 to $5 million. I can't recall Bush and Laura ever taking such extravagance for a domestic vacation.....can one you Obamazombies provide me with information otherwise? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You like numbers?

Bush by the numbers.

National Debt Increase: $4.9 trillion.

National Debt as of Jan. 15, 2009: $10.6 trillion
Debt when Mr. Bush took office: $5.7 trillion
(Source: U.S. Treasury Dept.)

Did you notice Bush was on vacation over 1000 days (days spent at Camp David, days at Crawford ranch, or days at his parents out of 2922 days in office)?

Number Of Political Fund-Raisers Attended By President Bush: 338

Amount Or Money Raised At These Fund-Raisers: $802,586,070
(Some campaigns refused to disclose the amounts)

U.S. Military Deaths In Iraq: 4,228
(Source: Dept of Defense as of Jan. 16, 2009)

U.S. Military Deaths In Afghanistan: 634
(Source: Dept. of Defense as of Jan. 16, 2009)

Number Of Visits To Camp David: 149, totaling all or part of 487 days.

Number Of Visits To His Texas Ranch: 77, totaling all or part of 490 days.

Number Of Visits To His Parents' Home In Kennebunkport, Maine: 11, totaling all or part of 43 days

Number Of Out Of Town Domestic Trips: 609
(That's not counting Camp David visits or bike riding outings

Number Of Foreign Trips: 49

Number Of Foreign Nations Visited: 75

Number Of Formal, Solo, White House News Conferences: 44

Total Number Of News Conferences: 212
(Including many joint sessions with foreign leaders at home and abroad)

Number Of Presidential Pardons: 189

· By Comparison:

Bill Clinton: 396
George H.W. Bush: 74
Ronald Reagan: 393
Jimmy Carter: 534
Gerald Ford: 382
Richard Nixon: 863
Lyndon Johnson: 960
John Kennedy: 472
Dwight Eisenhower: 1110
Harry S. Truman: 1913

Number Of Recess Appointments: 165
(Source: Senate Historian)
Democrats blocked the practice in the fall of 2007 by keeping the Senate in session even during holiday periods

Addresses To The Nation: 23
(The last was his Farewell Address on Jan. 15, 2009)

Addresses To Joint Sessions Of Congress: 9
(Of which 7 were State of the Union speeches)

Vetoes: 12, including 1 pocket veto.
(President Bush did not cast his first veto until his sixth year in office - a measure to extend federal funding of stem cell research.)
By comparison:

Bill Clinton cast 37 (not counting line item vetoes)
George H.W. Bush: 44
Reagan: 78
Carter: 31
Ford: 66
FDR: 635

Vetoes Overridden By Congress: 4

H.R. 1495 - the Water Resources Development Act of 2007
H.R. 2419 - the $289-billion "Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008"
H.R. 6124 - The "Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008."
H.R. 6331 - the "Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008."

Number Of Flights On Air Force One: 1,674
(Source: Presidential Airlift Group)

Number Of Miles Flown On Air Force One: 1,490,698
(Presidential Airlift Group)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2011, 08:59 PM
Let me WTF-Size It For Ya..........George and Laura never took $4 million domestic vacations; and I can't ever recall Laura insisting on spending taxpayer money to get outta town a couple of hours before her husband ! So there was no reason to criticize the Bush's. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I am not criticizing the Bush's or Laura.

I am making fun of anyone dumb enough to cry about Obama's wife leaving early for her vacation that has not criticized all other presidential vacations. Where were you when Laura Bush was in Paris. These things are like moon landings or 9/11 for you it seems!

Laura Bush was also a frequent flier who often brought her daughters along for the ride.
Her first foreign foray was a ten-day trip to Paris, Budapest and Prague in 2002 with daughter Jenna, who was then 20.
The White House made sure Laura Bush had at least one "official" event in each city, but she and Jenna spent the bulk of their time at each locale shopping and taking in the sights.
TexTushHog's Avatar

How soon they forget. Laura Bush took her daughters on a safari to Africa at our expense. But that's OK because she's white. Right?
Whirly is just doing his best Marshy immitation. He misses him dearly!

You guys need to show a little compassion!
Wordsmith's Avatar
I think more to the point is the current POTUS' well-documented suggestion to citizens to tighten their belts and no spend on extravengent things. While they live high on the tax payers dime. Instead of going to Hawaii why not go to his home in Chicago. I guess because then he might have is terrorist buddy show up for egg nog or have to go to Rev. Wright's church for Christmas Eve services.
BigLouie's Avatar
Let me WTF-Size It For Ya..........George and Laura never took $4 million domestic vacations; and I can't ever recall Laura insisting on spending taxpayer money to get outta town a couple of hours before her husband ! So there was no reason to criticize the Bush's. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Actually Laura Bush did and there is reason to criticize the Bush's but you just don't want to admit it or even admit the Laura's trips existed.
Thanks to all the Obamazombies for confirming;

1). Obamas are the only 1st family to spend an outrageous $4-$5 million ( taxpayer money) on domestic vacation, and,

2). Michelle is the only first lady to screw taxpayers out of hundreds of thousands so she could get an early jump on her vacation. By only hours this summer, and a few days this month.
Proof please.........

Actually Laura Bush did and there is reason to criticize the Bush's but you just don't want to admit it or even admit the Laura's trips existed. Originally Posted by BigLouie
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2011, 07:39 AM
Thanks to all the Obamazombies for confirming;

1). Obamas are the only 1st family to spend an outrageous $4-$5 million ( taxpayer money) on domestic vacation, and,

2). Michelle is the only first lady to screw taxpayers out of hundreds of thousands so she could get an early jump on her vacation. By only hours this summer, and a few days this month. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh I see, it is just when the first lady blows money on domestic vacations that you cry foul. If other first ladies blew money going to say Paris, it is quite all right!

