eraps day?

NewWave's Avatar
IIt does at times come across that some people here are bullying other people. That just rubs me the wrong way. Call it a character flaw in me I guess. I've been that way since grade school. I always seemed to jump in to help weaker kids. It does seem though that it's never one on one, but the minute one guy from your group (not calling them a pack) has beef, the others quickly jump in and then it gets ugly. Having said that, some of the "other" guys don't seem to know when to let things drop either. So I'll agree partially with your last statement that at that point, it DOES seem to turn into a free for all. Just my two worthless cents. Originally Posted by DTorchia
great points and a person of my own heart. I too always root for the underdog and try to help out the weaker kids against the bullies. I know I could have done more, especially when i was younger, but I tried.

I don't think Yssup is the savior of Eccie (funny thought actually) nor Whispers and crew need to be booted. Far from it. It's like you said though, perhaps its a character flaw, but I'll always take the individual vs the clique or the mob.
Whispers's Avatar
Personally, I do feel there's a "let's put them in their place" mentality that takes place here at times. That seems to be directed toward some women and men. It's no coincidence that when some of the girls have spoken up before, there seems at times to be an effort (sometimes, not all) to say...."Let's not forget who's paying who here" mentality. It's plain to see. If a guy disagrees with this he's a WK, PWLD, etc.. Let's keep it real here Whispers, you know this is true and you know you and others have done it and done so consciously. Originally Posted by DTorchia

I disagree...... You and I can go back and forth all day long and never get to the WK.... .PWLD..... stage.....

and it truly depends on the subject and what is being said... There are 50+ threads on the first two pages,,,,, in a couple of them I am just as much fun as well as playful as others........ I can have fun with some subjects...... In a couple of others I can get ugly......

If anyone TRULY digs and reads it starts though over some basic principles..... A member voices an opinion that something was a threAD and I agreed..... piling on began... I can cut with a sharper knife than some others.... I DON'T see them in certain lights as ladies.... I see them as a business and in that case I was supporting someone's right to their opinion.....

In over most of those threads I have no opinion or comments whatsoever that I can recall...

I can understand that there are some lonely guys out there without the social skills to get attention that need to play with hookers and strippers.....

I do disagree with the need to glamorize them into being more than that in every single thread.....
What's the female equivalent to a PWLD? After this post I'd totally be yours. DWLK(dickwhipped lap kitten)?

Not sure if you're speaking in general terms or specifically to me since you quoted my post. I didn't mention ERAPS and personally, I can't picture anyone running me off from this board or anywhere else. As others have mentioned, you are intelligent and you DO know exactly what you're doing Whispers. I have no beef with you or anyone else but we do disagree on some things. Personally, I do feel there's a "let's put them in their place" mentality that takes place here at times. That seems to be directed toward some women and men. It's no coincidence that when some of the girls have spoken up before, there seems at times to be an effort (sometimes, not all) to say...."Let's not forget who's paying who here" mentality. It's plain to see. If a guy disagrees with this he's a WK, PWLD, etc.. Let's keep it real here Whispers, you know this is true and you know you and others have done it and done so consciously.
Like you say, own up to your feelings and actions.
I could care less who deems me or others "worthy" of being on the board as to our contributions, reviews etc. It simply doesn't matter to me. I utilize the board for MY purposes as YOU utilize the board for YOURS. Live and let live.
Bottom line....if a woman on the board is needlessly attacked, I'll say something. That's just the way it is. If 10 posters jump on one guy who's trying to make a VALID point (in my opinion), I'll say something. No one's gonna stop that and I'll do so without the slightest concern of which side of the "Fence" that puts me on.
I've met some pretty cool people on this site, both in person and on the board.
I've participated in the hobby but choose not to write about it for varying reasons. Some say that's selfish, I think it's smart given MY situation. I have nothing to "prove" to anyone.
I'll stay here as long as I continue to have fun, as long as it continues to fulfill what I came here for and as long as I stay within the rules and don't get booted. Originally Posted by DTorchia
That's part of the problem.,....

You PERCEIVE that we are a group because we have similar ideas and will support each other.

We also often disagree..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Lost me with that second sentence. Where? In IMs? I think that pretty much amounts to "the point" insofar as there is one.
WELL....... That is a big ass whole and I don't plan on falling in it!
I have just began posting and reading more often on here. Alot of the non-full service providers seem to think we are not welcome here. We may not be as popular I have not found that to be true. As I have been reading I have picked up attitude and feel some tension on the threads but have been pleased with seeing the mod's nudge, hey get back on the topic fellows etc. etc.etc. I believe whenever you have a variaty speaking their mind you are bound to have crassness and for better use of wording spunk......................... .You have Yankies, Jews, Polocks. Irish, Africans, Mexicans,And of course the Coon asees like me and whatever other slang type of heritage I did not mention.
I happened to look on that board just last week to find post about me so I could find reviews and put them on my showcase. And the one thing about that board is if another provider years ago pissed at you and signed on and slandered your good reputation saying awful things it is still on that board from 2006 and since it is under a (hobbiers) name that she so happen to be sucking bone dry at the time it will not be removed. So what I am saying on a ladies perspective it is/was easy to have true and not so true reviews written on you. On here that is not easily done as I can tell the Mod do a good job keeping things on the real...just my 1 1/2 cents since I am Cajun you know I don't have a full 2 cents. lol