That makes sense, you guys would rather blow up another country and rebuild their schools and roads than fix this countries schools and roads. Hey bud, at least you are consistent! .
I think more to the point is the current POTUS' well-documented suggestion to citizens to tighten their belts and no spend on extravengent things. While they live high on the tax payers dime. Instead of going to Hawaii why not go to his home in Chicago. I guess because then he might have is terrorist buddy show up for egg nog or have to go to Rev. Wright's church for Christmas Eve services. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
Best post of the thread! Exactly.

BTW, WTF, Bush's constant vacationing grated on me to no end. But I was wrong. If he'd kept vacationing and hangin' at the ranch maybe that ignorant ass may not have started a ten year war.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2011, 10:15 AM
Best post of the thread! Exactly.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Why not have Wordsmith provide a link so I can see the context of what Wordsmith says Obama said and what was actually said before we go proclaiming this some great post of fact.

BTW, WTF, Bush's constant vacationing grated on me to no end. But I was wrong. If he'd kept vacationing and hangin' at the ranch maybe that ignorant ass may not have started a ten year war. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Using that logic, you should be tickled pink that Obama is going on vacation then.

Look Bush took vacations and I never bitched. People that bitch about this type of spending are not really looking at the bigger picture IMHO. Obama grew up in Hawaii....why the fuc would he spend Christmas in Chicago? Makes no fuc'n sense. Just something to bitch about if you ask me.
Roothead's Avatar
neither did OBama... just another Tea Party twist - go to and watch how they debunk all sorts of falsehoods, from the right and the left....
Munchmasterman's Avatar
neither did OBama... just another Tea Party twist - go to and watch how they debunk all sorts of falsehoods, from the right and the left.... Originally Posted by Roothead
Yeah, right.

Throw debunking up in our faces.

I hope you get lumps of high-mercury content coal from Santa Claus
BigLouie's Avatar
Proof please......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
*sigh* not that you will believe me but:

Laura Bush took 68 foreign trips while First Lady; some with her daughters, some without. 5 of those trips were to Africa.

You could start with Bush's first domestic vacation 6 months after Dubya took office. She and four female friends journeyed Yosmite with an entourage of some 25 people, including Secret Service agents, a White House communications team, various aides and several park officials. I can just imagine how much that cost the government.

Laura Bush was also a frequent flier who often brought her daughters along for the ride.

Her first foreign foray was a ten-day trip to Paris, Budapest and Prague in 2002 with daughter Jenna, who was then 20.

The White House made sure Laura Bush had at least one "official" event in each city, but she and Jenna spent the bulk of their time at each locale shopping and taking in the sights. Jenna was listed as being on staff so we picked up her dime.

I could go on and on but you get the picture.
thisguy23's Avatar
You like numbers?

Bush by the numbers.

National Debt Increase: $4.9 trillion.

National Debt as of Jan. 15, 2009: $10.6 trillion
Debt when Mr. Bush took office: $5.7 trillion
(Source: U.S. Treasury Dept.)

Did you notice Bush was on vacation over 1000 days (days spent at Camp David, days at Crawford ranch, or days at his parents out of 2922 days in office)?

Number Of Political Fund-Raisers Attended By President Bush: 338

Amount Or Money Raised At These Fund-Raisers: $802,586,070
(Some campaigns refused to disclose the amounts)

U.S. Military Deaths In Iraq: 4,228
(Source: Dept of Defense as of Jan. 16, 2009)

U.S. Military Deaths In Afghanistan: 634
(Source: Dept. of Defense as of Jan. 16, 2009)

Number Of Visits To Camp David: 149, totaling all or part of 487 days.

Number Of Visits To His Texas Ranch: 77, totaling all or part of 490 days.

Number Of Visits To His Parents' Home In Kennebunkport, Maine: 11, totaling all or part of 43 days

Number Of Out Of Town Domestic Trips: 609
(That's not counting Camp David visits or bike riding outings

Number Of Foreign Trips: 49

Number Of Foreign Nations Visited: 75

Number Of Formal, Solo, White House News Conferences: 44

Total Number Of News Conferences: 212
(Including many joint sessions with foreign leaders at home and abroad)

Number Of Presidential Pardons: 189

· By Comparison:

Bill Clinton: 396
George H.W. Bush: 74
Ronald Reagan: 393
Jimmy Carter: 534
Gerald Ford: 382
Richard Nixon: 863
Lyndon Johnson: 960
John Kennedy: 472
Dwight Eisenhower: 1110
Harry S. Truman: 1913

Number Of Recess Appointments: 165
(Source: Senate Historian)
Democrats blocked the practice in the fall of 2007 by keeping the Senate in session even during holiday periods

Addresses To The Nation: 23
(The last was his Farewell Address on Jan. 15, 2009)

Addresses To Joint Sessions Of Congress: 9
(Of which 7 were State of the Union speeches)

Vetoes: 12, including 1 pocket veto.
(President Bush did not cast his first veto until his sixth year in office - a measure to extend federal funding of stem cell research.)
By comparison:

Bill Clinton cast 37 (not counting line item vetoes)
George H.W. Bush: 44
Reagan: 78
Carter: 31
Ford: 66
FDR: 635

Vetoes Overridden By Congress: 4

H.R. 1495 - the Water Resources Development Act of 2007
H.R. 2419 - the $289-billion "Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008"
H.R. 6124 - The "Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008."
H.R. 6331 - the "Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008."

Number Of Flights On Air Force One: 1,674
(Source: Presidential Airlift Group)

Number Of Miles Flown On Air Force One: 1,490,698
(Presidential Airlift Group) Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Run the numbers for bho, if you dont mind, so we can put the two side by side. 8 yrs for bush 3 yrs bho